breast cancer

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Next Stop for 'Boobies' Bracelets: Supreme Court?

Pa. school board votes to appeal federal court decision

(Newser) - The court battle between two girls and their Pennsylvania school over "I (heart) Boobies!" bracelets could be settled by the US Supreme Court. The Easton Area School District board voted 7-1 last night to appeal a federal appeals court's decision that rejected its claim the bracelets are...

Drinking Before Having Kids Raises Breast Cancer Risk

Study suggests non-moms should drink less than once a day

(Newser) - Drinking a glass of wine a day may cut your heart disease risk , help you lose weight , or just make you generally healthier . But if you're a woman who hasn't had kids yet, it might also give you breast cancer, a new study suggests. The study found that...

'Boobies' Bracelets Aren't Lewd: Court

They're about breast cancer awareness

(Newser) - If kids at a Pennsylvania middle school want to wear bracelets declaring their love for boobies, the district has no right to stop them, a federal appeals court says. Two teens were suspended for wearing bracelets reading "I Heart Boobies"—a breast cancer awareness slogan—during their school'...

Etheridge: Jolie's Double Mastectomy Not 'Brave'

She calls it the 'fearful choice,' Brad Pitt responds

(Newser) - When Angelina Jolie revealed her choice to have a preventative double mastectomy, celebrities fell all over themselves in their rush to call her courageous—but not Melissa Etheridge. In an interview with the Washington Blade last week that apparently just got noticed by the celebrity media, Etheridge—a breast cancer...

Jolie Aunt Dies of Breast Cancer

She loses cancer battle weeks after Jolie reveals surgery

(Newser) - Angelina Jolie's aunt has died of breast cancer just two weeks after Jolie revealed that she had a double mastectomy to prevent the same disease, E! Online reports. Debbie Martin, 61, was the younger sister of Jolie's mother, whose death from ovarian cancer in 2007 led to Jolie'...

Jolie's Best Message Applies to All Women

They have choices and need not live in fear: Anne Taylor Fleming

(Newser) - Stories about the victimization of women have been so prevalent of late—from the rising number of assaults in the military to the awful Cleveland case —that Anne Taylor Fleming has been both disgusted and infuriated when catching up on the news, she writes at Reuters . And then along...

Inside Angelina Jolie's Treatment

Her doctor reveals she was back at work 4 days later

(Newser) - Angelina Jolie was back at work just days after her double mastectomy, Dr. Kristi Funk reveals in a blog post about the star's medical journey. "To a large extent, I believe recovery reflects expectation. Angelina expected to feel well, to be active," Funk writes on the Pink...

What's Best for Angelina May Not Be Best for You

Remember: health industry 'gets rich off fear': Mary Elizabeth Williams

(Newser) - There's no question that Angelina Jolie made a courageous move in undergoing a double mastectomy . But in the applause for her decision, it's important to keep the cancer conversation in context, writes Mary Elizabeth Williams—herself a cancer survivor —at Salon . "I can swear to you...

Brad Pitt: Angelina Is a Hero
 Brad Pitt: Angelina Is a Hero 

Brad Pitt: Angelina Is a Hero

Praises Jolie's decision to get double mastectomy

(Newser) - Brad Pitt, who was with Angelina Jolie when she had her preventative double mastectomy , tells the Evening Standard he stands fully behind her decision. "Having witnessed this decision firsthand, I find Angie’s choice, as well as so many others like her, absolutely heroic. I thank our medical team...

CNN's Sambolin Plans Double Mastectomy

Jolie's announcement 'gives me strength,' says anchor

(Newser) - On the heels of Angelina Jolie's revelation about her double mastectomy , CNN anchor Zoraida Sambolin—of Early Start—has announced she'll also undergo the procedure. "I struggled for weeks trying to figure out how tell you that I had been diagnosed with breast cancer and was leaving...

Angelina Jolie: I Had Double Mastectomy

She reveals cancer-preventing surgery in 'NYT' op-ed

(Newser) - Angelina Jolie has had both her breasts surgically removed after learning that she carries the gene BRCA1, which sharply raises the risk of breast and ovarian cancer. "My doctors estimated that I had an 87% risk of breast cancer and a 50% risk of ovarian cancer," Jolie, whose...

74 Genetic Markers Found for Major Cancers

Results could help scientists fine-tune tests in coming years

(Newser) - A huge, international cancer study has identified 74 DNA regions associated with breast, prostate, and ovarian cancers, more than doubling the number of genetic markers known, reports the Los Angeles Times . The Collaborative Oncological Gene-environment Study, or COGS, combined the research on 250,000 people around the world to create...

Breast Cancer Radiation Raises Heart Risk
Breast Cancer Radiation Raises Heart Risk

Breast Cancer Radiation Raises Heart Risk

But study's author says the benefits outweigh dangers

(Newser) - A new study looks at the heart dangers posed by radiation in breast cancer treatment, but despite the 2,168-woman, 43-year survey, the meaning of the results comes down to who you ask. "This is a major concern," one oncologist tells USA Today , while a cardiologist warns that...

FDA Approves Pricey New Breast Cancer Drug

Full course of Roche's Kadcyla will cost $94K

(Newser) - The FDA has approved a first-of-a-kind breast cancer medication that targets tumor cells while sparing healthy ones. The drug Kadcyla from Roche combines the established drug Herceptin with a powerful chemotherapy drug and a third chemical linking the medicines together. The chemical keeps the cocktail intact until it binds to...

Mastectomy Can Actually Lower Chance of Surviving
Mastectomy Can Actually Lower Chance of Surviving
study says

Mastectomy Can Actually Lower Chance of Surviving

Lumpectomy with radiotherapy is more effective: breast cancer study

(Newser) - You may think a mastectomy is a safer bet than a lumpectomy for those diagnosed with breast cancer. But a new study of more than 100,000 women with the disease finds that for those who catch it in its early stages, the opposite is actually true. Women diagnosed with...

Mammogram Study: 1.3M Women 'Overdiagnosed'

But proponents of the tests call findings 'malicious nonsense'

(Newser) - Add this to the ever-going debate over mammograms: A new study in the New England Journal of Medicine says 1.3 million women have been incorrectly diagnosed—or "overdiagnosed"—with breast cancer over the past 30 years because of them, reports the Los Angeles Times . That means about...

Sharon Osbourne: I Had a Double Mastectomy

She had procedure as a precaution against breast cancer

(Newser) - Sharon Osbourne has had a double mastectomy as a precaution against breast cancer, she reveals in today's issue of Hello! magazine. The 60-year-old had the procedure after learning she has a gene upping her risk of getting the disease. "I didn't want to live the rest of...

Breast Cancer Survivors: Stop Sexualizing Our Disease

Irreverent campaigns going too far, many say: USA Today

(Newser) - Breast Cancer Awareness Month is all but gone, and chances are pretty good you got a glimpse at some risque campaigns—"Save the Ta-Tas" perhaps, or a "Feel your boobies" T-shirt, or maybe a "Save 2nd Base" poster complete with well-endowed young model in pink bikini. The...

Doctors, Patient Groups Split Over New Mammogram Laws

Physicians fear required warnings could prompt unneeded worry

(Newser) - Doctors' groups and patient advocates are facing off over new state laws that require health professionals to warn women when mammograms reveal dense breast tissue. Density—the result of higher proportions of connective or glandular tissue—can make it more difficult to detect cancer, since both the tissue and tumors...

Vast Study Pinpoints 4 Types of Breast Cancer

Genetic study offers 'road map' to future cures

(Newser) - A sweeping, 348-author study has made giant leaps in scientists' understanding of breast cancer, with genetic analysis dividing the disease into four different types that call for different treatments. While it could take years, and perhaps dozens of clinical trials, before these therapies hit the mainstream, "this is the...

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