Ron Paul

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Ron Paul&#39;s Star on the Rise
 Ron Paul's Star on the Rise 

Ron Paul's Star on the Rise

Libertarian could be kingmaker if he wins Iowa

(Newser) - Not many Republicans believe Ron Paul will win their party's nomination, but as he tops polls in Iowa , his power has become impossible for the GOP to ignore, the Washington Post finds. The libertarian congressman has a solid organization, and a big, committed—and largely young—base of followers...

It&#39;s Rick Santorum&#39;s Turn
 It's Rick Santorum's Turn 

It's Rick Santorum's Turn

Michael Tomasky predicts the next big turn in the race

(Newser) - Michael Tomasky was delighted with the latest Iowa poll . Not because Ron Paul was on top, but because "my man Rick Santorum has made it to the promised land of double digits." Sure, he claimed just 10%, but Tomasky thinks it’s finally time for a Santorum boomlet,...

Newt, Mitt Now in Dead Heat: Poll
 Newt, Mitt Now in Dead Heat 
new poll

Newt, Mitt Now in Dead Heat

Gingrich tells rivals to end 'reprehensible' attacks

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's support is at its highest since July, while Newt Gingrich's is fading, according to the latest Washington Post / ABC News poll. So the two candidates are now in a dead heat nationwide with 30% support each among Republicans and Republican-leaning voters, the poll found. Ron...

Ron Paul Takes Lead in Iowa Poll
 No. 1 in Iowa: Ron Paul 
new poll

No. 1 in Iowa: Ron Paul

As Newt Gingrich plummets

(Newser) - Don’t look now, but the frontrunner in Iowa might be ... Ron Paul?! According to the latest Public Policy Polling survey , the oft-dismissed libertarian is leading the field with 23% compared to Mitt Romney’s 20%. Newt Gingrich, meanwhile, is sinking fast, down to 14%, just ahead of Michele Bachmann,...

Ron Paul: Bachmann 'Hates Muslims'

He appears on Jay Leno's show and lets loose

(Newser) - Ron Paul got a little feisty on Jay Leno's show last night, with one line in particular drawing a lot of attention today. Asked to critique Michele Bachmann, he said that she "hates Muslims" and "wants to go get them." He apparently made the comment in...

Ron Paul's Money Policy Would Trigger Next Depression

Unfortunately, his views are embraced by the GOP: Paul Krugman

(Newser) - It seems to be Ron Paul's turn in the GOP spotlight, and while he may be a longshot to win the nomination, his views on monetary policy are representative of the party establishment—and they're highly dangerous, writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . Paul believes in...

Debate Post-Mortem: Gingrich Still Flying Highest, But Winged

Bachmann, Paul, Perry, Romney score with press

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich stumbled in his explanations for taking money from Freddie Mac, but he managed to keep the "zany" at bay, and was one of the winners in last night's debate for several observers. But some dark horses—most notably Michele Bachmann—also surged to the front of...

Last Showdown in Iowa
 Donnybrook in Iowa 


Donnybrook in Iowa

Candidates mix it up in last debate before caucuses

(Newser) - A mostly pit-bull line-up of GOP candidates mixed it up tonight in the final debate before the Iowa caucuses. Their performance could well decide their success or failure in the key state. Rivals and moderators put barely-front-runner Newt Gingrich in the hot seat, and his response was to be more...

Right's Mistake: Ignoring Ron Paul

Conservatives sideline candidate amid growing support for his ideas

(Newser) - It's time for mainstream conservatives to stop pretending Ron Paul doesn't exist, writes Conor Friedersdorf in the Atlantic . He embodies the Tea Party's small-government ethos. He raises "legitimate concerns"—about the Iraq war, for example—that no other candidate will espouse; most Republicans now see...

Gingrich's Stock Plunges on InTrade

Betters only give him a 14% chance

(Newser) - If you had to put your money on it, would you bet that Newt Gingrich will win the Republican nomination? If so, you're in the minority. After days of punishing attacks, Gingrich's odds of victory on InTrade have plummeted, observes Zeke Miller of Business Insider . At one point,...

What Needs to Happen in Tonight's Debate

A candidate-by-candidate breakdown

(Newser) - Republicans will face off in yet another debate tonight, one that a GOP strategist dubs "the most important two hours of the campaign for Iowa," so the Des Moines Register asked political operatives, strategists, and scientists to weigh in on what each candidate needs to do. Here's...

Ron Paul Catches Gingrich in Iowa

Newt clings to 1-point lead, with Romney in third

(Newser) - The first chink in Newt Gingrich's surge? A new Public Policy Polling survey shows that his lead in Iowa has dropped from 9 points to 1 point in a week. And the beneficiary isn't Mitt Romney but Ron Paul. The new figures have Gingrich at 22%, down 5...

Tea Party's Newt Backers Are Racist: Glenn Beck

Now he says he didn't really mean it, and just wanted to get 'people to think'

(Newser) - Glenn Beck is back in the news, this time over comments that are rankling plenty of conservatives. On Friday, Beck made a bold statement: That Newt Gingrich and Barack Obama are basically the same progressive guy, so if you're a member of the Tea Party and support Gingrich, there'...

Perry: I Was &#39;Taken Aback&#39; by $10K Bet
 Perry: I Was 
 'Taken Aback' 
 by $10K Bet 
talk show roundup

Perry: I Was 'Taken Aback' by $10K Bet

And more from the Sunday talk shows

(Newser) - Rick Perry today weighed in on last night's big debate moment— the $10,000 bet . "I was taken a little aback" by Mitt Romney's wager, Perry said on Fox News Sunday, Politico reports. "Driving out to the station this morning I'm pretty sure I didn’...

Ron Paul Could Get Obama Re-Elected
 Ron Paul 
 Could Get 
George Will

Ron Paul Could Get Obama Re-Elected

He could be spoiler as an independent: George Will

(Newser) - Ron Paul, who continues to poll well in several early voting states in the Republican primaries, is refusing to rule out a possible independent run for the presidency should he lose the GOP nomination. (“I’m not thinking about it because, look, I’m not doing badly right now,...

Gingrich Clear Frontrunner in New Iowa Poll

Newt grabs 33%; Paul, Romney tied for 2nd with 18%

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich has widened his lead among likely caucus-goers in Iowa, according to the latest Washington Post / ABC poll. With Herman Cain out of the race, Gingrich now has the support of 33% of likely GOP voters, with Ron Paul and Mitt Romney tied for second place with 18%...

Gingrich Leaps to Trump's Defense

Someone wants an endorsement...

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich must really, really want that oh-so-important Donald Trump endorsement . After meeting with the Donald for almost an hour today, Gingrich defended Trump from Ron Paul's recent dig regarding the "circus-like atmosphere" of a Trump-hosted debate. Gingrich reminded those gathered that no lesser luminaries than a peanut...

Trump Rips Huntsman, Paul as 'Joke Candidates'

If GOP can't pick a winner, he'll step in

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman and Ron Paul made no bones about deriding the upcoming Donald Trump-moderated Republican debate; now, the Donald is firing back. The mogul has labeled the two men “joke candidates,” MSNBC reports. “Those two candidates have zero chance of being elected so it makes no...

500 Students to Spend Christmas With Ron Paul

Will campaign door-to-door in Iowa, New Hampshire

(Newser) - Some 500 college students will campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire over the holidays as part of “Christmas Vacation with Ron Paul.” The students will head door-to-door and make phone calls for the Texas congressman, the Houston Chronicle reports. “I firmly believe the next generation needs us...

Newt Gingrich Surges to No. 1 in Iowa Poll

Ron Paul in second, also gaining support

(Newser) - With less than a month to go until Iowa caucuses, the GOP nomination there is looking like a three-candidate race—and leading the way is Newt Gingrich, reports the Des Moines Register . Gingrich was the top choice of 25% of likely caucus voters in the latest Selzer & Co. poll,...

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