
Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>

Bush Calls Withdrawal Plan 'An Invitation to Attack America'

Mud-slinging on Iraq gets even uglier

(Newser) - President Bush yesterday accused the Democrats of “offering an invitation to our enemies to attack America.” With the House and Senate poised to vote this week on a war funding bill with a troop drawdown deadline, the Washington Post reports, the dispute between Congress and the White House...

Federal Probe Targets Rove, WH Operations

Obscure office led by Bush appointee launches investigation

(Newser) - The U.S. attorney firings, disappearing e-mails, and other White House political operations have found their way onto the radar of a small office that normally investigates federal employees' misbehavior. Karl Rove is in the sights of the Office of Special Counsel, whose head has vowed not to "leave...

Faulty Nigerian Election Sparks Fears of Unrest

Observers call vote a charade; opposition plans protests

(Newser) - The ruling party candidate has won Nigeria's presidential election by a landslide, sparking fears that political unrest could compromise the supply of oil in Africa's largest producer. Umar Yar'Adua was declared the winner of Saturday's election yesterday with 70% of the vote, ending a campaign marked by intimidation, ballot-stuffing, and...

H.W.: Country May Be Feeling "Bush Fatigue"

Only thing holding back Jeb, pop says

(Newser) - "Bush Fatigue" may finally be hitting the nation, patriarch George H.W. told Larry King last night. King asked whether Bush Père bought into Mitt Romney's theory of 2008: that Jeb will sit out to avoid Bush-lash. "There's something to that—there might be a little Bush...

Spitzer to Introduce Gay Marriage Bill

Faces uphill battle in New York legislature

(Newser) - Eliot Spitzer will introduce a bill this spring to legalize gay marriage in New York state, the Times reports, fulfilling one of his earliest campaign pledges. The measure would make New York the second state to recognize same-sex marriages.

Nigerians Reject Election Results
Nigerians Reject Election Results

Nigerians Reject Election Results

Candidates charge fraud; observers say polling should be repeated

(Newser) - Opposition candidates in Nigeria’s presidential elections have rejected the results of  Saturday’s voting, accusing the governing party of fraud. Foreign observers concur that the polling was faulty, with violence, intimidation, missing ballot boxes, and even abduction and murder of electoral officials and the police officers escorting them the...

Chinese Talk The Talk On Democracy
Chinese Talk
The Talk On Democracy 

Chinese Talk The Talk On Democracy

Officials court support by permitting calls for political reform

(Newser) - It's spring in China, and calls for democracy are in bloom, the New York Times reports. Articles are about the need for political reform are being published—even encouraged—and leaders are promising openness. But the outburst of rhetoric has more to do with the political calendar than with an...

Doolittle Steps Down After FBI Raid
Doolittle Steps Down After
FBI Raid

Doolittle Steps Down After FBI Raid

Yields Appropriations seat under Abramoff probe pressure

(Newser) - Republican John Doolittle has ceded his coveted seat on the House Appropriations Committee—a week after FBI agents made a surprise raid on his Virginia home. Doolittle and his wife, Julie, a consultant, are under investigation for their ties to besmirched fundraiser Jack Abramoff.

US Attorneys Fired for Being Soft on Porn

Gonzales demanded hard line on hardcore

(Newser) - Several of the U.S. attorneys axed by Alberto Gonzales may have been forced out because they failed to crack down on pornography, Salon reveals. Gonzales and his staff pressured attorneys to pursue adult obscenity cases, even if it meant yanking prosecutors away from, say, terrorism. Some who resisted got...

Most Dems Mum on Gun Control
Most Dems Mum on Gun Control

Most Dems Mum on Gun Control

Murphy: Massacre could have been avoided if leaders stood up to gun lobby

(Newser) - Grief over the Virginia Tech massacre is re-energizing gun control advocates like Rep. Carolyn Murphy, whose husband was shot dead in 1996. "For too long, Congress has stood idle while gun violence continues to take its toll," she said yesterday. But most Dems have studiously avoided the hot-button...

Four Years of Rove E-mails Go Missing

E-mails may have covered attorney firings

(Newser) - Four years of emails from Karl Rove that are being sought in a congressional investigation are missing and may have been deleted by Rove himself, the Republican National Committee acknowledged yesterday. The RNC operates the server for non-official e-mail accounts Rove and other White House players use for political business;...

House Subpoenas Gonzo
House Subpoenas Gonzo

House Subpoenas Gonzo

Stakes raised in purge- gate as White House resists disclosure

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales got served yesterday, as House Dems issued their first subpoena in the attorney-firing scandal. They want the AG to turn over hundreds of pages of new or uncensored documents, including a complete version of the March 2005 chart Gonzales and chief-of-staff Kyle Sampson used to evaluate all 93...

Congress Probes Private White House E-Mails

May have breached post-Watergate law

(Newser) - Use of private e-mail accounts by White House officials is being probed by Democratic lawmakers who charge that they were employed to avoid scrutiny. Accounts set up by the Republican National Committee are intended to keep political activities separate from official business, but they were used in planning the firings...

Congress Studies Lost Art Of Oversight

Lawmakers are gearing up furiously for for a rash of probes

(Newser) - Consider the U.S. attorneys  investigation the tip of the iceberg: With more than a dozen probes launched in its first 100 days, Congress is ramping up to reclaim its role as a watchdog over the executive branch, the Christian Science Monitor reports, honing skills that haven't been in demand...

GOP Lags In Campaign Cash
GOP Lags In Campaign Cash

GOP Lags In Campaign Cash

Democrats top Republican donors for the first time in 30 years

(Newser) - Democratic presidential hopefuls have outperformed their GOP rivals at raising primary cash for the first time since 1976. In the first quarter the score was $79 mil to $51 mil, which seems portentous: Bob Dole's campaign manager confesses to the Times that the Dems "seem to have a lot...

Swift Boater Gets Recess Appointment

Bush slips three controversial conservatives past Senate

(Newser) - President Bush doled out three major recess appointments yesterday to  conservatives Democrats found distasteful. Ambassador to Belgium went to Sam Fox, a top-tier donor to Republican causes including Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the 527 that sank John Kerry’s shot at the White House.

Obama Raises $25 Million
Obama Raises $25 Million

Obama Raises $25 Million

Senator surprises pundits with grassroots results

(Newser) - Barack Obama has raised $25 million for his presidential bid, more than doubling his own projections for the quarter and falling just short of archrival Hillary Clinton’s $26 mil. Obama announced the figure to the Chicago Tribune today, revealing donations that have been far more diffuse than Clinton's—from...

Don't Count Your Black Votes Yet, Barack

Voters look beyond skin color to track record

(Newser) - Never mind his skin color—Barack Obama doesn't have a record that can guarantee black turnout, writes inquirer Harold Jackson. Prominent African American leaders like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are still undecided, and Obama will have to court that constituency just like rival Hillary Clinton did.



(Newser) - The 15 captured British sailors are to be released immediately, says Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The surprise announcement came toward the end of an hour-long press conference, in which Ahmadinejad berated the British government for using the situation to create "media hype." He maintains that the Brits invaded...

Brit Standoff Shows Deeply Divided Iran

Radicals and moderates fight it out, tacitly, over captured sailors

(Newser) - An internal squabble between Iran's radical president and more moderate officials  is in evidence in the crisis over the captive British marines and sailors. President Ahmadinejad and his Revolutionary Guards are pushing for a trial. Cooler heads, including Ali Larijani, the diplomat who offered bilateral negotiations yesterday, are pushing back,...

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>