
Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>

Brains Hard-Wired to Swing Left or Right

Liberals deal with ambiguity better; conservatives are single-minded

(Newser) - The brains of conservatives and liberals function in fundamentally different ways—with liberals more capable of accepting ambiguity and conflict, and conservative better able to pursue a single-minded course. That's the conclusion of  a new study on the neurobiology of politics, published in the journal Nature Neuroscience.

Kossaks Will Wield Real Power in '08

National Review writer oozes respect for Daily Kos

(Newser) - As Daily Kos opens its second annual YearlyKos convention in Chicago today, National Review’s Byron York takes stock of the Kossacks' accomplishments since he dubbed them the "Vast Left Wing Conspiracy" in his book two years ago. Then, they had the power to shake up the Democratic Party...

La. Senator Caught Dialing DC Madam
La. Senator Caught Dialing DC Madam

La. Senator Caught Dialing DC Madam

Republican apologizes for "very serious sin" after escort-service revelation

(Newser) - Louisiana Republican Senator David Vitter atoned yesterday for a "very serious sin in my past," after his telephone number turned up on the scandal-soaked call logs of Deborah Jeane Palfrey. The so-called DC Madam was forced to denude the records of her million-dollar escort service last week.

Sheehan to Pelosi: Impeach or I'll Run

Anti-war mom threatens to challenge Speaker's House seat

(Newser) - Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan declared her intention to challenge House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her congressional seat yesterday unless the top-ranking Democrat draws up articles of impeachment against President Bush. "Democrats and Americans feel betrayed by the Democratic leadership," said Sheehan. "We hired them to bring an...

Bush, Cheney Should Quit Over Scooter

Resignation, impeachment the only options, argues Olbermann

(Newser) - MSNBC's Keith Olbermann came out swinging last night, demanding the resignation of both the president and VP—"two men who are now perilous to our democracy." Drawing on both John Wayne and James Madison, the anchor donned his commentator hat to contend that commuting Scooter Libby's sentence was...

Senate Post Won Thompson Sons Top Lobby Job$

Access to dad kickstarts kids' careers

(Newser) - Fred Thompson's two sons won lucrative jobs as lobbyists after their father became a Senator, despite having next to no qualifications for the work, the New York Times reports. The information could prove embarrassing to the Thompson campaign as the GOP presidential candidate strives to present himself as a reformer...

Captain America Dead at 66
Captain America Dead at 66

Captain America Dead at 66

(Newser) - In an issue of its comic book coming out July 5, Marvel Comics kills off superhero Captain America.  In "Fallen Son" Captain America is killed by an assassin on the steps of the federal courthouse in New York.  He was there after refusing to register his true...

Barack Bashes Right for 'Hijacking' Faith

Dem candidate inveighs against evangelicals for dividing the country

(Newser) - Barack Obama assailed right-wing evangelical leaders yesterday, accusing them of "hijacking" faith and politicizing religion, the Daily News reports. Addressing the national conference of the United Church of Christ, he criticized "so-called leaders of the Christian right" for demonizing Democrats and convincing Americans that Christians' main concerns are...

Feds Arrest 29 Illegals in New Haven

Raid follows controversial ID cards for undocumented immigrants

(Newser) - Immigration agents arrested 29 illegal immigrants in New Haven on Wednesday, two days after the city OKed a new program to give municipal ID cards to illegals. The Mayor was skeptical of the timing, suggesting the feds targeted the city politically. "There are in America 11,000 cities, towns...

Barack on the Court: Fast, Fierce and Wily

Basketball has played an important role in Obama's life

(Newser) - These days Barack Obama's more likely to be rubbing elbows at a fundraiser than throwing elbows on the court, but pickup basketball is his game, and he's damn good, Jodi Kantor reports in the New York Times. He's quick, wily and aggressive on the court, with a left-handed jump shot...

Breaking from Bush, GOP Splinters
Breaking from Bush, GOP Splinters

Breaking from Bush, GOP Splinters

Rove, DeLay, and Gingrich on the future of the conservative movement

(Newser) - The Republican Party is fracturing politically and strategically, writes the New Yorker's Jeffrey Goldberg. As Bush's approval ratings continue to sink, current and former GOP bigwigs—like Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay—are looking to redirect the conservative movement as the 2008 election nears.

Earmarks Are Weapons in House Spat
Earmarks Are Weapons in House Spat

Earmarks Are Weapons in House Spat

Murtha accused of rules violation after threat to deny future funding

(Newser) - Rep. John Murtha, the pugnacious Democratic chairman of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, is accused of breaking House rules by  threatening to withhold future spending from a GOP member with whom he had a disagreement. Politico reports that Rep. Mike Rogers is calling for a House vote to reprimand Murtha.

YouTube to Co-Host Debate
YouTube to Co-Host Debate

YouTube to Co-Host Debate

Viral video site goes from embarrassing candidates to sponsoring debates

(Newser) - YouTube, the viral-video nemesis of many a gaffe-prone political candidate, will co-sponsor a Democratic presidential debate July 23rd in Charleston, South Carolina. CNN is the television partner for the debate, which will be the first of six, the DNC announced yesterday. 

Comey's Star Rises as Support for Gonzo Falls

Testimony spotlights political future of former Justice No. 2

(Newser) - James Comey's star turn in Senate testimony against Alberto Gonzales this week prompts speculation that the charismatic former deputy AG should be on the short list to replace him—and might even have legs as a presidential candidate some day. The Wall Street Journal assesses Comey's political future, as support...

Falwell's Death Ends an Era
Falwell's Death Ends an Era

Falwell's Death Ends an Era

Fineman takes the measure of a partisan preacher and his political legacy

(Newser) - It's impossible to grasp the profound change in American political life in the last quarter-century without understanding Jerry Falwell and the movement he fostered, writes Newsweek's Howard Fineman. Falwell, who died yesterday, created the Moral Majority, helped launch the Reagan Revolution, and dug the evangelical foundations—currently shifting—on which...

House Passes Short-Term War Funding
House Passes Short-Term
War Funding

House Passes Short-Term War Funding

Votes for another showdown with President Bush

(Newser) - Congress voted 221-205 last night to pump $40 billion into the war in Iraq—only enough to fund combat operations until July.  An additional $56 billion would be released contingent on the Iraqi government's progress. The bill omits any timetable for withdrawal, but sets the scene for another showdown...

Cabal Pushes Shiite Agenda
Cabal Pushes Shiite Agenda

Cabal Pushes Shiite Agenda

Group working out of Iraqi PM's office is accused of protecting militias

(Newser) - A shadowy group within the Iraqi prime minister’s office is secretly pushing a Shiite agenda and exacerbating sectarianism, CNN reports. The 24-member Office of the Commander in Chief has power over other ministries, which Iraqis say it is using to protect  militias and blacklist commanders not willing to turn...

DC Madam Says She'll Name Names
DC Madam
Says She'll
Name Names

DC Madam Says She'll Name Names

Needs clients to testify that the sex was only fantasy

(Newser) - A White House economist, the head of a conservative think tank, lobbyists, military brass and a prominent CEO—they’re among pay-to-play clients DC Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey says she'll finger, ABC and the Post report. Palfrey said at a press conference yesterday she’s “genuinely sorry" if her...

Million Turks Rally for Secularism
Million Turks Rally for Secularism

Million Turks Rally for Secularism

(Newser) - Secular Turks staged an enormous rally yesterday amid a constitutional crisis over the election of the next president, the BBC reports. As many as a million protesters turned out in Istanbul to oppose ruling-party candidate Abdullah Gul, who they're afraid is orchestrating an Islamic coup in the country even as...

Prince May No Longer Speak For His King

Bush's Saudi conduit, Prince Bandar, is out of step with Abdullah

(Newser) - Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the former Saudi ambassador and longtime Bush conduit to the Saudi leadersip, may no longer be speaking for his country. The New York Times  notes that Bandar's uncle, King Abdullah, has taken several stands recently that surprised  the White House by being in direct conflict with...

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>