Mitt Romney 2012

Stories 941 - 960 | << Prev   Next >>

Romney's New Gingrich Dig: Lucy at Chocolate Factory

But he seems to be looking past his GOP rivals these days

(Newser) - Mitt Romney couldn't resist a dig at Newt Gingrich's failure to get on the Virginia ballot , with this line getting most of the attention today: "I think he compared that to ... what was it, Pearl Harbor?" said Romney when prompted by a reporter. "I think it'...

Careful, Mitt: You Could Lose
 Careful, Mitt: You Could Lose 
Nate Silver

Careful, Mitt: You Could Lose

Nate Silver doesn't think it's especially likely, but it's possible

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom has crowned Mitt Romney the inevitable Republican nominee. His stock on Intrade shot up to 72% last night, and one of his strategists recently boasted that he couldn’t “see any scenario where we’re not the nominee." But calm down guys, writes Nate Silver in...

With Week Til Iowa, Here's What We Know: Not Much

Things remain fluid, muddled

(Newser) - It's D-Day in Iowa in exactly one week, and with just seven days to go, things aren't exactly firming up among Republican voters. Most media reports use words like "fluid," "unsettled," and "muddled" to describe the situation there. Highlights of today's Iowa...

Gingrich Gave RomneyCare the Thumbs Up in 2006

'Wall Street Journal' digs up an analysis of it in 'Newt's Notes'

(Newser) - It's another "whoops" for Newt Gingrich: CNN yesterday broke the news that the candidate's story about how his first divorce went down wasn't exactly true . The Wall Street Journal today reveals the results of its own digging. It seems that while Gingrich has publicly panned Mitt...

Romney Running Away With NH
 Romney Running Away With NH 
new poll

Romney Running Away With NH

He leads with 39% support of likely GOP voters

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is currently running away with New Hampshire's GOP support, according to the latest polls. Romney has the backing of 39% of the state’s likely Republican voters. Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul are tied with 17% each, just ahead of Jon Huntsman, who is backed by 11%...

Paul Krugman: Mitt Romney Running 'Post-Truth' Campaign
 Just Keeps 
 Making Stuff Up 

paul krugman

Romney Just Keeps Making Stuff Up

And the media won't stop him: Krugman

(Newser) - Mitt Romney doesn't seem to set great store by the truth: Lately, he's been ascribing views to President Obama that are pure fabrication, notes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . Just this week, the former governor implied that Obama sought a society in which "everyone receives...

Mitt: I Won't Release My Tax Returns

Obama campaign blasts Romney for keeping returns secret

(Newser) - Mitt Romney says that even if he becomes the Republican nominee, he has no intention of releasing his tax returns, reports the New York Times . Romney—one of the richest men ever to run for president—would be alone among nominees of recent decades if he fails to release his...

Elder George Bush Backs Romney

Says he's the 'best choice' for Republicans

(Newser) - It's like an endorsement-lite: George HW Bush tells the Houston Chronicle that "I think Mitt Romney is the best choice for us." But, political semantics alert, the elder Bush added that his praise does not constitute an official endorsement, at least for now. He called Romney the...

Gingrich Lambastes Romney for PAC's 'Smear Campaign'

Mitt says he can't control 'independent' group

(Newser) - Mitt Romney was confronted yesterday over the anti-Gingrich attack ads that a pro-Romney super PAC has been pumping out, prompting him to label the whole concept of super PACs “a disaster”—and insist he couldn’t lawfully intervene. “My goodness, if we coordinate in any way whatsoever,...

Romney, on Letterman, Has 10 Things to Say to You

His list: Things he needs to tell the American people

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is now in a dead heat with Newt Gingrich. In a bid to perhaps claw his way back into the No. 1 slot solo, he made his second appearance of the year on the Late Show last night, and shared the "Top 10 Things Mitt Romney Would...

Newt, Mitt Now in Dead Heat: Poll
 Newt, Mitt Now in Dead Heat 
new poll

Newt, Mitt Now in Dead Heat

Gingrich tells rivals to end 'reprehensible' attacks

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's support is at its highest since July, while Newt Gingrich's is fading, according to the latest Washington Post / ABC News poll. So the two candidates are now in a dead heat nationwide with 30% support each among Republicans and Republican-leaning voters, the poll found. Ron...

Romney Rakes In Millions From Bain Yearly

He benefits from deals that led to massive layoffs: NYT

(Newser) - When Mitt Romney has been challenged over layoffs tied to Bain Capital's private equity deals, he's pointed to his 1999 departure from the firm he helped found. But even though he has technically left his old job, he's still reaping the benefits—to the tune of millions...

Sunday Talk Shows: Mitt Romney Pans Newt Gingrich, John Boehner Pans Payroll Tax Cut Deal
Romney Pans Gingrich,
Boehner Pans Payroll Deal
talk show roundup

Romney Pans Gingrich, Boehner Pans Payroll Deal

Mitt makes first appearance since March 2010

(Newser) - Mitt Romney was expected to hog the talk show spotlight today, in what was his first appearance on a Sunday show since March 8, 2010. But he arguably shared that with John Boehner, who, in contrast to earlier reports , gave the payroll tax cut deal a clear thumbs down on...

Gingrich: Freddie Money Went to 'Overhead'

Romney steps up attacks on Gingrich: 'It's a duck'

(Newser) - Saying he wanted to "set the record straight," Newt Gingrich once again defended his work for Freddie Mac yesterday, now emphasizing that the $1.6 million he took in over six years went to his company, not into his pockets, and that he was mostly concerned with providing...

Mitt Romney Scores Big Endorsement

...from the 'Des Moines Register'

(Newser) - With the Iowa caucuses just 16 days away, Mitt Romney scored a big endorsement last night, this time from the state's largest and most influential newspaper: the Des Moines Register . "Sobriety, wisdom and judgment," the paper's editorial board wrote. "Those are qualities Mitt Romney said...

Romney Taking Heat for Medicaid Comment

Says he didn't know what it was before he started working in government

(Newser) - Mitt Romney learned what Medicaid is sometime around 2002, he told a Sioux City, Iowa, crowd today, an admission that Dems are latching on to as yet another sign that he's out of touch. "Medicaid, you wonder what Medicaid is, those that are not into all this government...

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley Will Endorse Mitt Romney
 Haley Endorses Romney 

Haley Endorses Romney

SC governor says he's not part of Washington chaos

(Newser) - Another big endorsement for Mitt Romney, this one a bit more impressive than Christine O’Donnell : Nikki Haley announced her endorsement this morning on Fox and Friends. The South Carolina governor is one of the most coveted endorsements remaining, Politico notes. “When I look at the focus of what...

National Review: GOP Will 'Blow It' With Newt

Character flaws make former speaker the wrong choice for GOP

(Newser) - The Republican Party has reached an "uncharacteristic degree of unity" and is capable of taking control of the White House and both houses of Congress next year—but it could blow it all if it nominates Newt Gingrich, warns the National Review . An editorial in the influential conservative magazine...

Romney: Gingrich Is Too 'Zany'

Says his rival isn't enough of a leader to be president

(Newser) - Mitt Romney gave an interview to the New York Times today in which he fleshed out his line of attack that Newt Gingrich is unfit to be president. The main takeaway quote:
  • “Zany is great in a campaign. It’s great on talk radio. It’s great in print,

Christine O'Donnell Endorses Mitt Romney
 Christine O'Donnell Endorses... 

Christine O'Donnell Endorses...

Mitt Romney ... and he actually acknowledges it

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell is decidedly not a witch, and she's now definite on her horse in the GOP's 2012 race: The onetime US Senate hopeful is endorsing Mitt Romney because she trusts him "to do the right thing," she said in her announcement, adding that "...

Stories 941 - 960 | << Prev   Next >>