US soldiers

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Why US Soldiers Attempt Suicide
 Why US Soldiers 
 Attempt Suicide 
study says

Why US Soldiers Attempt Suicide

New study uncovers top reason

(Newser) - When soldiers attempt suicide, the No. 1 reason is because they want to put a stop to severe emotional distress, a new survey finds. "This really is the first study that provides scientific data saying that the top reason … these guys are trying to kill themselves is because...

Fallen Soldier's Photo Used in Craigslist Scam

Ads claimed soldier was injured, needed help with medical bills

(Newser) - Five years after he was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq, Sgt. Sean Fennerty's photo is being used by online scam artists. The Oregon soldier's photo appeared next to ads on Craigslist Pensacola and fundraising site containing a plea for funds from somebody claiming to...

Troops in Koran Burning to Be Punished, Not Charged

They're looking at something like a rank and pay drop

(Newser) - The US military will not recommend the US troops who burned Korans at an Afghanistan NATO base, sparking protests , face any criminal charges. Administrative punishments have been recommended instead, MSNBC reports. The punishment will likely involve a rank and pay drop, a letter of reprimand, or the assignment of additional...

What's the US to Do After Exiting Iraq? Stay in Kuwait

13.5K soldiers will help secure the region: report

(Newser) - The US has no combat force in Iraq and a wary eye on Iran: What's a nervous country to do? Maintain a force in neighboring Kuwait, apparently. The AP obtained an advance copy of a congressional report by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, set to be released today, that...

MSNBC Host Apologizes to Vets for 'Hero' Comment

Chris Hayes 'deeply sorry' for not being more respectful

(Newser) - The conservative blogosphere apparently got through to Chris Hayes: After sparking outrage Sunday when he said he felt uncomfortable calling fallen soldiers "heroes," the MSNBC host has apologized. The Huffington Post has his statement in full. Highlights:
  • "As many have rightly pointed out, it's very easy

For 20th Time This Year, Afghan Soldier Strikes NATO

'Green on blue' attacks heighten distrust between sides

(Newser) - A man wearing an Afghan army uniform shot dead a US service member in the east of the country, one of two NATO troops killed today, military officials said. NATO didn't officially disclose the nationality of the victim, but a senior US defense official said he was an American...

Organs From US Troops Save Lives in Europe

Donations from mortally wounded troops have helped 140

(Newser) - Since 2006, organ donations from mortally wounded US troops have saved around 140 European lives, reports USA Today . The families of 36 American servicemembers who were declared brain dead from combat in Iraq and Afghanistan agreed to donate their hearts, kidneys, lungs, livers, and pancreases to patients in Europe. It'...

Search for North Korea MIAs Over Before It Began

$5.7M search for soldier remains was just days from restarting

(Newser) - A program to recover the remains of the 5,500 American soldiers missing in North Korea from the Korean War has been shut down again, just two weeks after being announced , due to renewed tensions over North Korea's planned satellite launch , reports the New York Times . The US was...

Al-Sadr Militia Releases US Hostage Held in Iraq

Randy Michaels appears on TV in military uniform

(Newser) - An Iraqi militia linked to Shi'ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr released a former US soldier today after keeping him prisoner for nine months, Reuters reports. Identified as Randy Michaels, the American appeared on television in a US military uniform without insignia, alongside two lawmakers from al-Sadr's movement. Speaking briefly...

Accused Soldier Flown Out of Afghanistan

Massacre suspect moved to 'appropriate detention facilities' in Kuwait

(Newser) - The American soldier accused of massacring 16 Afghan civilians in a pre-dawn shooting spree has been flown to Kuwait, angering Afghans who want him to stand trial in their country. He was whisked out of Afghanistan because of "our own policies and regulations, and for his own safety and...

Soldier Suspected in Afghan Killing Spree Is Dad of 2

Details surface about staff sergeant, but identity not revealed

(Newser) - Details are beginning to emerge about the still-unnamed soldier accused of killing 16 Afghan civilians yesterday. An official who spoke to the New York Times says the Army staff sergeant was part of a village stabilization operation in the rural Panjwai district of Kandahar, in which Green Berets forge close...

Obama: We'll Find 'Anyone Responsible' in Afghan Shooting

President calls alleged shooting of civilians 'tragic and shocking'

(Newser) - President Obama weighed in today with his own reaction to the 16 Afghans allegedly gunned down by one or more US soldiers, the AP reports. He called the killings "tragic and shocking" and promised "to get the facts as quickly as possible and to hold accountable anyone responsible....

US Soldier Fires on Afghan Civilians, Kills at Least 16

Unknown number dead, wounded in early morning attack

(Newser) - A US soldier in southern Afghanistan has been detained after he walked off his base this morning, shooting and killing civilians in the area, reports the New York Times . At least 16 are dead in the rampage, reports the BBC , with many women and children among them. The soldier reportedly...

A Mini Afghanistan Exists ... in Central Louisiana

Fort Polk hosts role-played shuras for US Army soldiers

(Newser) - With the war in Afghanistan winding down , US troops are learning new techniques in an Afghan village far from the real battlefield—far as in Fort Polk, Louisiana. Mock villages there replete with brick buildings and domed mosques give Army soldiers a chance to role-play scenarios in which they help...

Islamic Extremist Gets Life for Killing 2 US Airmen

Arid Uka shot at servicemen in Frankfurt last year

(Newser) - An Islamic extremist who killed two US airmen bound for Afghanistan at Frankfurt airport last year and injured two others was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison today. The state court in Frankfurt convicted 22-year-old Arid Uka of two counts of murder. It also found him guilty...

65K Arlington Graves May Have Problems: Army

How serious still unknown

(Newser) - After a meticulous, year-long survey of graves at the Arlington National Cemetery, Army investigators have discovered some discrepancy with 65,000 of them—one quarter of all the graves at the military site. Many problems may be minor, including typographical errors in paperwork, reports the Washington Post . Some of them...

US Soldiers Charged in Comrade's Death

Danny Chen appeared to have killed himself

(Newser) - Eight US soldiers have been charged in the death of Danny Chen, a 19-year-old private who appeared to have fatally shot himself Oct. 3 in a guard tower in Kandahar, the Washington Post reports. It’s unclear if the soldiers have been charged with actually killing him, or of driving...

US Soldier Sentenced to 10 Years in S. Korea Rape

Pfc. Kevin Flippin convicted of assaulting 16-year-old

(Newser) - A 21-year-old US soldier stationed in South Korea has been sentenced to 10 years in prison today for raping a 16-year-old girl. Pfc. Kevin Flippin was convicted of breaking into the girl’s boarding room and threatening her with scissors, a knife, and a lighter while committing numerous “sadistic...

Big Dog Gives Big Welcome to Returning Soldier

Thunderpaws shows how it's done at 'Welcome Home Blog'

(Newser) - Mediaite takes note of a blog for returning US soldiers called the Welcome Home Blog , whose latest entry features a star turn by a huge dog with the spectacular name of Emmitt Thunderpaws who is thrilled to see his human buddy home safely. "Seriously, I don’t think...

US Should Copy Model of Its &#39;Lefty&#39; Military
US Should Copy Model
of Its 'Lefty' Military
nicholas kristof

US Should Copy Model of Its 'Lefty' Military

It stresses people, education, and income equality: Nicholas Kristof

(Newser) - America is desperate to find ways out of its funk, and Nicholas Kristof thinks it would do well to copy a liberal-sounding model from an unlikely place—the US military. "The United States armed forces knit together whites, blacks, Asians, and Hispanics from diverse backgrounds, invests in their education...

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