US soldiers

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Army Surgeons Grow New Ear in Soldier's Forearm

Doctors use cartilage from Pvt. Shamika Burrage's ribs to create new ear

(Newser) - An Army private who lost an ear in a car accident now has a new one, fashioned from her own rib cartilage. Surgeons this week announced that the new ear has been successfully reattached to Pvt. Shamika Burrage of Mississippi, according to an Army news release . What's more, the...

Nigerien Soldier: Ambushed Troops 'Ready to Fight Till End'

Meanwhile, officials and lawmakers seek answers in 'shifting narrative' of Oct. 4 attack

(Newser) - New details have emerged regarding the attack that left four US soldiers dead in Niger, labeled by some as a "massive intelligence failure." Per the New York Times , which interviewed military officers, Pentagon officials, and lawmakers, Staff Sgt. Bryan Black, Staff Sgt. Jeremiah Johnson, Staff Sgt. Dustin Wright,...

Lawmaker: Trump Told Widow Fallen Soldier &#39;Knew What He Signed Up For&#39;
Trump Gets Entangled in
New Gold-Star Family Feud
the rundown

Trump Gets Entangled in New Gold-Star Family Feud

Rep. Frederica Wilson pushes back after Trump says she's lying about convo on fallen soldier

(Newser) - Trump the candidate had a very public feud with a Gold Star family; Trump the president appears to be embroiled in one, too. The dust-up began with a Democratic Florida congresswoman, who says President Trump told the widow of a slain soldier that her husband "knew what he signed...

White House: Obama Didn't Call John Kelly When Son Died

Trump had earlier Tuesday suggested Kelly be asked if he got a call

(Newser) - President Trump addressed his Monday comments regarding how his predecessors communicated with the families of fallen soldiers without budging, and this time he brought chief of staff John Kelly into it. He originally claimed that "most of" his predecessors didn't make such calls, including President Obama, a stance...

Disturbing Video Shows Shooting of US Soldiers

Shooter kept firing as soldiers surrendered in November incident, footage shows

(Newser) - After three US soldiers were shot and killed in Jordan in November, the country offered this explanation: A Jordanian guard had opened fire on the American Special Forces soldiers when they failed to stop at the gate of a military base. That claim, however, was subsequently withdrawn, per the AP...

'Nearly Unprecedented' Move for Clint Eastwood's Next Film

Director casts real-life heroes who stopped 2015 Paris train attack to play themselves

(Newser) - Clint Eastwood's Sully was called "electrifying," and the next movie on his directing roster is promising to be another heart-stopper—and headline-grabbing, thanks to an unusual move he made in casting it. The upcoming film is called The 15:17 to Paris, which documents the 2015 terrorist...

2 US Soldiers Killed in ISIS Fight
2 US Soldiers
Killed in ISIS Fight

2 US Soldiers Killed in ISIS Fight

They were taking part in operation in Afghanistan

(Newser) - The Pentagon says two US service members were killed in Afghanistan overnight Wednesday, reports the AP . Navy Capt. Jeff Davis says they were killed during an operation against the Islamic State in Nangahar Province in the eastern part of the country, the same area in which the US dropped the...

HS Students Give Civil War Vets 'Their Identity Back'

Pollution and the elements had rendered 5 gravestones nameless

(Newser) - With more than a century of rain, wind, snow, and pollution conspiring to erase what was once carved into a row of headstones, about the only thing anyone in the tiny north-central Illinois community of Odell knew of the men buried there was that they'd fought in the Civil...

US Soldier Killed in Taliban Attack

2 others wounded in Helmand province on Tuesday: officials

(Newser) - An American Special Ops soldier was killed and at least two Americans were wounded in Afghanistan on Tuesday, reports Fox News . Officials say forces were taking part in a counter-terrorism mission near Marjah in Helmand province when they were targeted by Taliban fighters, per NBC News , which was first to...

Story of How US Soldier Saved 200 Jews Finally Told

Roddie Edmonds honored for his remarkable move in POW camp

(Newser) - Roddie Edmonds is the first US soldier to receive Israel's Righteous Among the Nations honor, 70 years after he risked his life to save 200 Jews. The native of Knoxville, Tenn., was captured in the Battle of the Bulge in late 1944 and held at German POW camp Staleg...

US to Screen Long-Ignored Iraq Vets for Chemical Exposure

Pentagon orders medical exams, monitoring for troops exposed in Iraq

(Newser) - Beginning in early 2015, the Pentagon will offer medical exams and health monitoring for US troops and veterans exposed to chemical weapons in Iraq, the New York Times reports. The new measure comes as part of a review from Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel after a Times investigation earlier this month...

Boy's Tribute to Soldier Dad Lights Up the Skies

6-year-old asks people to turn on porch lights 'so Daddy can see ... I love him'

(Newser) - Thousands of people around the country and the world responded to a 6-year-old boy's plea to turn on a few extra porch lights so his fallen dad could see them shining. The father, Staff Sgt. Thomas Baysore, was killed in Afghanistan on Sept. 26, 2013, and he had often...

NY Man Was ISIS Recruiter: Federal Indictment

Mufid Elfgeeh also charged with plotting to kill US troops back from Iraq

(Newser) - A man from Rochester, NY, was indicted yesterday on charges of attempting to help three people (two of them FBI informants) travel to Syria to take up arms with ISIS, reports the LA Times . The Justice Department statement further alleges that Mufid Elfgeeh sent $600 to a potential recruit in...

Here's Why Bergdahl Actually Wasn't a Deserter

He was never classified as such, having been captured so quickly

(Newser) - When is a solider a deserter? Critics have accused Bowe Bergdahl of being one ; there's even a petition to the White House calling for his punishment and a popular “Bowe Bergdahl is NOT a Hero!” Facebook page. But the Idaho Statesman pointed out on Saturday that Bergdahl...

Vietnam Vet Returns Wounded Buddy's Knife

Loyd Cates kept it sharp after friend hospitalized

(Newser) - When Sgt. Frank Cybulski was wounded by a mine in Vietnam in 1970, he was hospitalized and finally sent home, but his hunting knife remained behind. A friend who was beside him when he was injured collected the tool—and has held onto it ever since, sharpening it periodically. "...

WWII Soldiers' Remains May Have Been Found in Lake

Amphibious vehicle sank in 1945

(Newser) - Somewhere on the bottom of Italy's largest lake lie the remains of two dozen American soldiers who died when their amphibious vehicle sank in 1945 in the waning days of the fighting in Europe during World War II. Now a volunteer group's discovery of what could be the...

US Soldiers Held in S. Korean Sex Harassment

She told rowdy group to be quiet on subway

(Newser) - Three US soldiers are in the custody of military police after allegedly sexually harassing a Korean woman on the subway Saturday night. Six soldiers were playing a boombox on the subway while dancing and yelling when the 21-year-old woman asked them to cool it. Instead, they started taking pictures of...

Ex-Generals: This Generation Is 'Too Fat to Fight'

Recruits weigh in, wash out

(Newser) - Lean, mean fighting machines are a thing of the past when it comes to America. Fat is currently where it's at, and that's not a good thing for the US military, a group of 100 retired generals and admirals conclude in a new report. "Being overweight or...

Military Drinking a &#39;Public Health Crisis&#39;
 Military Drinking a 
 'Public Health Crisis' 
study says

Military Drinking a 'Public Health Crisis'

New study finds 20% of troops drank heavily in 2008

(Newser) - Substance abuse in the US military has escalated to the point that it is now a "public health crisis," according to a new report. The Defense Department requested the analysis by the Institute of Medicine, which found that:
  • Around 20% of active-duty troops said they drank heavily in

Obama Assassination Plot: Relative Went to Police

Death of Isaac Aguigui's wife raised her suspicions

(Newser) - More details are trickling out about Isaac Aguigui, the purported leader of a group allegedly planning to overthrow the government and assassinate the president: In September of last year, a female relative of his told police she had concerns about the soldier. Specifically, that his wife had died that July...

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