Conservative Party

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Cameron, Clegg Scramble to Form UK Government
 Cameron, Clegg Scramble 
 to Form UK Government  
Brown urged to step down

Cameron, Clegg Scramble to Form UK Government

Election leaves Liberal Dems in driver's seat

(Newser) - Britain's winner-less election has left both the Conservatives and the Labour Party furiously negotiating with and sucking up to Nick Clegg's Liberal Democrat party, with papers just as furiously live-blogging the comings and goings. Though they actually lost seats, the Liberal Dems have the power to determine who becomes prime...

Cameron Says He'll Form UK Government

Conservative Party didn't win majority but got most votes, seats

(Newser) - In the wake of yesterday's no-winner election in the UK, Conservative Party leader David Cameron says he plans to form a government even though he failed to secure a majority in Parliament, the Times of London reports. He has the support of Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, who said Cameron...

Nobody Wins UK Election
 Nobody Wins UK Election 

Nobody Wins UK Election

Country faces hung parliament with no clear winner

(Newser) - The British haven't finished counting the votes from yesterday's election yet but it's now certain that no party will gain a majority of seats in Parliament, despite a large swing of votes toward the Conservatives away from the ruling Labour Party. Britain now has a "hung parliament," in...

Cameron Dominates Final UK Debate

Brown fails to make breakthrough in third televised talk-fest

(Newser) - Conservative leader David Cameron was widely seen as the winner of last night's third and final British election debate after Gordon Brown failed to make the breakthrough he desperately needed. The Conservative leader, in a debate focusing on the economy, promised to make sweeping budget cuts if he gains power...

Clegg Under Fire in 2nd UK Election Debate

Polls show Liberal Democrat leader narrowly winning Round 2

(Newser) - The third-party candidate who upended Britain's political landscape with a runaway victory in last week's election debate won by a narrower margin as the party leaders clashed again last night, according to polls. In a debate focused on foreign policy, Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg came under fire from both...

3rd-Party Candidate Wins UK Election Debate

Clegg wins over voters as Brown, Cameron trade jabs

(Newser) - The leaders of both Britain's main political parties may be wishing they'd never agreed to the country's first American-style televised election debate. Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg—who offered up his party as a fresh alternative to Gordon Brown's Labour and David Cameron's Conservatives—is widely seen to have won...

Brown Meets With Queen to Dissolve Parliament

Key step starts clock on national election

(Newser) - British Prime Minister Gordon Brown met with Queen Elizabeth this morning to ask her to dissolve parliament to make way for new elections next month. The symbolic action will officially mark the beginning of a general election campaign, leaving Brown to fight for his political life in the Labour Party...

UK Will Go to Polls May 6

PM Gordon Brown's Labour majority under siege

(Newser) - With his Labour Party’s majority under siege, British PM Gordon Brown will call a general election for May 6. Brown must ask Queen Elizabeth to dissolve Parliament, after which he’ll give a speech that paints the vote as “the big choice,” sources tell the BBC , which...

GOP Eyes Resurgent UK Conservatives

Cameron's centrist style may help show GOP route back to power

(Newser) - Britain's Conservative Party is widely expected to regain power next year after over a decade in opposition, and the US Republican Party is starting to look for lessons from across the Atlantic. David Cameron has led the UK conservatives party to a big lead in the polls after it was...

Hoffman Concedes, Again
 Hoffman Concedes, Again 
deja vu

Hoffman Concedes, Again

It's all over, finally, in the upstate congressional race

(Newser) - Doug Hoffman conceded the New York congressional election to Democrat Bill Owens yet again today. The Conservative Party candidate said he won't challenge the results, despite the urging of supporters. With the absentee ballots counted, "the results re-affirm the fact that Bill Owens won,” Hoffman said. The muted...

Hoffman Can't Catch Owens in NY-23 Race
Hoffman Can't Catch Owens
in NY-23 Race
finally over?

Hoffman Can't Catch Owens in NY-23 Race

Not enough ballots remain for him to overcome margin

(Newser) - It looks like the NY-23 race is over, again. With 3,072 absentee ballots left to be counted, conservative Doug Hoffman can't catch Democrat Bill Owens, who leads by 3,176 votes. State officials haven't called the race and won't until it's formally wrapped up, but the Watertown Daily Times...

5 Things to Watch in NY-23 Race
5 Things to Watch
in NY-23 Race
election day

5 Things to Watch in NY-23 Race

Hoffman looks to pick up Scozzafava's supporters

(Newser) - With late polls inconclusive, Josh Kraushaar of Politico runs down five things to watch in the NY-23 congressional race as returns filter in:
  • Dede Scozzafava's supporters: The big question is whether independent-minded GOP voters will go to her endorsed candidate, Democrat Bill Owens, or Conservative Doug Hoffman. Results from her

Hoffman Race Takes Twist: Here's What It Means
Hoffman Race Takes Twist: Here's What It Means
bloggers' first takes

Hoffman Race Takes Twist: Here's What It Means

Conservative gets a boost, but maybe not a very big one

(Newser) - Republican Dede Scozzafava's surprise decision to suspend her congressional race in New York leaves Conservative Doug Hoffman to battle Democrat Dan Owens. Here's what the political blogosphere is saying:
  • Nate Silver , FiveThirtyEight: "Gun to my head? Sure, I'd take Hoffman at this point." But it's not that cut

GOP Foe of Conservative Hoffman Quits Race
GOP Foe of Conservative Hoffman Quits Race
political bombshell

GOP Foe of Conservative Hoffman Quits Race

Surprise decision leaves him alone against Democrat

(Newser) - Big political news from upstate New York: Republican Dede Scozzafava has suspended her campaign for Congress ahead of Tuesday's election. She endorsed no one, but the move "is a boost" to Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman, writes Josh Kraushaar at Politico . Hoffman is a political novice who surged into...

Leveling With Voters Could Revive GOP
Leveling With Voters Could Revive GOP

Leveling With Voters Could Revive GOP

Look at Britain: a tough austerity program has emboldened the right

(Newser) - The economy might be in shambles, but Republicans are offering no alternative plan to ward off mounting American debt—insisting on yet more tax cuts and refusing to cut into bloated Medicare. David Brooks suggests they take a lesson from their British cousins, the Tories, who are poised to win...

Brown Survives Party Revolt
 Brown Survives Party Revolt 

Brown Survives Party Revolt

(Newser) - British PM Gordon Brown survived a rowdy party meeting today despite Labour’s dismal election results and a backbencher uprising, the Guardian reports. 16 Labour parliamentarians spoke in defense of Brown and five called for his resignation in the wake of a high-profile financial scandal. “You solve the problem...

British MP Billed Taxpayers for 'Servants' Wing'

Tory then sold house and evaded capital gains tax

(Newser) - Just when the scandal over British MPs' expenses seemed to be petering out comes news that a Conservative legislator charged taxpayers $27,000 to build servants' quarters at his second home, the Times of London reports. Sir John Butterfill told the BBC the suggestion he had servants was a "...

30 Years On, Thatcher Still Divides

Britain's first female PM polarized during her rule, and after

(Newser) - Thirty years ago today British voters elected Margaret Thatcher in a landmark election, ushering in 18 years of Conservative rule. She remains a polarizing figure: her enemies still regard her as nearly diabolical, while her admirers speak of her as a saint. The Telegraph looks back on her tumultuous 11-year...

UK Conservative Leader's Son Dies at Age 6

Cameron's eldest child suffered from rare neurological condition

(Newser) - The eldest son of David Cameron, leader of Britain's Conservative Party and the country's possible next prime minister, died early this morning at age 6. Ivan Cameron suffered from severe epilepsy and cerebral palsy and required constant care, reports the Times of London. He was born with Ohtohara syndrome, a...

GOP Could Face a Decade of Oblivion
GOP Could
Face a Decade of Oblivion

GOP Could Face a Decade of Oblivion

Tory move to the right after Blair defeat was utter debacle

(Newser) - What happens when a party gets the thumping that the Republicans endured in 2006 and 2008? If their British cousins are anything to go by, says Jonathan Freeland, "the first response to electoral disaster is denial." Writing in the New York Times, the Guardian columnist analyzes the Tories'...

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