animal rights

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PETA Protests Seattle Fish-Flinging
PETA Protests Seattle Fish-Flinging

PETA Protests Seattle Fish-Flinging

Fishmongers nonplussed by PETA effort to defend the dignity of dead fish

(Newser) - PETA has called foul on the antics of Seattle's famous fishmongers, the Los Angeles Times reports. Workers at the city's Pike Place market routinely chuck fish more than a dozen feet from display case to counter over the heads of shoppers with deadly accuracy. PETA says the practice is "...

Jon: 'The Dogs Are All Right!'

(Newser) - It's not only Kate Gosselin who's upset with hubby Jon. Now an animal rights organization is on his case about comments he made to People that his eight kids "beat up, bite, and drag around" the family's two German shepherds. The Humane Society of Berks County, where the Gosselins...

Monkeys Pass Altered Traits to Offspring

Genetic breakthrough will aid disease study, but troubles some

(Newser) - Japanese scientists have produced the first genetically modified monkeys that can pass on their new traits to offspring, a research breakthrough mired in ethical quandaries. The technique is meant to be used to infect monkeys with diseases like Parkinson’s and then test treatments on them, but could eventually be...

Rodent Rights Activists Face Uphill Climb

Animal campaigners seek a better quality of life for lab rats

(Newser) - Activists have managed to improve the lives of many animals in recent years, but they've met indifference when it comes to getting a better deal for rodents, the Wall Street Journal reports. Rats and mice make up 90% of the animals used in research in the US, say advocates, but...

Queen of Spain Pleads for Grief-Stricken Zoo Elephant

Barcelona Zoo urged to move bereaved elephant to more suitable habitat

(Newser) - Spain's Queen Sofia has intervened to help save an elephant campaigners say is dying of grief, the Independent reports. Susi, Barcelona Zoo's only elephant, lives alone in a concrete compound and has exhibited behavior experts say shows anxiety and deep depression since her companion died last year. The queen has...

Betty White-Barker Feud Heats Up

Price is Right host won't attend game show awards if she's there

(Newser) - Bob Barker might not come on down to the Game Show Awards this weekend—at least, not if Betty White dares to show her face, BuzzerBlog reports. The feisty oldsters are feuding over an elephant Barker wants relocated from the Los Angeles Zoo, and since the Golden Girl got her...

US Animal Activist Makes 'Most Wanted Terrorists' List

(Newser) - In a first, the FBI today put an animal-rights crusader on its “Most Wanted Terrorists” list, CNN reports. San Francisco-bred activist Daniel Andreas San Diego is charged with the 2003 bombings of two corporate buildings. Authorities allege he believed the companies were tied to animal testing. The FBI has...

Pet Shop Boys Reject PETA's Request to Change Name

'Rescue Shelter' boys perhaps?

(Newser) - The Pet Shop boys turned down a curious request from PETA to change their name to the "Rescue Shelter Boys," CNN reports. The animal-rights group admitted its request might seem “bizarre” but exhorted the dance-music duo to consider the attention they could bring to the squalid conditions...

Animal Rights No Longer for Vegetarians Only

(Newser) - Electing a black man president wasn’t the only historic thing voters did last November, writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times. California voted, by nearly a 2-1 margin, for an animal-rights initiative that bars farms from keeping calves, pregnant hogs, or hens in cages too small for them....

Critics Beef About Pig Explosions in US Army Tests

Campaigners question need to test body armor by blowing up pigs in Humvees

(Newser) - Animal rights activists have condemned the US military for blowing up live pigs to test body armor, USA Today reports. Military officials say the tests provided valuable information on the relationship between body armor and brain injury. But critics say the pig-blasting program caused unnecessary animal suffering for questionable results....

NYC Weighs Ban on Circus Elephants

(Newser) - The circus is in town, and in a related development, the New York City Council is considering a ban on the display of "wild or exotic animals" for entertainment, the Times reports. The bill, understood to be aimed at the Ringling Brothers pachyderms, has the support of almost half...

Buy Smaller Eggs, Ease Hens' Pain: Farmer

Free range producer says hens hurt when they lay large eggs

(Newser) - Free range, cage free, organic. Add one more to think about when you’re grocery-shopping: Medium eggs cause hens less pain when laid, a British farmer tells the Times. “It takes more out of hens to lay large eggs,” he said. “It would be kinder to eat...

Feds Probe Firebombing of Animal Researcher's Car

Attack targeted professor who used primates to study addiction

(Newser) - An federal anti-terror task force is probing the firebombing of a UCLA neuroscientist's car, the Los Angeles Times reports. An animal rights group has claimed responsibility for the attack, which took place outside the researcher’s house and caused no injuries. The professor targeted has been using primates for research...

PETA President Wills Body to Group
PETA President
Wills Body
to Group

PETA President Wills Body to Group

Newkirk suggests her flesh be barbecued, skin made into purse

(Newser) - The president of PETA has written a will donating her body to the organization along with suggestions about how best to use various body parts, TreeHugger reports. First on the list is the request that her “meat” be used as “human barbecue,” to remind the world “...

Nations Move to Breach Whaling Ban

Greenies say talks "wave the white flag" to whale killers

(Newser) - Secret government meetings could usher in a new era of legal commercial whaling for the first time in more than 20 years, the Independent reports. Twenty-eight whaling and anti-whaling nations have met twice to reach a compromise on the ban, which came after the near-extinction of many species. Environmentalists say...

PETA Protests McCruel Chicken Slaughter

Group boycotts fast food chains that use shocked poultry

(Newser) - After years of KFC boycotts, PETA will once again picket McDonald's in a bid to trigger a change in the way chickens are slaughtered in the US. American farms usually shock chickens before beheading them, a method the animal rights group calls inhumane. PETA prefers the European method, which involves...

Circle of Life Closes In on Backyard Coyotes

Animal-rights groups again clash with pet owners over predators

(Newser) - Across Southern California, an old battle is raging: tireless hunter vs. wily coyote. It's tough to tell who's winning, but it's easy to hear who's unhappy: both animal-rights groups and homeowners. "We had a cat, and he became coyote sushi," one resident tells the LA Times. Suburbia,...

Los Angeles Zoo to Bob Barker: Price Is Wrong

Park turns down $1.5M offer to relocate controversial elephant

(Newser) - The Los Angeles Zoo responded forcefully—and negatively—late yesterday to a $1.5 million offer from celebrity Bob Barker to relocate the zoo’s last elephant to a sanctuary, the Times reports. “Billy’s home is at the Los Angeles Zoo, not a distant location that is both...

140-Year-Old Lobster Liberated
 140-Year-Old Lobster Liberated 

140-Year-Old Lobster Liberated

Restaurant heeds PETA call to let old-timer return to the sea

(Newser) - A lobster almost as old as the Lincoln presidency will return to the ocean today after being freed by PETA, the Village Voice reports. The animal rights group persuaded a New York City seafood restaurant to release George, estimated to be 140 years old, and plans to free the old-timer...

PETA Flays Burger King With Parody Perfume

Parody perfume launched to douse 'Flame'

(Newser) - If PETA had its way, right away, burger joints would close their doors forever, but the never-warm-and-fuzzy relationship reached a flashpoint last week when Burger King launched a meat-scented cologne called Flame. Now PETA is adding fuel to the fire with a parody fragrance called "Gore by Murder King,...

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>