animal rights

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New York Carriage Horses Get Raises, 5-Week Vacations

Horses now entitled to vacation

(Newser) - New York’s city council took a stand yesterday for some of the city’s most put-upon, working-class schlubs: the horses who schlep carriages through Central Park. From now on, those unfortunate beasts are entitled to five weeks of vacation outside the city every year, the New York Post reports....

Shocking Egg-Farm Film Reignites Animal Debate

Humane Society video sparks new battle with farmers

(Newser) - A video showing chickens being slammed into metal crates has reignited a battle between the Humane Society and farmers. The footage, shot by an undercover Humane Society volunteer, shows chickens held in battery cages over enormous manure pits and chickens being violently shoved into a euthanizing chamber. "We're asking...

Switzerland to Vote on Lawyers for Animals

Public prosecutors would specialize in abuse cases

(Newser) - Swiss voters will go to the polls on Sunday to vote on a referendum that would provide lawyers for animals. If they approve it, and the Swiss government follows suit, every state in Switzerland would appoint a special attorney to pursue abuse cases, Der Spiegel reports. Farmers, hunters, and pet...

W. Hollywood Bans Pet Sales
 W. Hollywood 
 Bans Pet Sales 

W. Hollywood Bans Pet Sales

City aims to stamp out sales of 'puppy-mill' pets

(Newser) - The animal-rights trailblazers on West Hollywood's City Council have passed an ordinance banning pet shops from selling cats and dogs. No stores in the city currently sell the animals, but council leaders hope the move will set an example to other cities and help put "puppy mills" and "...

Bird-Loving Brits Opt for Faux Gras

Celebrities lead fight against 'torture in a tin'

(Newser) - A growing number of British retailers and restaurants have switched from foie gras to faux gras as part of a nationwide move toward politically correct food. Faux gras is made with liver from free-range poultry blended with goose or duck fat, instead of engorged livers from force-fed birds. Consumers seem...

Scientists: Dolphins Are 'Non-Human Persons'

New research shows them to be smarter than chimps

(Newser) - Dolphins are not only the world's smartest animal after humans, they're so intelligent they deserve to be classed as "non-human persons." So say scientists who argue their research on dolphins' brains shows it is unethical to keep such animals captive in amusement parks or to kill them for...

Judge Sides With Circus in Elephant Cruelty Case

Judge says plaintiff wasn't credible

(Newser) - A judge threw out an elephant abuse lawsuit against Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, saying the plaintiff, former Ringling employee Tom Rider, hadn’t demonstrated a close enough attachment to the animals. Rider and the Animal Protection Institute had argued that circus practices like using bull hooks on elephants...

PETA Accuses Monks of 'Un-Christian' Farming

Group wants Candian abbey to give up its chickens

(Newser) - PETA is waging a campaign to get monks at a Canadian monastery to reform farming practices the group decries as inhumane. "It denies God to treat animals this way," said a PETA official of the New Brunswick abbey, which produces about 300,000 chickens yearly. The campaign has...

PETA Drove Me to Kill My Cat
 PETA Drove Me to Kill My Cat 

PETA Drove Me to Kill My Cat

After a series of potential veiled threats, woman puts cat down

(Newser) - Buried on the last page of an article about the shiny, happy PETA interns (or, as one passerby called them, “those crazy PETA people”), the Washington Post relates a story of how they contributed to one cat’s untimely demise. Lydia Netzer, who lives next door to the...

70-Year-Old Lobster Deserves Freedom
 70-Year-Old Lobster 
 Deserves Freedom 
food critic's lament

70-Year-Old Lobster Deserves Freedom

Larry's plight stirs conscience of restaurant writer

(Newser) - Restaurant writer Ryan Sutton has dined on his share of lobsters, but the plight of one venerable crustacean has left him without an appetite. "Larry" is a 70-year-old lobster at New York's Oceana restaurant awaiting its fate as a $275 entree. Sutton admits he's never given much thought to...

PETA Peeved Over Paris' Pig
 PETA Peeved Over Paris' Pig 

PETA Peeved Over Paris' Pig

Hilton's latest accessory angers perpetually pissed animal rights organization

(Newser) - PETA has found a new poster child for its ire: Paris Hilton, who recently adopted a $4,500 miniature piglet. Despite naming the animal “Princess Piglette,” TMZ notes, PETA claims the "wretched example" treats her pets like “disposable accessories”—“as disposable as her friends,...

Vick Plans TV Documentary Series on His Life

Show will take a somber, serious look at QB's life: BET producers

(Newser) - Michael Vick will star in an eight-part documentary-style TV series about his life for BET. The Michael Vick Project, due in 2010, will look at Vick’s comeback with the Philadelphia Eagles along with his troubled childhood and—of course—the time he spent running a dogfighting ring. "I...

Hippo Hunt Divides Colombia
 Hippo Hunt Divides Colombia 

Hippo Hunt Divides Colombia

Animal rights groups decry containment plan

(Newser) - Pepe the Hippo has become a divisive figure in Colombia. When the animal escaped from his birthplace near Pablo Escobar’s pleasure palace, the government and some environmentalists organized an intense hunt that eventually ended when a team of more than a dozen soldiers killed the runaway beast. But some...

Sorry, Glenn Beck: Senate Confirms Sunstein

57-40 vote goes mostly along party lines

(Newser) - Cass Sunstein, President Obama’s nominee for a bureaucratic White House post, has been confirmed in a 57-40 Senate vote largely along party lines, Politico reports. Sunstein, who will monitor federal regulations as director of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, has been under attack by conservatives...

Say Hello to Glenn Beck's Latest Target

Sunstein's stance on hunting puts him on Fox host's hit list

(Newser) - Now that Glenn Beck has helped take down Van Jones, he’s set his sights on another Obama appointee: Cass Sunstein, would-be head of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Conservatives initially praised the choice of Sunstein, because some of his writings have a libertarian bent, Newsweek...

Rights Group Films Workers Grinding Chicks Alive

Animal rights group uncovers disgusting practices at Iowa egg hatchery

(Newser) - An undercover video shot by an animal rights group at an Iowa egg hatchery shows workers discarding unwanted male chicks by tossing them live into a grinder, and other chicks falling through a sorting machine to die on the factory floor. Chicago-based Mercy for Animals said it shot the video...

Vick's Fans, Critics Plot Rallies Ahead of Eagles Game

NAACP to march at stadium, while SPCA throws 'tailgate' party

(Newser) - Michael Vick’s first NFL game since his conviction for dog fighting has triggered strong reactions among animal and civil rights advocates in Philadelphia and they plan to let him know it, AP reports. Before he steps onto the field today as the Eagles’ quarterback, the Pennsylvania SPCA will throw...

Activists Torch Drug CEO's Home, Steal Mom's Ashes

(Newser) - Animal rights militants have torched the home of the CEO of drug giant Novartis and stolen his mother's ashes from a Swiss cemetery, say company officials. Employees' cars have also been vandalized and attacked with crude explosive devices, reports the Wall Street Journal.

Fox Hunters Try for More Populist Image

(Newser) - Britain's beleaguered fox hunting crew is undergoing media training to stop acting so bloody "toff," as the Brits say, in order to curry favor with the hoi polloi, reports the Independent. Hunters should always climb off their horses before speaking to the press and refrain from wearing their...

PETA Wants Psych Test for Vick to Return

Animal-rights group threatens NFL with protest otherwise

(Newser) - PETA may protest if Michael Vick gets another job in the NFL without first undergoing a psychological evaluation, the animal-rights group’s DC office says. A spokesperson tells CBS affiliate WUSA-TV that a person who’s served time has the right to go free, but isn’t entitled to go...

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