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Senate Torpedoes House Bid to Defund ObamaCare

Ball back in Boehner's court

(Newser) - The Senate has voted 54 to 46 to reject House amendments to the continuing resolution—including the one that would delay ObamaCare. The vote split evenly along party lines, and increases the odds of a government shutdown, the Washington Post reports. As Slate points out, this is the second time...

The Scariest Speech I Ever Wrote for Obama

Failure to raise debt ceiling would mean 'economic shutdown': Jon Favreau

(Newser) - In 2011, White House speechwriter Jon Favreau penned some ominous words predicting the disastrous effects of a failure to raise the debt limit, including indefinite delays on Social Security checks and halted troop pay and veterans' benefits. President Obama never had to give the speech, because the debt ceiling was...

Shutdown Countdown: What to Expect

Ball now in Senate's court, but not for long

(Newser) - Washington is braced for the first government shutdown in 17 years, which will happen at midnight tonight unless lawmakers manage to break the deadlock over funding and hammer out a deal. Here's what to expect from a day of drama in DC:
  • The House has passed legislation to delay

'Pacemaker Tax' at Heart of Shutdown Battle

Unpopular tax may be dropped as part of deal

(Newser) - A tax on medical devices has taken center stage in the Washington shutdown battle , Politico finds. The 2.3% tax that critics have dubbed the "pacemaker tax" is opposed even by many Democrats, and House Republicans say they would consider a deal that would drop the delay to ObamaCare...

Ted Cruz: Reid Holding US 'Hostage' With Shutdown

Meanwhile, House GOP whip says 'we are not shutting the government down'

(Newser) - With the federal government lurching toward a shutdown , Ted Cruz is pointing his finger squarely at Harry Reid, who "holds that absolutist position and essentially holds the American people hostage," he told Meet the Press today. The Senate majority leader "has essentially told the House of Representatives...

Shutdown Nears as House Votes to Delay ObamaCare

Measure goes to Senate, which isn't meeting Sunday

(Newser) - The Republican-controlled House approved legislation early today imposing a one-year delay on key parts of ObamaCare and repealing a tax on medical devices as the price for avoiding a partial government shutdown at 12:01am Tuesday. The measure now goes back to the Senate, which is not scheduled to meet...

Historic Call: Obama Talks With Iran's President

He also tells GOP to 'knock it off' in regard to the budget

(Newser) - President Obama went to the White House briefing room this afternoon to scold House Republicans—"knock it off, pass a budget, and move on"—but he made more news with a brief announcement beforehand: Obama revealed that he had spoken on the phone with Iran President Hasan Rouhani...

Tick, Tick, Tick: Senate Re-Funds ObamaCare; Back to House

It's anybody's guess what happens next ahead of shutdown

(Newser) - Your move, John Boehner. As expected, the Senate today passed a bill that keeps the government running and funds ObamaCare, reports the AP . The vote was 54-44. Now House Republicans must decide whether to accept it—Boehner already has suggested he won't —or run the risk of a...

House GOP Rejects Senate Plan as Shutdown Looms

Boehner still says shutdown unlikely

(Newser) - Word yesterday was that Republicans might attach the ObamaCare battle to the debt-ceiling debate, averting a government shutdown; today, that's looking less likely. Asked whether the House would accept a bill to fund the government after the Senate removes anti-ObamaCare measures, as it is expected to do , John Boehner...

House GOP Mulls New Route to Avoiding Shutdown

ObamaCare fight could be tied to debt-limit measure instead

(Newser) - Now that the Senate has voted to open debate on a bill to fund the government, Harry Reid can remove its measures to defund ObamaCare before returning it to the House. But that doesn't mean the GOP is giving up on the fight. John Boehner could approve the bill,...

What Did Ted Cruz&#39;s Non-Filibuster Accomplish?
What Did Ted Cruz's Non-Filibuster Accomplish?

What Did Ted Cruz's Non-Filibuster Accomplish?

Some pundits think it helped only Cruz himself

(Newser) - Ted Cruz's 21-hour talk-a-thon is over , and while it may not have blocked a vote on the continuing resolution, it certainly succeeded in getting people talking. Here's what they're saying:
  • Cruz's fellow Republicans "staged an intervention" beforehand, warning him that it might hurt the party,

Ted Cruz Wraps Up After 21-Plus Hours

His anti-ObamaCare speech ends; Senate moves ahead with debate on House bill

(Newser) - Ted Cruz managed to keep up his anti-ObamaCare crusade on the Senate floor for nearly a full day, but he finally relented about noon today, reports Politico . Cruz began speaking at 2:41pm Eastern yesterday and got some breaks from peers including Rand Paul and Mike Lee. But Cruz had...

Ted Cruz Still Standing, Reads Green Eggs and Ham

Marathon session passes 18-hour mark

(Newser) - As part of Sen. Ted Cruz's anti-ObamaCare talkathon—which he has vowed to keep up until he can no longer stand —he read the Dr. Seuss classic, Green Eggs and Ham, to his daughters. "Daddy's going to be home soon, to read to you in person,...

Cruz Vows to Speak Until 'No Longer Able to Stand'

Texas senator rails against ObamaCare, but can't actually delay vote

(Newser) - It's filibuster-y, but apparently not a filibuster. Sen. Ted Cruz took the Senate floor about 2:40pm Eastern today and promised to speak against ObamaCare until he is "no longer able to stand," reports AP . It sounds like an "old-fashioned talking filibuster," says the Washington ...

Ted Cruz Making Enemies on Both Sides of the Aisle

Frank Bruni thinks it will backfire; Dana Milbank blames GOP's own system

(Newser) - Ted Cruz is taking the "fast track" to Senate stardom, and that means capitalizing on conflict, writes Frank Bruni in the New York Times . He hasn't been around long, but he's already made "groundless and shameless" accusations against Chuck Hagel, offered Dianne Feinstein some constitutional pedantry,...

Government Shutdown? &#39;Bring It On&#39;
Government Shutdown? 'Bring It On'

Government Shutdown? 'Bring It On'

Matthew Yglesias: A brief one gives us a chance to fix this mess now

(Newser) - We're less than a week away from a possible government shutdown , but it probably won't come to pass, writes Matthew Yglesias at Slate . The safe money right now says that Ted Cruz won't be able to fend off the inevitable result: Republicans will agree to yet another...

Rand Paul: Put John Roberts on His Precious ObamaCare

Senate firebrand proposes constitutional amendment

(Newser) - Looks like Rand Paul hasn't forgiven John Roberts for declaring ObamaCare constitutional. The Kentucky senator says he's pushing a constitutional amendment stating that no federal employees would get special exemptions from laws—which, he tells the Daily Caller , would kick government employees off their taxpayer-subsidized health plans, and...

Obama Turns to 'Funny or Die' to Promote ObamaCare

Will create videos encouraging young people to enroll for insurance marketplaces

(Newser) - The White House has turned to an unlikely medium to promote ObamaCare: funny web videos. The Obama administration teamed up with popular video site Funny or Die (you may remember it from such videos as " The Wire: The Musical ") to create some 20 projects to promote the...

Cruz Asking Republicans to Block Bill They Support

He's trying to keep Senate from restoring ObamaCare funding as shutdown looms

(Newser) - The political theater in DC in regard to the looming government shutdown and the fight over ObamaCare has resulted in this weird logic: Ted Cruz wants his fellow Republicans in the Senate to block a bill they support. Politico and New York lay it out: The House has sent to...

House Passes Spending Bill, Without ObamaCare

Stands no chance in the Senate as clock ticks toward shutdown

(Newser) - And we're off: The House has passed a temporary funding measure to keep the government running. As expected, the bill is coupled with a Tea Party-backed measure to block President Obama's new healthcare law. The 230 -189 vote sets the stage for a confrontation with the Democratic-led Senate....

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