
Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>

ObamaCare Website Undershot Volume by a Mile

It can accommodate 50K at a time, and that's 'weird,' says former HHS official

(Newser) - One salient fact about why the new federal website for ObamaCare has had so much trouble: It was built to handle about 50,000 visitors at a time, a former Health and Human Services tech official tells the Washington Post . Given the intense interest of the rollout, that's just...

'Major Design Flaw' Paralyzed ObamaCare Site: Experts

Feds should let users go window-shopping, tech gurus say

(Newser) - Might not be hackers who crippled the ObamaCare website after all. Tech experts are saying that the federal site crippled itself by making users sign in before browsing insurance plans, the AP reports. That demand puts a strain on the site, forcing it to verify identity, residence, income, and more...

Stewart Grills Sebelius on ObamaCare: 'Am I Stupid?'

Launch was 'rockier' than planned

(Newser) - Jon Stewart has some concerns about ObamaCare, and on last night's Daily Show , he made sure the health secretary knew about them. Stewart questioned the market-based approach to health care, and he kept asking Kathleen Sebelius why businesses were allowed to delay involvement for a year while individuals must...

Shutdown&#39;s Real Winner: Ideology

 Real Winner: 

Shutdown's Real Winner: Ideology

It's taking political dysfunction to new heights: Robert Samuelson

(Newser) - Ideology has taken over Washington like never before. It explains why Republicans are willing to suffer political blame for the shutdown: It's all connected to what Robert Samuelson has dubbed "the politics of self-esteem." Ideologues on either side of the spectrum believe they're working not for...

High Court's Jammed Term: Campaign Finance, Abortion

ObamaCare, affirmative action once again on docket

(Newser) - The Supreme Court begins its new term today, and once again, there are plenty of headline-grabbing cases on the docket, the New York Times notes. In fact, says an expert, "this term is deeper in important cases than either of the prior two terms." A number of court...

ObamaCare Site Going Down for Repairs

Officials promise extra capacity and better call centers

(Newser) - The bedeviled Obamacare website is going down for repairs this weekend and should be working better by Monday, US health officials said today. The healthcare.gov site, which barely worked during its inaugural week, will still provide general information but not allow enrollment during off-peak weekend hours. "Americans have...

Boehner: Shutdown 'Isn't Some Damn Game'

Takes aim at administration's 'we're winning' comments

(Newser) - Things are getting testy on Capitol Hill. John Boehner lashed out at President Obama at a news conference today, demanding he open talks with House Republicans. "I was at the White House the other night and listened to the president explain to me some 20 times why he's...

GOP Shifts Focus From ObamaCare to Broader Deal

Boehner seeks 'grand bargain' to reopen government, raise debt ceiling

(Newser) - As week one of the government shutdown comes to a close, you can pretty much scrap the idea that lawmakers will reach a deal to reopen it and then move on to the debt ceiling. It's clear that John Boehner has shifted strategy and now wants to negotiate one...

Hackers May Be Behind NY's ObamaCare Glitch

Numbers don't add up, New York officials say

(Newser) - ObamaCare's online insurance markets were famously glitchy on launch day, but that might not all have been the result of shoddy tech work. In New York, computer security experts suspect that the state's exchange was targeted by hackers in a DDoS attack, the New York Post reports. The...

8M Poor People Still Not Covered by ObamaCare

They live in states that opted out of the Medicaid expansion

(Newser) - The new health-care exchanges set up under ObamaCare are now a reality , but a New York Times analysis finds a problem with the rollout of the Affordable Care Act that goes beyond software glitches . About 8 million working poor people who need health insurance still can't get it, with...

Shutdown a Lifesaver for Buggy ObamaCare Tech
Shutdown a Lifesaver for Buggy ObamaCare Tech

Shutdown a Lifesaver for Buggy ObamaCare Tech

Matthew Yglesias thinks the GOP gave the White House a gift

(Newser) - The Obama administration shrugged off yesterday's reports of rampant bugs in its new health care exchanges as normal software growing pains, and evidence of the market's popularity . "Those were both decent pieces of spin, but they really are just spin," writes Matthew Yglesias at Slate . "...

Millions Flock to (Glitchy) ObamaCare Website

But it's not clear how many actually gained coverage

(Newser) - The large number of technical glitches experienced as ObamaCare health insurance exchanges opened in every state yesterday were the result of popularity, according to administration officials. With 2.8 million visitors to the federal website by yesterday afternoon, "we're off to a good start," said the chief...

Hey, Young People: Why Aren't You Protesting?

Shutdown deserves a response from millennials: Michael Kazin

(Newser) - On a range of issues from immigration to unions, polls suggest today's twentysomethings are lefties. Yet here we are, in the midst of a government shutdown , and the millennials aren't coming out against it. "They should be surrounding the Capitol to defend Obamacare and blast the Republicans...

House Leaders Plan to Use Ted Cruz's Strategy Next

He suggests passing a series of bills to fund individual agencies

(Newser) - House Republicans can't get one big spending bill through the Senate, so how about lots of little spending bills? That seems to be the strategy they're settling on, reports Roll Call , and it's one floated previously by the Senate's Ted Cruz. The House plans to vote...

Surprise! Senate Rejects House Spending Bill 4th Time

Getting used to no progress on solving shutdown yet?

(Newser) - Stop us if this sounds familiar: The Senate today rejected a House spending bill that sought to throw a monkey wrench into ObamaCare. If you've lost track, that makes the fourth time it's happened in the latest shutdown drama, reports CNN . Harry Reid's Senate Democrats rejected the...

ObamaCare Launch Plagued With Glitches

Sebelius compared situation to iOS7 launch yesterday

(Newser) - As promised , ObamaCare's health insurance exchanges launched today ... but, also as promised , there were glitches galore. Politico reports that users in multiple states were getting error messages and weren't able to sign up for the exchanges, and the federal website was down entirely around 9:30am. Maryland'...

Government Shutdown: Now What?

Closure could last at least a week

(Newser) - The House and Senate's failure to reach a deal to resolve the budget brouhaha has left the US without a functioning federal government for the first time in 17 years—and the two sides seem so averse to compromise that it's anyone's guess when the shutdown will...

Shutdown or No, ObamaCare Exchanges 'Ready to Go'

But president says to expect months of 'glitches'

(Newser) - The government may have shut down , but ObamaCare's health insurance exchanges are launching today as scheduled, the Hill reports. "The Affordable Care Act is moving forward. That funding is already in place. You can’t shut it down," President Obama said yesterday. Added Kathleen Sebelius, "Shutdown...

Shutdown: Let the Blame Game Begin

'They won't negotiate,' pretty much everybody complains

(Newser) - America is waking up to the first federal shutdown since the mid-'90s, and the more familiar sight of Democrats and Republicans squabbling. Both sides blame each other for the shutdown—with the Dems accusing the GOP of "extortion" to delay ObamaCare and the Republicans accusing their counterparts of...

Obama Urges GOP to Make 11th-Hour Deal

Blames Republicans for re-fighting election and health care debates

(Newser) - At a press conference following the Senate's rejection of a bill to defund ObamaCare , President Obama urged House Republicans to pass a short-term spending bill at the 11th hour. He warned that a government shutdown tonight would "throw a wrench into the gears" of economic recovery and have...

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