
Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>

Lawmakers Skip Town Halls, Hold Job Fairs

More than half of lawmakers holding no town hall meetings

(Newser) - Think politicians are just a wee bit spooked by the town hall rebellion of 2009? Leery of facing angry voters, lawmakers are eschewing those events this year, the Christian Science Monitor reports, with half of Republicans and two-thirds of Democrats opting not to hold any during this month's Congressional...

Perry Owes Texas' Jobs Boom to ... the Feds

Rick Perry boasts of limited gov't, but numbers tell different story

(Newser) - Rick Perry likes to boast that Texas' leading jobs creation rate comes from limiting taxes and government interference, but in fact many of those jobs are thanks to Washington. And thanks in particular to the military and surging federal spending—along with $25-billion in federal stimulus —government jobs in...

Second Stimulus, Additional Debt Release Coming

President to trade short-term spending for long-term cuts

(Newser) - President Obama's promises to boost jobs and cut the deficit are taking shape, with a new stimulus and tax cuts for companies that hire new workers to be announced in a major address right after Labor Day, reports the Washington Post . The stimulus is said to focus on road...

Better Than Expected: Unemployment Dips to 9.1%

117K jobs added in July, more than predicted

(Newser) - Hiring picked up slightly in July and the unemployment rate dipped to 9.1%, an optimistic sign after the worst day on Wall Street in nearly three years. The Labor Department says employers added 117,000 jobs last month, an improvement from the past two months. The Wall Street Journal...

Boehner's Betting You Don't Understand Economics

There's no way spending cuts lead to job creation: Felix Salmon

(Newser) - John Boehner reacted to today’s brutal jobs report with a batch of his typical economic nonsense, writes Felix Salmon of Reuters . “Republicans are focused on jobs, and are ready to stop Washington from spending money it doesn’t have,” declared Boehner, calling for more federal spending cuts....

Unemployment Now 9.2% as Hiring Nears Standstill

And May numbers revised downward as well

(Newser) - The June jobs report is out, and it isn't pretty. Hiring slowed to a near-standstill last month: Employers added the fewest jobs in nine months and the unemployment rate rose to 9.2%. The Labor Department says the economy generated only 18,000 net jobs in June, and the...

Unemployment Claims Dip, June Likely to Stay at 9.1%

Two semi-positive reports out ahead of tomorrow's Labor report

(Newser) - US stock futures are rising after two encouraging employment reports. The government said today that the number of Americans who made first-time claims for unemployment benefits dropped to 418,000 last week, slightly below estimates and the lowest figure in seven weeks. In a separate look at the labor market,...

Scott Walker Big on Slogans, So-So on Jobs

 Scott Walker 
 Big on Slogans, 
 So-So on Jobs 
Dana Milbank

Scott Walker Big on Slogans, So-So on Jobs

Dana Milbank says the governor has proved he has no silver bullet

(Newser) - Scott Walker loves talking about his “powerful” job-creating policies. “The very first day I was elected, I put up a sign that said, ‘Wisconsin is open for business,’” Walker said at a US Chamber of Commerce summit yesterday, waving a bumper sticker bearing the same...

Only McDonald's Saved Us From Losing Jobs

Depressing: That one-day hiring binge kept us in the black

(Newser) - Just how lousy were today's unemployment numbers ? Employers created a meager 54,000 jobs, way under expectations. Alex Goldmark at Good points out that if not for McDonald's one-day hiring binge of 62,000 jobs, the nation would have had a net loss. "That's what...

Unemployment Rate Rises to 9.1%

And fewer new jobs than expected were created

(Newser) - Employers hired only 54,000 new workers in May, the fewest in eight months, and the unemployment rate rose to 9.1%. The Labor Department report offers startling evidence that the US economy is slowing, hampered by high gas prices and natural disasters in Japan that have hurt US manufacturers....

Now Hiring: US Factories
 Now Hiring: 
 US Factories 

Now Hiring: US Factories

Manufacturers struggle to fill openings for skilled workers

(Newser) - It may seem odd amid days of 9% unemployment , but US manufacturers are struggling to fill openings, the Wall Street Journal reports. One of the problems is that schools aren't producing enough applicants with the requisite math and science knowledge. Factory work no longer equates to no-skills work: Employees...

Unemployment Rises to 9%, but Hiring Is Up

As more rejoin the job search, unemployment rate goes up

(Newser) - Employers added more than 200,000 jobs in April for the third straight month, the biggest hiring spree in five years. But the unemployment rate rose to 9% in part because some people resumed looking for work. The Labor Department says the economy added 244,000 jobs last month. Private...

Today's the Day: McDonald's Kicks Off Hiring Binge

Looks to hire 50K workers in US

(Newser) - By the end of today, 50,000 people could be practicing how to say, "Do you want fries with that?" McDonald's began its hiring binge this morning, and is taking resumes nationwide until 5pm, reports the Chicago Tribune. Jobs range from cashiers to restaurant management—and average $8....

67% of Men Had Jobs in 2010—a New Low

Overall percentage of working Americans is down to 45.4%

(Newser) - A mere 45.4% of Americans were working in 2010, the lowest rate since women started flooding into the workforce in the 1980s, according to a new analysis from USA Today . The figure, down from a peak of 49.3% in 2000, indicates that a combination of a bad economy...

US Companies Hiring the Most Employees in 2011

Home Depot and McDonald's lead the way

(Newser) - Most recessions end as small companies regain the capital needed to hire small numbers of workers at a time. That will most likely not happen this time around, however, because smaller companies have little capital and banks are hesitant to give out loans, reports 24/7 Wall Street . So which large ...

Unemployment Falls to 2-Year Low: 8.8%

It's fallen full point over past four months, the sharpest drop since 1983

(Newser) - The unemployment rate fell to a two-year low of 8.8% in March and companies added workers at the fastest two-month pace since before the recession began. The Labor Department says the economy added 216,000 new jobs last month, offsetting layoffs at local governments. Factories, retailers, education, health care,...

Unemployment Falls to 9%
 Unemployment Falls to 9% 

Unemployment Falls to 9%

But that's partially because many have stopped looking

(Newser) - The unemployment rate dropped sharply last month to 9%, the lowest level in nearly two years. But the economy added only 36,000 new jobs, the fewest in four months. The unemployment rate has fallen by eight-tenths of a percentage point in the past two months; that's the steepest two-month...

US Sees Rosiest Jobs Outlook Since 1998
 US Sees Rosiest 
 Jobs Outlook 
 Since 1998 
survey says

US Sees Rosiest Jobs Outlook Since 1998

42% of respondents expect to be hiring in next 6 months

(Newser) - US firms' employment expectations are the best they’ve been in more than a decade, a survey finds: Some 42% of companies who responded expect to boost hiring in the next 6 months, up from 39% in October; just 7% planned to shrink payrolls, compared to 11% in October. Some...

Unemployment Rate Falls to 9.4%
Unemployment Rate
Falls to 9.4%
breaking news

Unemployment Rate Falls to 9.4%

But that's party because some people stopped looking for jobs

(Newser) - The nation's unemployment rate dropped to 9.4% last month, its lowest level in 19 months. That was because more people found jobs, but also because some people gave up on their job searches. The Labor Department says employers added 103,000 jobs in December, an improvement from November's revised...

Brits to Jobless: Volunteer or Lose Benefits

Goal: 'End the habit of worklessness'

(Newser) - Unemployed Britons may have to volunteer full-time for a month in order to keep their benefits. The plan, to be unveiled this week, is part of a massive overhaul of the country's $300 billion welfare program, notes the Guardian . The goal, says a government source, is to "end the...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>