
Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>

Top Colleges Steer Grads Away from Wall Street

Students, staff encourage grads to expand horizons

(Newser) - For many seniors at elite US universities, Wall Street provides a straightforward path to a job—particularly since big banks often dominate campus recruiting. But recently, fellow students and staff alike have urged graduating classes to consider a wider array of options, the Los Angeles Times reports. A nationwide campaign...

Unemployment Falls to 9%
 Unemployment Falls to 9% 

Unemployment Falls to 9%

October saw 80K new jobs added

(Newser) - The bad news: Just 80,000 new jobs were created in October, when around 100,000 were expected. That’s the fewest in four months, the AP reports. The good news: The unemployment rate fell to 9%, its first decline since July; it had been expected to hold steady at...

Environmental Strategy of GOP: 'Too Dirty to Fail'

They protect polluters on the false pretext of saving jobs: EPA chief

(Newser) - House Republicans claim that to create jobs, we need to loosen environmental regulations. To that end, they’ve “averaged roughly a vote every day” in session to weaken the rules—and have already cut back the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and other laws, writes EPA chief...

Top State in High-Tech Job Hiring Is...

...not the one you'd expect, according to a new report

(Newser) - And the state filling the most high-tech jobs last year was … Michigan? Though many might have guessed California and its Silicon Valley would fill the top slot, the Great Lakes state actually takes top honors. “The fact that Michigan added more tech jobs in 2010 than any other...

Perry's Job Program Claims Wildly Inflated

Wall Street Journal looks at the numbers and isn't impressed

(Newser) - Rick Perry often boasts of his $440 million Texas Enterprise Fund, which he says has created more than 59,000 jobs. But the program’s estimates often appear wildly exaggerated, the Wall Street Journal reports. A $50 million grant to Texas A&M for a new Genomic Institute, for example,...

US Incomes Fell More After Recession Than During It

Median household income down 6.7% between June 2009, June 2011

(Newser) - US incomes continued to fall after the 2007 recession was declared over—at an even steeper rate than during the recession, according to a recent analysis. Inflation-adjusted median household income fell 6.7% between June 2009 and June 2011. During the two-year recession, incomes fell 3.2%. The full four-year...

Jobs Report: Unemployment Rate Still 9.1% as Economy Adds 103K Jobs
 Unemployment Holds at 9.1% 

Unemployment Holds at 9.1%

Economy needs to add even more jobs to keep up with population growth

(Newser) - Employers added 103,000 jobs in September, a modest burst of hiring after a sluggish summer, but the unemployment rate stayed at 9.1% for the third straight month. Nearly half of the gains last month occurred because 45,000 striking Verizon workers returned to their jobs. The private sector...

Facebook Apps Actually Create Jobs—182K So Far

You waste time on them at work ... giving someone else a chance to work

(Newser) - Playing FarmVille may not make you an actual farmer—but it does help create some bona fide, albeit non-agricultural, jobs. A new study released today estimates that more than 182,000 jobs have been created because of Facebook applications. University of Maryland Business School researchers pegged the number of software-company...

Obama's Jobs Bill Goes to Congress Tonight

But it's missing one crucial element, 'Los Angeles Times' notes

(Newser) - "Pass this bill," President Obama said more than two dozen times during his two speeches last week touting his jobs bill —and he’ll say it again tonight when he officially sends the American Jobs Act to Congress. “He will call on Congress to pass the...

Obama Plan Would Bring 1.9M Jobs: Moody's

Would grow economy 2%, says expert

(Newser) - President Obama’s jobs plan would put some 1.9 million people back to work and grow the economy 2%, says Moody’s chief economist. The plan could slice the unemployment rate by a percentage point, adds Mark Zandi, whose analysis comes as the president heads to Virginia to...

Obama Pushes $450B Jobs Plan

He wants to extend the payroll tax cut, spend on infrastructure projects

(Newser) - President Obama made his pitch to Congress this evening for what he's calling the American Jobs Act, a wide-ranging proposal whose centerpiece is an expansion of the payroll tax break (he figures it's worth $1,500 a year to the average family), along with more spending on school...

Bachmann Will Rebut Obama's Speech

She appears to be only Republican planning to do so

(Newser) - As she struggles to stay relevant in the 2012 presidential race, Michele Bachmann has figured out at least one more way to keep her name in the news. She’ll offer a rebuttal to President Obama’s jobs speech tonight at 8:30pm, The Hill reports. No formal Republican response...

What Obama Must Say in His Jobs Speech

He has to offer specific solutions, not platitudes: John Nichols

(Newser) - President Obama gives his jobs speech next week, and John Nichols of the Nation has some words of advice: Don't blow it. This speech cannot be political boilerplate, for the sake of Obama's presidency and the economy. Nichols offers some suggestions:
  • Be specific: Skip vague generalities. He must

Tea Party Congressman to Skip Obama's Jobs Speech

Joe Walsh of Illinois says he would just be a political 'prop'

(Newser) - Hoping today's dismal employment report will ignite a bipartisan fight to create jobs? Yeah, good luck with that. Tea Party congressman Joe Walsh of Illinois says he is skipping President Obama's joint session of Congress because it will be a waste of time, reports the Chicago Tribune . "...

Amazon to California: Ditch Tax, Get 7K Jobs

State senate, local retailers hostile to offer

(Newser) - Amazon has got a tempting offer for California, which is battling the nation’s second-highest unemployment rate: If the state delays a new online sales tax for two years, the Internet retailer will bring 7,000 new jobs to the Golden State. Amazon would also halt its push for a...

US Added No New Jobs Last Month

Unemployment remains at 9.1%

(Newser) - Following a depressing economic forecast from the White House budget office, today's jobs report brings even more depressing news: For the first time in nearly a year, the US economy added no net jobs last month. The government lost 17,000 jobs while the private sector added just 17,...

Obama Blinks, Reschedules Jobs Talk

He switches day at John Boehner's request

(Newser) - Chalk up another one for the Republicans. In the standoff over President Obama's schedule for his urgent jobs speech, Obama blinked. He has agreed to move the date a day later, to next Thursday, which is the same time as the NFL season opener. John Boehner complained about the...

Obama Asks to Unveil Jobs Plan to Congress

He wants to address joint session on Sept. 7

(Newser) - Congress will hear about President Obama's plan to create jobs directly from the source: He has asked to address a joint session at 8pm EST on Sept. 7, reports the Hill . His plan would be delivered on the same night and the same time as a GOP presidential debate...

Obama Scrambles for Jobs Plan
 Obama Scrambles for Jobs Plan 

Obama Scrambles for Jobs Plan

But problem may be too big to fix

(Newser) - As he announced the appointment of Alan Krueger yesterday, President Obama promised a speech outlining his new jobs agenda next week—but behind the scenes, Obama and company haven’t actually agreed on that agenda yet, the Washington Post reports. The president is considering a number of options, including a...

Nicholas Kristof: Get Real About Creating Jobs
 It's the Jobs, Stupid 

It's the Jobs, Stupid

Nothing else is going to pull us out, so get real about creating jobs

(Newser) - Washington policy wonks may enjoy obsessing about the debt and political intrigue, but with 25 million Americans unemployed or underemployed, it's the jobs, stupid, writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . Polls show people's biggest worry is work, by a two-to-one margin over federal spending. "I...

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>