state dinner

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Japan PM Quotes Star Trek at White House State Dinner

Paul Simon provided the music

(Newser) - Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida cracked jokes and invoked a touchstone of American culture as he quoted from Star Trek at Wednesday's state dinner, telling guests at the White House that he hoped the "unshakable relationship" between his country and the US would "boldly go where no...

Bidens to Host State Dinner, but Change Music Amid 'Pain'

B-52s will no longer perform at Wednesday night's White House state dinner

(Newser) - The Bidens will hold a State Dinner on Wednesday for Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and partner Jodie Haydon, but guests will no longer be treated to tunes by the B-52s. Deadline reports the "relentlessly upbeat" new wave band won't take the White House stage as planned out...

Celebs Descend on White House for Biden's First State Dinner

President hosted French leader at glitzy event

(Newser) - Glamour returned to the White House Thursday night as President Biden hosted his first state dinner. It was the first one the building has seen since September 2019, when then-President Trump hosted Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. As with the first state dinner of Trump's presidency, the guest of...

'Incredible' Melania Wins Praise for Trump's First State Dinner

She seemed 'wholly at ease' at glitzy event

(Newser) - "To America's absolutely incredible first lady, thank you for making this an evening we will always cherish and remember," President Trump said at his first White House state dinner Tuesday night—and he was far from the only one praising Melania Trump. The first lady, who wore...

Trump to Host First Foreign Leader With Glitzy Dinner

Emmanuel Macron and wife Brigitte are coming Tuesday

(Newser) - Now it's President Donald Trump's turn to pull off the ultimate charm offensive, the AP reports. Wined and dined on multiple state visits during his tour of Asia last year, Trump is paying it forward and celebrating nearly 250 years of US-French relations by playing host to President...

Number of Trump State Dinners: Zero
Number of Trump
State Dinners: Zero

Number of Trump State Dinners: Zero

Which is a departure from about 100 years of first-year presidential behavior

(Newser) - President Trump couldn't stop talking about the red carpets, military parades, and fancy dinners that were lavished upon him during state visits on his recent tour of Asia. "Magnificent," he declared at one point. But Trump has yet to reciprocate, reports the AP , making him the first...

S. Korea: Japan's Gripes Over Trump Dinner 'Inappropriate'

Prawns, a guest rankled Japan

(Newser) - President Trump was on Tuesday served beef ribs with gravy that had 360-year-old soy sauce as an ingredient during South Korea's state dinner, and it came served with two sides of controversy. PRI reports it was the first state visit by a US president in 25 years, so South...

White House Played It Safe With Xi's Dinner Menu

Missiles hit Syria just before leader left Mar-a-Lago

(Newser) - President Trump hosted China's President Xi Jinping for a formal dinner Thursday night that has been largely overshadowed by the rain of American cruise missiles that slammed into a Syrian airbase minutes after the meal finished. The Guardian reports that before the dinner at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, Trump...

Obama 'Saved Best for Last' at Final State Dinner

He welcomes Italian PM, 400 guests

(Newser) - "Bittersweet" was the word of the night at President Obama's 13th and final state dinner. "We saved the best for last," he said Tuesday as he welcomed Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his wife, Agnese Landini, to the White House. He wasn't joking. The...

Tech Leaders Join Head Table for China State Dinner

Studio execs also had a chance to chat with Xi

(Newser) - The food at last night's White House state dinner for Chinese President Xi Jinping was billed as "American cuisine with nuances of Chinese flavors"—and the guest list had a strong flavor of Hollywood and Silicon Valley. Tech CEOs including Apple's Tim Cook, Facebook chief Mark...

Celebs Got Seat at State Dinner
 Celebs Got Seat at State Dinner 

Celebs Got Seat at State Dinner

George Clooney, 'Downton Abbey' actors, John Legend in attendance

(Newser) - British Prime Minister David Cameron and wife Samantha were the honorees at last night's state dinner, but the real VIPs were the other 350-something people who managed to score a ticket. Among them: George Clooney (who sat next to Michelle Obama at the head table, but of course), Warren...

After Pouring a $300 Bottle, White House Mum on Wine

Ends state dinner tradition of releasing info about the wine list

(Newser) - Last night, British PM David Cameron enjoyed his very first taste of March Madness, compliments of President Obama. At tonight's state dinner, he'll likely enjoy some American wine as well—but don't expect too many details about the winery, year, or appellation. That's because Obama put...

Inside Last Night's State Dinner

Head table included actor BD Wong, everyone ate apple pie

(Newser) - Sure, everybody who is somebody got an invite to last night's state dinner, which 225 people attended. But who got seated at the head table with President Obama and guest of honor Hu Jintao? Gawker has the list, which includes:
  • Law and Order star BD Wong
  • Bill and Hillary, along

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
 Guess Who's 
 Coming to Dinner 
china state dinner

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Anna Wintour, Vera Wang, Barbra Streisand and more

(Newser) - We know who's not coming to tonight's state dinner for China. And now we know who is. The Huffington Post has the entire list. Some highlights:
  • Christiane Amanpour
  • Jackie Chan
  • Thomas Friedman
  • Herbie Hancock

Gate-Crashing Salahis Stopped Near White House

But it looked like they had their own dining plans

(Newser) - It only sounds like deja vu all over again: Party crashers Michaele and Tareq Salahi were stopped in a limo near the White House last night, but it doesn't look like they were trying to bust their way into their second state dinner. Their driver ran a red light a...

Inside Obama's 2nd State Dinner

No gatecrashers, but lots of famous faces

(Newser) - There may not have been any gatecrashers at President Obama’s second state dinner, but there certainly were a lot of fancy dresses, VIPs, toasts, and even quick tie adjustments (see? The first couple is just like us!). Read more about the evening, with Mexican President Felipe Calderon as...

Obama's 2nd State Dinner: Viva Mexico!
 Obama's 2nd 
 State Dinner: 
 Viva Mexico! 

Obama's 2nd State Dinner: Viva Mexico!

Calderon the guest of honor at White House shindig

(Newser) - White House staffers kept a very close eye on the guest list as the Obamas hosted Mexican President Felipe Calderon and his wife at the second state dinner of the Obama presidency last night. No gatecrashers slipped through this time, and one assistant secretary of state was actually sent home...

Meet Carlos Allen, 3rd Gatecrasher
 Meet Carlos Allen, 
 3rd Gatecrasher 

Meet Carlos Allen, 3rd Gatecrasher

Sketchy guy hooked up with Indian posse after trip to men's room

(Newser) - What lapse allowed Carlos Allen, the third party crasher, to sneak into the Obamas' first state dinner remains a mystery. What is known is that Allen—who has done everything from designing clothes to selling mortgages to running a questionable charity that existed mainly to throw parties—dressed even more...

Third Person Crashed State Dinner: White House
Third Person Crashed State Dinner: White House

Third Person Crashed State Dinner: White House

Party-crasher was traveling with Indian delegation

(Newser) - Another person not on the guest list was allowed into a White House state dinner for India's prime minister in November, the Secret Service says. Today's acknowledgment brings the tally to three people who made it through Secret Service security at the White House without being on the state dinner...

Peter Orszag Engaged to ABC Reporter
 Peter Orszag 
 Engaged to 
 ABC Reporter 

Peter Orszag Engaged to ABC Reporter

Budget director, ABC News correspondent Bianna Golodryaga to wed

(Newser) - President Obama’s budget director Peter Orszag, whom Rahm Emanuel once credited with making “nerdy sexy,” has scored himself a beautiful fiancee in ABC News correspondent Bianna Golodryaga. Orszag met the decade-younger Golodryaga, 31, at May’s White House Correspondents Dinner. They got engaged over lunch in New...

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