
Stories 201 - 216 | << Prev 

Br&uuml;no Is Toxic to Gays
 Brüno Is Toxic to Gays 

Brüno Is Toxic to Gays

(Newser) - Brüno should have been good for the gays, shining a bright light on homophobia and inoculating the world against it. Instead, “Brüno is a gay minstrel, in the most literal sense of the word,” writes David Rakoff for Salon. Just as vaudevillians in blackface were universally...

Film Outs Pols, Draws Fire From All Sides

Documentary that targets Crist has even gay groups worried

(Newser) - Outrage isn’t a conventional summer blockbuster, but its central aim will surely prove explosive: outing prominent politicians who have opposed gay causes. “It’s the responsibility of journalists and filmmakers to report on hypocrisy wherever they see it,” director Kirby Dick told the San Francisco Chronicle. His...

Hacker Cops to Amazon Gay Flap

Skeptics still unsure whether he did it

(Newser) - A notorious hacker has taken credit for the snafu that bumped gay titles from Amazon’s bestseller lists and rankings, Gawker reports. “Weev” claims he tricked users into flagging the content as inappropriate without their knowledge. “I guess my game is up,” he confessed in a how-to...

Carrey Gambles on Gay Jailbird Role

Ventures outside comedy, like I Love You Phillip Morris , haven't been big at box office

(Newser) - Jim Carrey is getting rave reviews for his new film, I Love You Phillip Morris, but the story of a cop-turned-con man who repeatedly breaks out of jail to be with his former cellmate is a gamble for the actor, Reuters reports. “I don’t think it’s a...

Critics Rip Pope's 'Homophobic' Speech

Pontiff's call for defense of gender roles seen as stoking homophobia

(Newser) - Gay and Christian groups have slammed Pope Benedict XVI's remarks that defending the “natural order” of man and woman is as important as protecting the rainforests, the Times of London reports. British Catholic leaders have countered that the pontiff didn’t explicitly mention homosexuality in his annual Christmas speech,...

Letter: Tenn. Gunman Hated 'Liberals,' 'Gays'

Adkisson details deep disdain for groups, inability to find work

(Newser) - A letter found in the vehicle of a gunman who killed two people at a Tennessee church yesterday indicated a deep hatred of liberals and gays, and frustration over unemployment, the Knoxville News Sentinel reports. The liberal Unitarian church claims involvement with social causes dating to the 1950s, and hosts...

'Wrestlers' Strip and Smooch in Borat's Latest Film Prank

Furious Arkansas audience hurls beer

(Newser) - The poster promised “hot chicks, cold beer, and hardcore fights"—but 1,600 Arkansas good 'ol boy wrestling fans instead fell victim to a sexy prank by Borat star Sacha Baron Cohen. Playing “Straight Dave,” Cohen pulled an in-the-know audience member into the fighting ring and...

Brits Fine Foul-Mouthed MTV Europe
Brits Fine Foul-Mouthed MTV Europe

Brits Fine Foul-Mouthed MTV Europe

Network pays $485K, promises to tone down language

(Newser) - A UK media watchdog has fined MTV Europe $484,500 for having a potty mouth, Variety reports. The network repeatedly uses “highly offensive language and material” in its videos and shows, often before 9pm, the family-viewing cutoff point. An MTV rep said the firm “takes this sanction and...

Rap Anti-Gay? Try Oh-So-Gay, Claims Exposé

Former MTV exec reveals rap's gay scene in new memoir

(Newser) - Many rappers tout anti-gay attitude, but some are secretly gay too—or so claims a former MTV exec in his upcoming memoir. “The book is not about outing people,” said Terrence Dean, author of Hiding in Hip Hop. “I wrote it so that people realize the industry...

Hollywood Is Homophobic, Star Says
Is Homophobic, Star Says

Hollywood Is Homophobic, Star Says

Other gay actors afraid to come out, Cumming contends

(Newser) - Hollywood is filled with closeted gay actors—and off-balance media coverage and Hollywood homophobia are keeping them there, says actor Alan Cumming. “I don't think the people that go see films care that much,” the X-Men 2 star told the BBC. “The media make it more of...

Wright Sermons Weren't 'Black Equivalent of a Klan Rally'

Parishioner decries focus on Obama pastor

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s pastor is a good man, says a fellow churchgoer, and though his “going off on white America” kept T. Shawn Taylor—a black woman—from inviting white friends to worship, it didn’t stop her from marrying a white man. Taylor writes in the Chicago Tribune...

Hate Church Plans to Picket Ledger Funeral

Baptist extremists will bash late actor for 'Brokeback' role

(Newser) - A homophobic Kansas church known for protesting at the funerals of dead soldiers has announced plans to picket Heath Ledger's funeral because he played a gay character in Brokeback Mountain, MSNBC reports. "He got on that big screen with a big, fat message: God is a liar and it's...

Gay Groups Want Craig Probe Halted
Gay Groups Want Craig Probe Halted

Gay Groups Want Craig Probe Halted

Citing Vitter, activists see ‘homophobic’ double standard

(Newser) - Prominent gay rights groups are calling on the Senate Ethics Committee to drop its sexual misconduct probe of Larry Craig, calling the panel’s focus on the senator’s case—combined with the lack of focus on David Vitter’s—“hypocrisy tinged by homophobia.” The two groups say...

Nigerian Lesbians Take Forbidden Love on the Run

(Newser) - Five Nigerian lesbians are running for their love after a weekend wedding put them in direct violation of the local Islamic law. Police have issued arrest warrants against Aunty Maiduguri and her four wives, charging them with violating the Sharia law that governs much of northern Nigeria.

Elton John: Gay Victims "Could Have Been Me"

Recently wed star discusses gay rights and persecution in British mag

(Newser) - Pop icon Elton John attacks the bullying of gays around the world and discusses his recent marriage. Under his own byline in the British magazine The New Statesman, the 60-year-old musician says he was afraid crowds would jeer at him following his London marriage to partner David Furnish 15 months...

Coulter's Slur Slinging Aims Right for GOP Base

Edwards attacks play right into insecurities

(Newser) - Ann Coulter's gay-baiting of John Edwards won't cost her anything, writes Glenn Greenwald in today's Salon, because it appeals perfectly to her base: anxious, insecure American voters. "Her aim was not to suggest that Edwards is actually gay, but simply to feminize him like they do with all male...

Stories 201 - 216 | << Prev