troop withdrawal

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GOP Loyalist Dissents on War
GOP Loyalist Dissents on War

GOP Loyalist Dissents on War

Bring troops home, says six-term New Mexico senator

(Newser) - Another key Republican has broken with President Bush over the war in Iraq, Politico reports. The war is a "failed strategy" and it's time to "move our troops out of combat operations," New Mexico Senator Pete Domenici said yesterday. Domenici, who serves on the Senate Defense Appropriations...

Top Republican Calls for New Iraq Plan

Lugar urges Bush to pursue economic and diplomatic strategy

(Newser) - An influential Republican senator abandoned his support for President Bush's Iraq war strategy last night with a call to cut back the US military's role in the region and focus more on diplomatic and economic options. Richard Lugar, the senior minority member of the Foreign Relations Committee, has a reputation...

Support for War Drops to Record Low
Support for War Drops
to Record Low

Support for War Drops to Record Low

CBS/NY Times poll suggests that fewer Americans than ever back the war in Iraq

(Newser) - Six out of 10 Americans say the US should have stayed out of Iraq, a new CBS News/New York Times poll reports. And an all-time high of 76%—including a majority of Republicans—say the war is going badly. Americans support get-tough measures tying funding to progress, including a timetable...

House Passes Short-Term War Funding
House Passes Short-Term
War Funding

House Passes Short-Term War Funding

Votes for another showdown with President Bush

(Newser) - Congress voted 221-205 last night to pump $40 billion into the war in Iraq—only enough to fund combat operations until July.  An additional $56 billion would be released contingent on the Iraqi government's progress. The bill omits any timetable for withdrawal, but sets the scene for another showdown...

Retired Generals Mount Antiwar Media Blitz

Ad campaign targets moderate Republicans up for re-election

(Newser) - Three retired generals are the faces of an ad campaign launched yesterday warning moderate Republican legislators that if they follow President Bush's policies in Iraq, they shouldn't expect to be re-elected. "It's past time for change," retired Maj. Gen. John Batiste said in an interview. "Our strategy...

Democrats Move on to Benchmarks
Democrats Move on to Benchmarks

Democrats Move on to Benchmarks

Even some Republicans like them. But how would they be enforced?

(Newser) - Congressional Dems have dropped their demands for a timeline to bring home troops, after the House failed yesterday to override a Bush veto on their Iraq spending bill. Now the buzzword is benchmarks, and even some Republicans are signaling that they could get on board. But what, if any, muscle...

Bush Vetoes War Funding Bill
Bush Vetoes War Funding Bill

Bush Vetoes War Funding Bill

(Newser) - As good as his word, President Bush made short work of vetoing the war appropriations bill Congress put on his desk today, objecting to its provision for a strict timetable for pulling the troop out of Iraq. With the veto a fait accompli for weeks, lawmakers are already girding to...

Iraqi Slams U.S. Senate Vote
Iraqi Slams U.S. Senate Vote

Iraqi Slams U.S. Senate Vote

"We see it as a loss of four years of sacrifices"

(Newser) - The Iraqi government is blasting the U.S. Senate for approving the troop-withdrawal bill, saying it sends the wrong message to insurgents. "We see it as a loss of four years of sacrifices," government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said yesterday of the legislation, which mandates an October 1 deadline...

Senate Passes Troop Pullout Bill
Passes Troop Pullout Bill

Senate Passes Troop Pullout Bill

Move sets stage for second veto of Bush's presidency

(Newser) - The Senate approved the Iraq funding bill 51-46 early this afternoon, conferring its expected stamp of approval on an October troop pullout. But the vote fell short of the two-thirds majority needed to avoid a promised veto. Democrats are already ruminating on post-veto counter-proposals, including replacing the rigid timetable with...

House Passes Pullout Bill
House Passes Pullout Bill

House Passes Pullout Bill

Petraeus briefing doesn't dissuade Dems; Senate votes today

(Newser) - Just hours after Gen. David Petraeus told lawmakers he needed more time to gage the success of the surge in Iraq, the House passed the funding bill requiring troops to begin withdrawing in October. President Bush has promised to veto the bill, which Majority Whip James Clyburn nonetheless called an...

Bush Calls Withdrawal Plan 'An Invitation to Attack America'

Mud-slinging on Iraq gets even uglier

(Newser) - President Bush yesterday accused the Democrats of “offering an invitation to our enemies to attack America.” With the House and Senate poised to vote this week on a war funding bill with a troop drawdown deadline, the Washington Post reports, the dispute between Congress and the White House...

Dems Stick With Deadline For Withdrawal

Spending bill dares President to veto

(Newser) - Congressional Democrats are forcing the White House's hand on Iraq, agreeing on a version of the spending bill that sets a timetable for withdrawing troops by next March—and daring the President to veto it. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called the move a "long overdue effort to put...

Al-Sadr Cronies Quit Cabinet
Al-Sadr Cronies Quit Cabinet

Al-Sadr Cronies Quit Cabinet

(Newser) - Six cabinet members loyal to radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr have made good on their threat to resign from the Iraqi parliament, after the Prime Minister refused to set a date for the Americans to leave. But they insist—in spite of a spate of violence yesterday and today that many...

Sadr Orders Loyalists to Quit Iraqi Cabinet

Pressures prime minister to push for U.S. withdrawal

(Newser) - Six Iraqi cabinet ministers are expected to resign today on orders from Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. "We are going to declare our withdrawal from government because the prime minister does not want to make a timetable for the withdrawal of foreign forces from Iraq," a Sadr official told...

McCain Makes The Ultimate Sacrifice

Photo op was political suicide that could hasten the end of war

(Newser) - Frank Rich predicts that John McCain's much-ridiculed photo op in Baghdad's Shorja market last weekend won't be remembered as  his Dukakis-in-the-Tank moment—the cluelessness that sank a candidacy—but as a turning pointing in hastening America's exit from Iraq. John McCain is no Michael Dukakis, and if he can't credibly...

Bush Staying the Course on Veto
Bush Staying the Course on Veto

Bush Staying the Course on Veto

President refuses to compromise on Iraq funding

(Newser) - Bush is staying the course in the war with Congress, ripping into "Democrat leaders" in a press conference today, and repeating his vow to veto any bills with troop withdrawal deadlines that crossed his desk. Congress, he said, is more clearly interested in fighting political battles than real ones.

How America Is Betraying The Iraqis Who Work For It

(Newser) - George Packer traveled the world from Baghdad to Malmo to Damascus to talk to the Iraqis, mostly young,  who have served the American military as interpreters, intelligence gathers and local experts.  He finds a disillusioned group of once pro-American Iraqis betrayed by mistrust, bureaucratic indifference, and outright lack...

Senate Backs Troop Pullout Timetable

Bill ties troop funding to March 2008 withdrawal deadline

(Newser) - Democrats in the Senate  pulled off a surprise victory yesterday in their bid to force President Bush to bring troops home from Iraq—deflecting a GOP effort to kill the troop withdrawal plan. The Democrats’ proposal sets a March 2008 deadline for ending the conflict and is folded into a...

Pentagon Exit Strategy Relies on Advisers

Hopes for surge waning, DoD plans to replace troops with teams of advisers

(Newser) - Pentagon top brass preparing an exit strategy for Iraq should the troop surge fail are following the outlines set by the Iraq Study Group, using a small team of military advisers to replace troops as they stand down. It mirrors the strategy the military used in El Salvador in the...

Stories 161 - 179 | << Prev