
Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>

Lou Dobbs: Obama Birth Questions 'Common Sense'

Left creates 'toxicity' by harping on controversy

(Newser) - Lou Dobbs might’ve softened on illegal immigration as he weighs politics in his post-CNN life, but still isn’t sold that President Obama was born in the US. “When you can create a controversy by asking what seems to me still a perfectly commonsense question?” he says in...

Birther Queen Taitz: Take Up Arms vs. Obama

Organize armed militias against 'Kenyan, Indonesian communist usurper'

(Newser) - In taking to court her contention that Barack Obama can’t be president because he’s foreign-born, Orly Taitz has been on the receiving end of much judicial scorn, and big fines. But her latest suggestion could land her in hotter water: She writes today that Americans should “bare...

Palin Backs Off Birther Talk
 Palin Backs Off Birther Talk 

Palin Backs Off Birther Talk

Calls birth certificate hoopla 'stupid conspiracy' theory

(Newser) - Sarah Palin backpedaled mightily today on her comments that it was “fair” to question the legitimacy of President Obama’s birth certificate. On a radio show yesterday, Palin said voters were “rightfully making it an issue.” But at 1am today, a posting appeared on her Facebook page...

Palin Backs Birthers
 Palin Backs Birthers 

Palin Backs Birthers

Obama's birth certificate is 'fair game' in prez race

(Newser) - Sarah Palin supported "rightful" concerns by so-called birthers that President Obama was not really born in the US during a radio interview yesterday. Asked by conservative radio host Rusty Humphries if she would make Obama's birth certificate an issue if she ran for president in 2012 she responded: "...

Orly Taitz Helper Has Scotland Yard Training
Orly Taitz Helper Has Scotland Yard Training

Orly Taitz Helper Has Scotland Yard Training

Former British detective puts his skills to use for birthers

(Newser) - Orly Taitz isn’t the only influential foreign-born “birther” trying to prove that Barack Obama is himself foreign-born. Meet Neil Sankey, a former British detective and naturalized American citizen who is using his Scotland Yard skills to look for dirt on the president's origins. Taitz, for one, says he's...

46 Years After Kennedy, the Virus of Hate Is Back
46 Years After Kennedy, the Virus of Hate Is Back
who let the paranoids out?

46 Years After Kennedy, the Virus of Hate Is Back

Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert panders to dangerous paranoids

(Newser) - Tomorrow’s 46th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination provides an occasion for Mark Warren to examine “the paranoid strain in the American polity” that has reasserted itself since the election of President Obama, and finds in a Texas Republican congressman just the sort of “skinhead reprobate” whose demagoguery...

Billboard Links Obama to Jihad
 Billboard Links Obama to Jihad 

Billboard Links Obama to Jihad

Colo. car dealership wants this opinion heard

(Newser) - A billboard showing President Obama wearing a turban has sparked a lot of attention at the suburban Denver car dealership that put it up. The sign shows a cartoonish Obama and bears the words "PRESIDENT or JIHAD?" Underneath Obama's image is the phrase, "BIRTH CERTIFICATE, PROVE IT!"...

CNN Paid Dobbs $8M to Leave
 CNN Paid Dobbs $8M to Leave 

CNN Paid Dobbs $8M to Leave

Bosses objected to reporting on immigration, 'birther' movement

(Newser) - CNN was so outraged over Lou Dobbs’ conservative reporting that they paid him $8 million just to leave, an anonymous source tells the New York Post. “They wanted him out,” the source says. Dobbs still had a year and a half left on his $12 million contract, but...

Dobbs 2012: A Nightmare for Republicans
Dobbs 2012: A Nightmare
for Republicans

Dobbs 2012: A Nightmare for Republicans

Ex-anchor could split the tea-bagger vote as an independent

(Newser) - Lou Dobbs has dropped big hints that he plans a career in politics, and the GOP should be worried, warns Joe Conason. A presidential run by Dobbs seems like a strong possibility, but he won't be running as a Republican, Conason writes for Salon . Instead, the newly departed CNN anchor...

Lou Dobbs Leaves CNN
 Lou Dobbs Leaves CNN 

Lou Dobbs Leaves CNN

Longtime anchor announces move on tonight's show

(Newser) - Anchor Lou Dobbs is leaving CNN, he announced during tonight’s show—his last after 27 years at the channel. Dobbs, whose contract wasn’t up until 2011, has made waves with his anti-immigration views and his questioning of President Obama’s citizenship; he didn’t shed much light on...

Paranoid 'Pseudocons' Hijacking Right
 Paranoid 'Pseudocons' Hijacking Right

Paranoid 'Pseudocons' Hijacking Right

Logic-defying conspiracy theories jump from the fringe to the mainstream

(Newser) - The paranoid fringe of the American right has become mainstream to an extent unthinkable even when the John Birch Society was at its peak, writes Thomas Frank. Historian Richard Hofstadter's landmark 1965 The Paranoid Style in American Politics seems more relevant than ever, Frank writes in the Wall Street Journal....

Fox Ain't News, It's 'the Opposition Party'

Other media outlets need to highlight 'propaganda:' Boehlert

(Newser) - “Fox News has exited the journalism community this year,” Eric Boehlert writes. “It's a purely political player,” which would be all well and good if other media outlets would just report that. As it stands, Fox goes happily about its “propaganda” while hiding behind the...

Judge Fines Orly Taitz $20K
 Judge Fines Orly Taitz $20K 

Judge Fines Orly Taitz $20K

Birther queen's misuse of court is 'breathtaking'

(Newser) - US District Judge Clay Land has had it with Orly Taitz. He slapped the birther leader with a $20,000 fine today for her constant stream of frivolous lawsuits and motions. In a scathing 43-page order, Land writes that Taitz willfully misused the court, and “as an attorney, she...

Orly Taitz Keeps the Faith in Obama Quest

She's a top birther, and her dental business is bustling

(Newser) - Say what you will about Orly Taitz, but she appears to be a successful dentist. The Washington Post drops in on America’s top birther (a word Taitz, incidentally, dislikes) to find her office bustling, and their interview is constantly being interrupted by calls from dentists eager to fill a...

'Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy' Returns With Same Cast

But Clinton thinks forces aren't as strong as those he faced

(Newser) - Americans may be "less receptive" to right-wing messages than they were in the days of Bill Clinton, but as the former president put it last week on Meet the Press, the “vast right-wing conspiracy” that threatened to destroy his presidency is making an encore appearance—and it's surely...

Birthers Now Have a Late-Night Infomercial, Too

(Newser) - The birther movement may have just jumped the shark. A group pushing the case that President Obama is no citizen is now making its case in late-night infomercials across the country. For $30, you can get a bumper sticker reading "Got a Birth Certificate?" But wait, there's more: A...

How the Crazies Took Over
 How the Crazies Took Over 

How the Crazies Took Over

Birthers, Limbaugh, Beck fill vacuum as Obama tries to stay above the fray

(Newser) - As recently as this spring, the Tea Party movement seemed anemic and wonky. But in the months that followed, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and others whipped the right-wing fringe into such a frenzy that a “separate reality grew like a second head on the American polity,” Philip Weiss...

Judge Tosses 'Frivolous' Birther Lawsuit

Peeved judge tells Orly Taitz not to waste his time with any similar suits

(Newser) - Leading "birther" Orly Taitz had a lawsuit chucked out of court yesterday and the judge threatened her with sanctions if she brings another “frivolous” suit to the same court, the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer reports. Taitz—representing a soldier seeking to avoid deployment to Iraq by challenging President Obama's legitimacy—...

Back-to-School Speech Anger Rooted in Race

Right-wingers show 'irrational,' gut antipathy to Obama

(Newser) - If there’s one thing we should all be cool with, it’s the leader of the free world inspiring kids about education. But somehow the idea of President Obama giving a back-to-school speech has spawned an “outbreak of right-wing crazy,” writes Joan Walsh for Salon—“and...

Right-Wing Crazy Is All-American
 Right-Wing Crazy 
 Is All-American 

Right-Wing Crazy Is All-American

Birthers, tea parties—it's nothing new

(Newser) - With the left back in power, we’re seeing right-wing "crazies"—the “birthers, tea-partiers, town hall hecklers”—getting louder. But that’s nothing new, writes Rick Perlstein in the Washington Post. In America, “the crazy tree blooms in every moment of liberal ascendancy, and elites...

Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>