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Bachmann Rules House Wingnuts Index

Steve King, Louie Gohmert not far behind among fringe congressmen

(Newser) - A week after releasing its Senate Wingnut Index , the Daily Beast investigates wingnuttery in the House. Using a “semi-scientific” process to identify the most extreme members on both sides of the spectrum, the site ranks them:
  1. Michele Bachmann (R-MN): From calling the president “anti-American” to warning of tyranny,

Newt's Gone Nuts

 Newt's Gone Nuts 
Eugene Robinson

Newt's Gone Nuts

'Kenyan' quip proves ex-Speaker has lost it

(Newser) - Has Newt Gingrich really gone crazy, or is he just pretending? Eugene Robinson is starting to think it might be the former. “It’s one thing to be a rhetorical bomb-thrower,” he writes in the Washington Post , “and another to lob damp squibs of pure nonsense into...

Fox Military Analyst Comes Out as Birther

Retired general supports army doc refusing to deploy

(Newser) - Troops who refuse to obey orders because they don't believe President Obama was born in America have a friend in Fox News analyst Thomas McInerney. The retired three-star Air Force general has filed an affidavit in support of Terrence Lakin, an Army doctor who's facing court-martial for refusing to deploy...

'Birther' Army Doc in Court Today for Ignoring Orders

He refuses to deploy until he sees birth certificate

(Newser) - An Army doctor who says he won't go to war until he sees President Obama's birth certificate is being arraigned in Virginia today. Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin was charged with disobeying orders earlier this year after failing to turn up for deployment to Afghanistan, and demanding to see proof that...

GOP Candidate: Birthers Are 'Dumbasses'

Ken Buck opens his mouth, another faux pas falls out

(Newser) - Straight from the candidate who gave you a minor controversy over high-heels and bullshit comes another flap over his opinion of those demanding to see President Obama's birth certificate. US Senate candidate Ken Buck of Colorado was taped without his knowledge referring to birthers as "dumbasses." Or, as...

Birther Queen Orly Taitz Loses Primary in Landslide

Ex-NFL player Damon Dunn beats her 3-to-1

(Newser) - Breathe easy, California: Orly Taitz is not going to be your next secretary of state. Several political experts had actually believed the so-called “birther queen” had a shot at winning yesterday’s Republican primary for the job, according to the Huffington Post , but when the dust cleared, ex-NFL player...

California GOP Holds Breath Over Birther Queen Primary

Orly Taitz may end up on same ticket as Meg Whitman

(Newser) - "Birther Queen" Orly Taitz has been tossed out of courts, press conferences, and even Tea Parties, but she's still on the California ballot, and Republicans fear she might actually win the GOP primary for secretary of state. Taitz—who has filed repeated court cases alleging President Obama was born...

Obama Out-Cracks Jay Leno
 Obama Out-Cracks 
 Jay Leno 

Obama Out-Cracks Jay Leno

'You wanna know what really tickles me? Eric Massa'

(Newser) - President Barack Obama offered a bit of wisdom to a ballroom filled with celebrities, political insiders, and journalists: There are a few things in life harder to find and more important to keep than love. "Well, love and a birth certificate," he quipped at last night's black-tie White...

Rush: Maybe Obama's an Illegal Alien Himself

Talk show host makes offhand birther quip

(Newser) - Is Rush Limbaugh a birther? It sure sounded that way to Mediaite during his rant yesterday about illegal immigration. Rush was obsessing over a recent Obama statement condemning Arizona's new illegal immigration law, in which the president worried that “if you don't have your're gonna be harassed....

Hawaii Votes to Ignore Birthers' Requests

Law would limit access to Obama's birth certificate

(Newser) - Fed up with the constant pestering from birthers, Hawaii's legislature today voted in favor of a bill that would allow the state to ignore any repeat requests to see Barack Obama's birth certificate. The law, which now goes to Gov. Linda Lingle, would carve out an exception to the Hawaii's...

'Birther Bill' Gets Nod in Arizona House

Bill requires Obama to show birth certificate to be on 2012 ballot

(Newser) - The Arizona House has given its initial blessing to a bill that would require Barack Obama to show his birth certificate before he can be put on the ballot in 2012, the Arizona Republic reports. The House voted 31 to 22 to add the so-called “birther bill” as an...

Birther Queen Booted From Tea Party Rally

Candidates refuse to appear with 'crazy' Orly Taitz

(Newser) - The "mother" of the birther movement challenging President Obama's citizenship has been disinvited from a major California Tea Party event. An invitation to Orly Taitz to attend a Tax Day rally tomorrow was rescinded after complaints from Republican candidates planning to appear. The action signaled a significant Tea Party—...

Army Will Court-Martial 'Birther' Officer

Doctor refuses to deploy to Afghanistan

(Newser) - An Army doctor who refuses to deploy to Afghanistan because he disputes President Obama's birth certificate will be court-martialed, reports NBC News . Lt. Col. Terry Lakin won't ship out because he doesn't think Obama is a legitimate commander-in-chief. When he showed up at the Pentagon instead of at Fort Campbell...

McCain Ad Mocks Hayworth Over Birthers, Vampires

Spoof spot casts rival as right-wing loony

(Newser) - JD Hayworth is a "birther" who believes Dracula is real and thinks gay marriage will lead to weddings between men and horses, according to a spoof ad from John McCain's Senate campaign. The web video—possibly the funniest of the midterm election season so far—seeks to portray McCain's...

Hawaii to Birthers: Stop Hassling Us

State mulls law shunning repeat calls for birth certificate

(Newser) - Hawaiian lawmakers are debating a bill that would allow them to ignore the constant onslaught of requests for President Obama's birth certificate. Officials complain that they waste time and money responding to as many as 20 such requests a week, often from people who refuse to give up after being...

Birther Taitz Gets on Calif. Ballot

Obama doubter wants to be top elections official

(Newser) - Orly Taitz, the lawyer whose efforts to have Barack Obama declared ineligible to be president because he was born abroad, is a candidate for statewide office in her native California. The “birther” queen qualified to run for secretary of state, California’s top elections job, the Orange County Register...

'Hateboards' Signal GOP Fear-Monger Strategy

Republican strategy being 'field tested' on highways

(Newser) - For a likely preview of the GOP's upcoming fear-fueled political campaigns, look no further than the ominous billboards sprouting along the nation's highways, like the one portraying President Obama as "Saddam Hussein" out to kill American babies. The GOP strategy to exploit "visceral fear" to raise campaign funds...

Birther Queen Appeals to UN for Protection

Orly Taitz cites vandalism, assassination attempt

(Newser) - Prominent "birther" Orly Taitz has appealed to the United Nations to protect her from persecution during her quest to prove that President Obama isn't qualified to hold office, claiming he was born in Africa. The California lawyer, dentist, and real estate agent "has applied for urgent action under...

Soldiers, Cops Form Backbone of Growing Militia Movement
Soldiers, Cops Form Backbone of Growing Militia Movement

Soldiers, Cops Form Backbone of Growing Militia Movement

'Oath Keepers' prepare for Obama martial law

(Newser) - A growing militia movement convinced that President Obama will soon find an excuse to impose martial law on the US is finding scores of recruits from within the country’s law-enforcement and military community, Justine Sharrock writes in an investigative piece for Mother Jones . The “Oath Keepers” group has...

Dems Roll Out Brown Clip Suggesting Obama Mom Unwed

Mass. Senate candidate compared Obama's mother to Bristol Palin

(Newser) - Frantic Democrats are circulating a 2008 interview in which Scott Brown insinuated that Barack Obama was born out of wedlock. While discussing Bristol Palin's pregnancy during the Republican convention, Brown drew a parallel to Obama's mother, who was 18 when he was born. When another interviewee on the program noted...

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