anti-gay slur

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NBA Fines Kobe Bryant $100K for Gay Slur

NBA star has apologized after slamming referee

(Newser) - Kobe Bryant not only unleashed a gay slur against an NBA ref last night, he did so in view of TNT's cameras. After outrage mounted today, the league fined him $100,000 and called his actions "offensive and inexcusable." Bryant got ticked off at referee Bennie Adams when...

Bristol 'Sorry' for Willow's Gay Slurs

But right-wing gay group supports Willow

(Newser) - Bristol Palin has apologized, sort of, for the gay slurs her sister posted on Facebook after a schoolmate criticized their mom's reality show. "Willow and I shouldn't have reacted to negative comments about our family. We apologize.," wrote Bristol on Facebook. Her contrition was somewhat tempered by her...

Ron Howard: Gay Joke Will Stay in Movie

'I believe in sensitivity but not censorship'

(Newser) - The trailer for Ron Howard's upcoming movie The Dilemma caused a flap because it showed Vince Vaughn mocking an electric car as "gay." Universal pulled the trailer when gay rights groups complained, but the joke will remain in the full movie, Howard tells the Los Angeles Times : "...

Ark. School Board Member Wishes All Gays Would Die

Clint McCance's Facebook post gets him unwanted national attention

(Newser) - An Arkansas school board member is under fire after apparently posting a message on his Facebook profile declaring his wish that all gay people commit suicide. "Seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers killed themselves. The only way im wearin it for them is if they...

Paladino Semi-Apologizes for Anti-Gay Remarks

Candidate blames press, poor choice of words

(Newser) - Carl Paladino has issued a belated and somewhat strange apology for the anti-gay remarks that caused an uproar. "I was handed a script," his statement says. "I redacted some contents that were unacceptable. I did also say some things for which I should have chosen better words....

Cooper to Eminem: Are You Homophobic?

Rapper's defense: 'This is my art.'

(Newser) - Anderson Cooper recently berated a Vince Vaughn movie trailer for using the word “gay” as a joke—but he was decidedly easier on Eminem when he interviewed the rapper on last night’s 60 Minutes . Cooper asked Eminem, who has often been branded a homophobe, why he uses words...

Reject Sues Idol for Gay Discrimination

Ian Benardo: Producers set me up to storm the stage

(Newser) - The American Idol reject who charged the stage during the show's 2010 finale says Idol producers encouraged his stunt, and is suing for $300 million for gay discrimination. Ian Benardo, a 2007 contestant, claims producers invited him back for the season finale, then pummeled him with "discriminatory intimidation, ridicule,...

Marines Arrested After Attack on Gay Man

Victim says they beat him up for winking at them

(Newser) - Two Marines in Savannah, Georgia, were arrested for allegedly beating up a gay man they thought had winked at them. The Marines, Keil Cronauer and Christopher Stanzel, say the victim, Kieran Daly, was harassing them, the Savannah Morning News reports. But Daly tells a different story. “The guy thought...

Jesse James Gay Bashes, Too
 Jesse James Gay Bashes, Too 
email proves it

Jesse James Gay Bashes, Too

Just when you thought Sandra's errant hubby had hit bottom

(Newser) - As if the Nazi photo and the cheating on his universally beloved wife weren’t bad enough…it turns out Jesse James is also a gay-basher. In a foul-mouthed and grammatically lamentable email obtained by Radar , James tells a former coworker, “Don’t worry though you 2 f***ots will...

Reps Get Last Health Reform Jabs In
 Reps Get Last 
 Health Reform Jabs In 

Reps Get Last Health Reform Jabs In

House members debate whether Dems have the votes

(Newser) - If you hadn't heard, the House votes on a little thing some like to call health care reform today—and the debate got an early start on the Sunday shows with Democrats signaling they had the votes, and Republicans digging in their heels. David Plouffe and Karl Rove also went...

Jamaican Busted in Murder of UK Diplomat

Cops suspect slaying motivated by gay hatred

(Newser) - A 23-year-old Jamaican man has been arrested in the suspected gay-hate murder of a British diplomat. Consul John Terry, 62, was found last month bludgeoned and strangled in his long-time Montego Bay home with a handwritten note on his body containing a derogatory term for gays, reports the Telegraph. Police...

'Homophobic Attack' Kills Diplomat in Jamaica

'This is what will happen to all Gays,' warns note with body

(Newser) - A British diplomat was found severely beaten and strangled in his Jamaica home in what police believe was a homophobic attack, reports the Telegraph. A note was found with John Terry's body referring to the 65-year-old married father as gay, using a Jamaican slur. “This is what will happen...

Perez Sorry for Gay 'F Word'
 Perez Sorry for Gay 'F Word' 

Perez Sorry for Gay 'F Word'

(Newser) - Celeb blogger Perez Hilton has apologized for using the "F word" gay slur in his dust-up with the Black Eyed Peas. Band manager Polo Molino has been charged with assault for allegedly punching Hilton after the gossip maven dissed after a video awards show in Toronto....

GLAAD to Perez: Apologize for Calling Gay Slur

(Newser) - The manager of the Black Eyed Peas punched Perez Hilton after the gossip blogger called a faggot during a heated argument, reports the Los Angeles Times. Now the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation is demanding that Hilton apologize for using the gay slur. "I made...

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