anti-gay slur

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Pope Francis Once Again Accused of Using Anti-Gay Slur

Vatican has not commented on the latest report yet

(Newser) - Two weeks after he apologized for using an anti-gay slur , Pope Francis has been accused of using it again. The pontiff was reportedly behind closed doors at a meeting with priests Tuesday when he once again used the slur "frociaggine," which, according to Pink News , roughly translates to...

Bishops 'Shocked' at Word the Pope Used in a Meeting

Francis has apologized for using gay slur during private debate on gay individuals becoming priests

(Newser) - Pope Francis has been more publicly welcoming of the LGBTQ+ community than his predecessors, but according to Italian media, his language behind closed doors caused a stir that has the pontiff apologizing. Reuters cites newspapers La Repubblica and Corriere Della Sera in reporting that the 87-year-old pope used a slur...

More GOP Leaders Want to Boot Legislator Over Slur-Filled Rant

Footage shows North Dakota lawmaker spewing homophobic, anti-migrant comments at police

(Newser) - Local Republican Party leaders of a North Dakota lawmaker's own district joined calls on Friday for him to step down after his vulgar comments to police earlier this month during his traffic stop and arrest on a charge of drunken driving, the AP reports. In a Facebook statement, the...

Podcaster Loses Job Over Coach's Words

West Virginia's Bob Huggins used a homophobic slur, twice

(Newser) - West Virginia basketball coach Bob Huggins will keep his job after twice uttering a homophobic slur and dissing Catholics in a radio interview. A podcaster who aired his comments in full isn't so lucky. The controversy started Monday, when Huggins was being interviewed on WLW-AM radio, reports the Cincinnati ...

Matt Damon's Daughter Schooled Him on Gay Slur 'Months Ago'

50-year-old Harvard alum just recently realized he shouldn't use the word after an ill-received 'joke'

(Newser) - Matt Damon is making the promotional rounds for his new film, Stillwater, but an anecdote he relayed in a recent interview is making its own headlines. Talking with the Sunday Times , the 50-year-old Harvard alum touched on the state of the movie industry before moving onto the topics of the...

Handwriting Sample Ends Harassment For Gay Couple

A neighbor had been sending mail with homophobic slurs for years

(Newser) - A couple in a Boston suburb ended five years of harassment with a little creative detective work. And the neighbors who rallied around them to help have raised over $25,000 for the Milton schools Gay Straight Alliance. The harassment took the form of subscriptions sent to the gay couple’...

Announcer Loses 2nd Gig After 'Abhorrent' Anti-Gay Slur

Thom Brennaman won't be calling NFL games on Fox after MLB fiasco

(Newser) - Another sport is leaving Thom Brennaman behind. The announcer will not be calling NFL games on Fox after using an anti-gay slur on air during a Cincinnati Reds broadcast, the AP reports. Fox Sports issued a statement Thursday that said "we are moving forward with our NFL schedule which...

Pastor Who Sued Whole Foods Over Cake Admits Hoax

Pastor Jordan Brown alleged an employee wrote a gay slur in icing

(Newser) - The Texas pastor who sued an Austin Whole Foods over an "extremely offensive and humiliating" cake now admits the grocery story "did nothing wrong." Pastor Jordan Brown alleged a homophobic slur was written on his cake in icing beneath the words he had requested—"Love Wins....

Pastor Sues Whole Foods Over Cake, Gets Sued Back

Company says it has proof no anti-gay slur was written on cake

(Newser) - Whole Foods is taking claims that an employee wrote a homophobic slur on a custom cake so seriously that it's countersuing the guy who made them. Church of Open Doors pastor Jordan Brown, who is openly gay, sued Whole Foods on Monday after a video showed a cake from...

Manny Pacquiao Sorry for Comparing Gays to 'Animals'

Born-again boxer-politician walks back comments ahead of Senate election

(Newser) - World champion boxer and politician Manny Pacquiao is being called a "hypocrite" and "false prophet" after inflammatory statements he made about gay couples, the BBC reports. Pacquiao, who's in the Philippines' house of representatives and is running for a senate seat in May, was talking to local...

After NBA Star Called Him a Slur, Ref Reveals He's Gay

'I am proud to be a ref ... proud to be a gay man,' says Bill Kennedy

(Newser) - Referees are used to being called blind and stupid, and NBA refs take that heat from guys a foot or so taller than them, but in the case of Bill Kennedy it was a gay slur hurled his way in the heat of the moment that caused him to come...

Baker Investigated After Refusing Anti-Gay Cake

Customer Bill Jack claims Azucar Bakery discriminated against him

(Newser) - When a customer strolled into Denver's Azucar Bakery looking for Bible-shaped cakes, owner Marjorie Silva told him no problem. When Bill Jack pulled out a piece of paper with the message he wanted written on said cakes, and Silva saw "God hates gays," a drawing of two...

Alec Baldwin Fired Over Gay Slur: Report

His 'Up Late' show at MSNBC has been canceled

(Newser) - Alec Baldwin is reportedly out at MSNBC thanks to his recent anti-gay controversy. Insiders at the network tell Page Six that parent company Comcast decided to cancel Up Late With Alec Baldwin after the actor allegedly hurled an anti-gay slur at a photographer (and then tried to smooth things over...

Alec Baldwin in Hot Water for Anti-Gay Comments

MSNBC suspends his show; he apologizes

(Newser) - Alec Baldwin had quite a week: Hours after his stalker was sentenced to jail Thursday (after a very eventful trial), Baldwin was caught on video chasing and yelling at a paparazzo outside his apartment. TMZ translated some of his comments as "c---sucking f--," which, if true, would be...

Charlie Sheen Opens New Bar With Gay Slur

'Anger Management' star: 'I meant to say maggot'

(Newser) - Charlie Sheen's mouth strikes again: The TV actor put a damper on the opening of his new bar in Mexico by hurling a homophobic slur at the crowd, TMZ reports. Sheen was hosting the party at a hip Cabo San Lucas hotel Friday night when out came the rude:...

Hagel Apologizes for 1998 Gay Slur

In bid to appease the left ahead of potential defense secretary nomination

(Newser) - Chuck Hagel apologized today for a 1998 incident in which he described prospective ambassador James Hormel "openly and aggressively gay." Democratic activists have been railing against the incident lately, in light of Hagel's rumored candidacy for defense secretary, Politico reports. "Ambassadorial posts are sensitive," Hagel...

New Romney Spokesman Tweaking Left and Right

Left calls Richard Grenell sexist, right annoyed that he's gay

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's newly appointed foreign policy spokesman Richard Grenell has only been on the job a couple of days, but already he's drawing plenty of heat from both sides of the aisle. The left is upset with Grenell's tendency to make sexist attacks on women, particularly on...

Move Over, Kirk: 14 More Anti-Gay Celeb Comments

Mel Gibson, Donald Trump have also made controversial statements

(Newser) - Kirk Cameron isn't backing down from his recent comments that homosexuality is "destructive" to civilization, and it turns out he has a bit of company in Hollywood. The Huffington Post rounds up 14 other celebrities who've been slammed for making anti-gay comments—only some of whom apologized:...

Bulls' Noah: $50K Fine for Slur Is 'Fair'

Chicago Bulls center was caught saying 'f*** off, f*****' to a fan

(Newser) - Chicago Bulls center Joakim Noah said the NBA's decision to fine him $50,000 for directing a gay slur toward a fan is "fair." As the Bulls prepare for Game 4 of the Eastern Conference finals, Noah again—albeit briefly—acknowledged that he messed up: "I...

Conservatives Up in Arms Over Glee Gay Episode

Gay bully is gay, cast sings ' Born This Way '

(Newser) - Conservatives are raising a stink about the latest episode of the hit TV series Glee concerning bullying of a gay student. The bully, who's gay himself, apologizes in last night's special 90-minute show with the help of a closeted lesbian student, then the whole school gets comfortable with...

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