birth control

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Oregon School Now Offering Condoms ... to 6th Graders

Town has had a rash of teen pregnancies

(Newser) - Medical groups have long advocated making condoms available in schools, and one Oregon district is taking that advice—even if it means making them available to especially young students. The Gervais School District board voted unanimously last month to make condoms available to students from grade six on up, the...

Huckabee Causes Stir With Libido Remarks

He says Dems think women can't control themselves

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee's take on the "war on women" caused a stir yesterday when he said Democrats want women to think they are weaklings who can't control their own sex drives, while the GOP wants them to think they are more than "victims of their gender."...

Bible Is Actually OK With Birth Control
 Bible Is Actually OK 
 With Birth Control 

Bible Is Actually OK With Birth Control

Hardliners are interpreting it incorrectly: Elissa Strauss

(Newser) - If there's one thing we've learned from all the controversy surrounding ObamaCare, it's that the Bible is against birth control —right? Actually, not so much, writes Elissa Strauss in Salon . In truth, the Bible makes "both direct references and thinly veiled allusions to women using...

Notre Dame Sues Feds Over Birth Control Mandate

University says federal mandate crimps its religious freedom

(Newser) - Add Notre Dame to the groups taking legal action over new federal rules that make it mandatory to cover birth control in health insurance plans. The Catholic university filed suit today in South Bend, Ind., reports the AP . The lawsuit says ObamaCare violates the school's religious freedom given that...

Mice Point Way to Male Birth Control Pill

Researcher: pill could arrive in 10 years

(Newser) - Researchers have discovered a way to block male mice from fatherhood—with minimal side effects. The technique, which could help lead to a male birth control pill, doesn't mess with hormones or with sperm itself, AFP reports. Instead, it affects sperm's ability to travel through the male body....

Supreme Court Takes Case on ObamaCare, Birth Control

Companies object on religious grounds to covering contraceptives

(Newser) - ObamaCare is headed to the Supreme Court, but it's a case about the specifics of coverage rather than a broader fight on the program itself. More than 40 companies have sued because they object on religious grounds to providing their employees with birth control, as the new law stipulates...

Gov't: Religious Schools, Hospitals Still Have to Cover Birth Control

Rules for nonprofit, religiously affiliated institutions finalized; for-profit businesses hit back

(Newser) - Religious leaders may not like it , but the Obama administration is going ahead with its plan to require religiously-affiliated nonprofits like schools and hospitals to provide employees with insurance coverage for birth control, the New York Times reports. The Washington Post breaks down the final, slightly convoluted regulations on how...

NY Archdiocese Covers Workers' Birth Control

...Despite Cardinal Timothy Dolan's fight against Obama rule

(Newser) - The country's top Catholic bishop hasn't taken kindly to ObamaCare's call for employers to fund birth control—but his own archdiocese has been paying for the coverage for years, the New York Times reports. For more than a decade, the Archdiocese of New York, headed by Cardinal...

The 12 Things Nearly All Americans Agree On
The 12 Things Nearly All Americans Agree On
surveys say

The 12 Things Nearly All Americans Agree On

Surveys show most of us believe in God, are OK with birth control

(Newser) - What can nine out of 10 Americans agree on? Survey says: not much. That's partly because the big polls such as Pew, Gallup, and the General Social Survey are designed to explore differences, not to document what unites the United States. Still, a few questions discover 90% agreement, or...

Judge on Morning-After Pill: No One Needs Prescription

Directs FDA to sell over-the-counter, even to teens

(Newser) - The FDA must make the morning-after pill available over-the-counter to women of all ages, a federal judge has ruled. It's currently stocked behind the counter, and those under 17 need a prescription. The federal government has debated with itself over the morning-after pill in the past, with the FDA...

Boston College: Students Can't Give Out Condoms

Catholic university threatens disciplinary action

(Newser) - Attending a Catholic university and distributing condoms on campus apparently don't mix. Boston College is threatening disciplinary action against a group of students who are giving away more than 1,000 condoms a semester, the Boston Globe reports. BC says the student-run "Safe Sites" program is violating the...

11% of Women Who Have Sex Used Morning-After Pill
11% of Women Who Have
Sex Used Morning-After Pill
new report

11% of Women Who Have Sex Used Morning-After Pill

5.8M have taken pill at least once: federal analysis

(Newser) - The use of so-called morning-after pills in the US is on the rise, a new report finds, with 11% of sexually active women between 15 and 44 saying they've used such a pill at least once. That's 5.8 million women, USA Today reports. And the New York ...

White House Revamps Contraception Rules

But rules out a broader exemption

(Newser) - The Obama administration today officially issued a proposed change to its rule mandating that employers offer their female employees insurance that includes copay-free access to contraception. Under the new rule, women who work for a religiously-affiliated employer, such as a Catholic hospital, will still get free access to contraceptives, but...

Jindal: Birth Control Should Be Over-the-Counter
Jindal: Birth Control
Should Be Over-the-Counter

Jindal: Birth Control Should Be Over-the-Counter

Louisiana governor blames 'big government' for state of affairs

(Newser) - Bobby Jindal has people talking today, thanks to an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal in which he endorses making birth control available over-the-counter to anyone 18 or older. "We have been stupid to let the Democrats demagogue the contraceptives issue and pretend … that Republicans are somehow against...

OB/GYN Group Backs Over-the-Counter Birth Control

But move is unlikely anytime soon

(Newser) - Women shouldn't need a prescription or doctor's exam to buy birth control pills, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists declared yesterday, in a statement that the AP says comes as something of a surprise given that the doctors who make up the organization make a lot of...

Sorry, Hobby Lobby, You're No Religious Organization

Judge denies company's request to skirt birth control requirement

(Newser) - Hobby Lobby asked a judge to release it from the ObamaCare requirement that will force it to provide insurance coverage for the morning-after pill, but there's just one problem: Hobby Lobby isn't a religious organization, the judge pointed out yesterday when denying the chain's request. The arts...

Clinton & Co. Land Cheap Birth Control for World Poor

27M women affected in deal that halves the cost: Bill Clinton

(Newser) - Prices for long-acting contraception will be halved for 27 million women in the developing world through a new partnership, Bill Clinton and other world leaders announced yesterday. The deal will help avoid almost 30 million unwanted pregnancies and save an estimated $250 million in health costs, the partnership said. By...

GOP Doesn&#39;t &#39;Get&#39; Women

 GOP Doesn't  
 'Get' Women 
kathleen parker

GOP Doesn't 'Get' Women

Conservative columnist berates 'suicidal' party

(Newser) - From Sen. Susan Collins to Herbert Hoover's great-granddaughter, leading conservative women are stumped by the GOP's recent record on women's issues, writes one of their leading voices. Instead of treating women as equals, top Republican men see them as "totemic and unknowable," notes Kathleen Parker...

Free Birth Control Rule Kicks In Today

Health plans must now cover women's preventative care

(Newser) - Good news, ladies: Starting today, most insurance plans must cover a range of women's preventative health services, including domestic violence screenings, "well woman visits," and, most controversially, no-cost birth control. Don't run to your gynecologist right away though—the rules will apply to all new plans,...

Planned Parenthood Suing Arizona

Organization aims to block defunding law

(Newser) - Planned Parenthood's newest legal battle with conservative Republicans is in Arizona, where it is suing to block a law defunding its health clinics because it also performs abortions. The organization says the law, which is set to go into effect Aug. 2, could leave thousands of low-income women without...

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