birth control

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Fastest-Growing Birth Control Method Isn't the Pill

11.6% of women on birth control use IUDs or implants

(Newser) - More women across the country are following the lead of those in Colorado in using long-acting birth control methods rather than the pill. Though 6% of women on birth control used intrauterine devices and implants from 2006 to 2010, that figure almost doubled to 11.6% from 2011 to 2013,...

Supreme Court To Hear 4th Challenge to ObamaCare

This one is brought by religiously affiliated nonprofits

(Newser) - For the fourth time in five years, ObamaCare is going before the Supreme Court, Politico reports. This time, seven religious charities, hospitals, and colleges—including Little Sisters of the Poor and Notre Dame—are challenging the contraception mandate, which they claim violates their religious beliefs, according to the Hill . Hobby...

Experts Question Safety of Birth-Control Implant

Thousands of women have complained about Essure

(Newser) - Federal health experts today questioned the maker of Essure, a popular birth control implant that many women say caused long-term pain, bleeding, and fatigue. Since 2013, the FDA has received thousands of complaints about the device, often pitched as the only non-surgical option for permanent birth control, from women and...

US Catholics Clash With Vatican Over These 5 'Sins'

Divorce, non-traditional families among them

(Newser) - American Catholics may be fans of Pope Francis—but not necessarily the ideas he represents as head of the Catholic Church. A new Pew Research Center poll of 5,122 adults shows Americans who identify as Catholic are much more accepting and have a very different view on what constitutes...

Woman Got Flu Shot Instead of Birth Control Shot, Sues

Yesenia Pacheco is suing for undisclosed sum

(Newser) - A Seattle woman has filed a controversial "wrongful life" lawsuit over a federally funded health clinic's alleged negligence. Yesenia Pacheco was receiving a birth control injection, Depo-Provera, every three months, but became pregnant in September 2011 when NeighborCare Health employees erroneously gave her a flu shot instead, reports...

Two States Let Women Buy the Pill Without Prescription

Oregon, California allow women to buy it without a prescription

(Newser) - Women in Oregon and California will be the first to walk into a drug store and order birth control pills right from the pharmacist—no prescription needed. Oregon's bill was signed into law last week and California's, passed two years ago, is being fine-tuned into regulations by state...

Why Teen Pregnancy Is Plummeting in Colorado

Study offering free IUDs, implants shows dramatic results

(Newser) - Science continues to back up an American Academy of Pediatrics policy change recommending teenage girls use long-acting birth control methods rather than the pill. Over six years, Colorado offered women free IUDs and implants as part of "one of the largest ever real-life experiments with long-acting birth control,"...

In Oregon, You Can Now Stock Up on Birth Control

First state in the country to dispense a year's worth of birth control

(Newser) - Oregon women can stock up on the birth control patch, pill, or ring after Gov. Kate Brown signed House Bill 3343 into law yesterday. The legislation, which goes into effect next year, requires insurers to offer 12-month supplies of the contraceptives, instead of the usual 30- or 90-day prescriptions. The...

Pope Francis: Big Families Are Good
Pope Francis: Big Families
Are Good

Pope Francis: Big Families Are Good

Softens his comment that Catholics needn't breed 'like rabbits'

(Newser) - Pope Francis praised big families today as a gift from God, after his comments that Catholics don't have to breed "like rabbits" made headlines this week. Francis said numerous children don't cause poverty in the developing world, as some have suggested, and that the real cause of...

Birth Control Is Treason: Turkey Prez

Erdogan calls contraception advocates traitors during wedding speech

(Newser) - Since assuming the Turkish presidency , Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that Muslims discovered America and men and women aren't equal . Erdogan's latest salvo takes aim at what he sees as a treasonous threat to his country: birth control. Erdogan made his statements at a wedding on Sunday, advising...

Coming Soon: $1 Birth Control Shot

Sayana Press is aimed at poor women in 69 countries

(Newser) - Sayana Press is a pre-packaged shot, costs a buck, lasts three months, and could revolutionize the way women in poor countries approach birth control, reports the BBC . A three-way deal between the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Pfizer, and the Children's Investment Fund Foundation is looking to make Sayana...

Sorry, Poor People, Sex Is Only for the Rich
Sorry, Poor People, Sex
Is Only for the Rich

Sorry, Poor People, Sex Is Only for the Rich

Catherine Rampell: How else to explain America's birth control policies?

(Newser) - After assessing the nation's policies on birth control and sex education, Catherine Rampell thinks it's clear that America has reached a decision: "Sex is for rich people," she writes at the Washington Post . "Non-procreative sex in particular." Because why else wouldn't we demand...

Woman Grows Potato in Vagina as Contraception

Colombian woman says mom told her to do it

(Newser) - A 22-year-old Colombia woman who went to the doctor with abdominal pains turned out to have a potato growing in her vagina—because she'd put it there as contraception, says Colombia Reports via Metro . "My mom told me that if I didn’t want to get pregnant, I...

Teen Contraception Study Has 'Startling' Results

72% opted for IUDs, implants; pregnancy and abortion rates plummeted

(Newser) - A new American Academy of Pediatrics policy backing long-acting contraceptives is getting a boost from a new study on their efficacy in teens. Though less than 5% of teenagers use IUDs or hormonal implants, 72% of 1,404 female participants—aged 14 to 19, including some who previously had unintended...

There's Better Birth Control for Teens Than the Pill

American Academy of Pediatrics recommends IUDs, implants

(Newser) - The American Academy of Pediatrics has updated its policy on birth control, and the pill clocks in at a distant fourth in terms of recommended methods for teen girls. The new guidance advises that teens use long-acting methods like IUDs or hormonal implants, which are almost 100% effective and do...

Birth Control Shot for Guys May Be Here by 2017

Long-lasting Vasalgel contraceptive would require just a single injection

(Newser) - There may be another birth control option headed our way, and the guys will get to take the lead on this one. The Parsemus Foundation has tested an injectable, non-hormonal polymer contraceptive on male baboons that appears to successfully prevent pregnancy in females, Medical Daily reports. The procedure, which requires...

Senate Kills Bill to Reverse Hobby Lobby Ruling

As GOP announces plans to introduce its own contraception bill

(Newser) - Senate Democrats' attempt to nullify the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision has met its end—at least for now. Republicans yesterday blocked the motion, which fell four votes short of the 60 it needed to proceed to the House. The bill, defeated 56-43 on a procedural vote, would have...

Birth Control 'Chip' Could Last 16 Years

And be turned on and off via a remote control

(Newser) - Could it be the holy grail of birth control: one that women can turn on or off with the click of a remote control—and would last for almost half their reproductive lives. Massachusetts-based MicroCHIPS is developing a remote-control-activated contraceptive chip intended to be implanted under a woman's skin...

What the Hobby Lobby Decision Means
What the Hobby Lobby Decision Means
Reaction Roundup

What the Hobby Lobby Decision Means

Obama vows to work with Congress to circumvent it

(Newser) - The Supreme Court delivered another explosive decision today, ruling that closely-held corporations like Hobby Lobby can duck ObamaCare's mandate to provide insurance that covers birth control. Here's what the immediate reaction has been among pundits and politicians:

SCOTUS: Employers Can Duck Birth Control

...if they hold religious objections

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today dealt a decisive victory to Hobby Lobby , ruling in a 5-4 decision that closely held companies can refuse the ObamaCare mandate to provide birth control for employees. Chief Justice John Roberts, the swing vote that upheld ObamaCare two years ago, this time crossed over to side...

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