polar bears

Stories 21 - 36 | << Prev 

As Sea Ice Dwindles, Polar Bear Attacks Rise

20% of polar bear attacks happened in last 5 years of 144-year study

(Newser) - There were only 73 reported polar bear attacks on humans between 1870 and 2014, according to a study published this month in Wildlife Society Bulletin . But 20% of those attacks happened in just the last five years of the study, and Alaska Dispatch News reports researchers have found a correlation...

Video of Polar Bear Petting Dog Goes Viral. Now the Bad News

A bear on Canadian landowner's property ate one of his chained-up sled dogs

(Newser) - A video of a polar bear petting a sled dog that went viral seemed heartwarming, but a new development casts the interaction in a different light. The Dodo has updated its initial post on the incident, which took place near Churchill in Manitoba. The video was shot on property belonging...

World's 'Saddest Polar Bear' Moved, for Now

Pizza to be temporarily moved from Chinese mall—but advocates want him out of there permanently

(Newser) - Pizza the polar bear will soon "feel the sun on his fur, sniff fresh air, and see the sky above him." That per a statement from Humane Society International, announcing the transfer of the "world's saddest polar bear" from its controversial quarters in a Chinese mall,...

Meteorologists Free After Being Trapped by Polar Bears

Supply ship arrives with flares to scare them off

(Newser) - Five Russian meteorologists trapped inside their Arctic weather station by a group of polar bears are free, at least for now. A relief ship reached their island with supplies and scared off the bears with flares, reports the Guardian . The ship also left behind flares and dogs to help keep...

Pizzly Bears: Walking Climate Change Proof

These polar/grizzly hybrids give us something we can see

(Newser) - People tend to ignore science when they can't somehow see it first hand. Albert Einstein had to write four letters to FDR warning him about the terrible threat of atomic weapons, and the president started listening. Last week, the National Research Council "issued something akin to that series...

Help Wanted: Polar Bear Spotter

Remote Norway region needs someone to warn scientists

(Newser) - If you passed on the job posting for a manager at Stonehenge , the AP has another weird help-wanted ad to consider. It seems Norway's remote Svalbard region needs an official polar bear spotter this summer. The idea is to keep your eyes peeled for bears, then yell like crazy...

US Pushes to Restrict Polar Bear Hunts

It will ask for an international ban on the sale of parts

(Newser) - Polar bears apparently have more to worry about than sea ice. The US thinks too many are being hunted in Canada and will push for an international ban on the trade of polar bear pelts, claws, teeth, and other body parts, reports the Los Angeles Times . If the US convinces...

Polar Bears Emerged Earlier Than Thought

They go back about 600,000 years, says study

(Newser) - The ancestry of polar bears just got a lot longer. A new German study concludes that the bears emerged as a separate species in the Arctic about 600,000 years ago, far longer than the earlier estimate of 150,000 years, reports LiveScience . Researchers did extensive DNA research to pinpoint...

Webcams Show Polar Bear Migration

Cameras capture bears as they trek through Manitoba

(Newser) - Every year, hundreds of Canadian polar bears journey to the Hudson Bay to hunt seals—and this year, you can watch it happen. The bears travel through the small Manitoba town of Churchill, where cameras have been set up to allow people all over the world to view the trek,...

Alaskans Plead Guilty to Trafficking in Walrus Ivory

They traded with native Eskimos, say authorities

(Newser) - Huge quantities of walrus tusks and a pair of polar bear hides were among the illegal goods sold by two Alaskans who have pleaded guilty to violating federal marine mammal laws. A third person is expected to plead guilty next week. Authorities say two of the three spent years traveling...

Knut to Be Stuffed, Displayed

Famous polar bear will go to Berlin museum

(Newser) - Knut spent his life on display in the Berlin Zoo, and in death he'll move to a museum. The famous bear will be stuffed and exhibited in Berlin's Natural History Museum, the New York Post reports, citing the Times of London. Even as veterinarians examined Knut to determine a cause...

Polar Bears Won't Get 'Endangered' Label

Environmentalists angry that they're merely 'threatened'

(Newser) - Not everybody's heaping praise on the Obama administration this week: Environmentalists are fuming that the Fish and Wildlife Service decided not to ramp up protection of polar bears by changing their status from "threatened" to "endangered." In response to a court deadline, the agency said yesterday that...

US Sets Aside Land in Alaska for Polar Bears

187K square miles to be preserve for endangered species

(Newser) - The Obama administration is setting aside 187,000 square miles in Alaska as a "critical habitat" for polar bears, which could add restrictions to future offshore drilling for oil and gas. Nearly 95% of the designated habitat is sea ice in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas off Alaska's northern...

Knut Is Disturbed, Having Panic Attacks
 Knut Is Disturbed, 
 Having Panic Attacks 
says peta

Knut Is Disturbed, Having Panic Attacks

Polar bear is imitating tourists, acting abnormally

(Newser) - World-famous polar bear Knut is suffering panic attacks thanks to his life in captivity, say scientists…PETA scientists, that is. Knut and Gianna, his companion at the Berlin Zoo, “are definitely displaying behavioral problems,” one researcher tells AFP . Among his apparent issues: Panic attacks, swaying to and fro,...

Norway Summit to Debate Cutback in Polar Bear Hunts

Hunters kill 3% of polar bears each year

(Newser) - World leaders meet tomorrow in Norway to consider reducing polar bear hunting, reports the Independent. Conservation organizations estimate the polar bear population, particularly hard hit by global warming, will drop two-thirds to the brink of extinction over the next 50 years. Greenland, the US and Russia permit hunting by Inuit...

Polar Bear Twins Born in Zoo
 Polar Bear Twins Born in Zoo 

Polar Bear Twins Born in Zoo

First glimpse of tiny cubs

(Newser) - The mother of polar bear rock star Flocke has just given birth to twins at the Nuremberg zoo, reports Der Speigel. Zoo security has been ramped up to prevent over-eager paparazzi from frightening Vera and her tiny cubs, which are the size of guinea pigs. Polar bear moms eat their...

Stories 21 - 36 | << Prev