polar bears

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Southernmost Polar Bears Await the Death Knell
Polar Bears Await
the Death Knell

Southernmost Polar Bears Await the Death Knell

Populations in Canada's Hudson Bay to disappear by 2060s, according to new research

(Newser) - The world's southernmost polar bears could disappear within years due to warming temperatures, a bad omen for the rest of their brethren, researchers warn in a new report. Polar bears have long found a home on Canada's Hudson Bay, the largest northern inland sea, whose shallow waters freeze...

Scientists Followed 20 Polar Bears. Their Findings Are Grim

The creatures are starving as climate change causes ice melt and they can't access main prey

(Newser) - Imagine being a nursing mom who can't produce milk because you're starving, or trying to swim more than 100 miles after not eating for days. Those are just a couple of the scenarios Time notes are now plaguing polar bears in the Arctic as sea ice continues to...

Biden Yanks Alaska Oil Leases
Biden Yanks Alaska Oil Leases

Biden Yanks Alaska Oil Leases

'We have a responsibility,' president says of Interior Dept. move in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

(Newser) - As then-President Trump's days in the White House came to a close, an Alaskan state development agency was granted a slew of oil and gas leases that ended decades of a drilling moratorium in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This week, President Biden's Department of the Interior nixed...

Polar Bear Kills 2 in Remote Alaskan Town
Mother, Son Die in
Rare Polar Bear Attack

Mother, Son Die in Rare Polar Bear Attack

Fatal polar bear mauling took place in isolated town of Wales

(Newser) - It was a 24-year-old mother and her 1-year-old son who were killed in a rare polar bear attack in a small, remote Alaska Native whaling village Tuesday. Authorities identified the victims as Summer Myomick, who split her time between Wales, where the attack took place, and Saint Michael; and her...

New Survey Is Bad News for Polar Bears

Numbers in Canada decline more than expected

(Newser) - Polar bears in Canada's Western Hudson Bay—on the southern edge of the Arctic—are continuing to die in high numbers, a new government survey of the land carnivore has found. Females and bear cubs are having an especially hard time, per the AP . Researchers surveyed Western Hudson Bay—...

Camper in the Arctic Injured by Polar Bear

French tourist survives, but bear in Norway is killed

(Newser) - A polar bear attacked a campsite Monday in Norway's remote Arctic Svalbard Islands, injuring a French tourist, per the AP . Her wounds weren't life-threatening, and the bear was later killed. The woman, who wasn't identified, was part of a tour group of 25 people camping at Sveasletta,...

Group of Polar Bears Finds Ice to Cling To
Group of Polar Bears
Finds Ice to Cling To
new study

Group of Polar Bears Finds Ice to Cling To

Other indicators for the population's future aren't great, researchers say

(Newser) - With the polar bear species in a fight for survival because of disappearing Arctic sea ice, a new distinct group of Greenland bears seem to have stumbled on an icy oasis that might allow a small remote population to "hang on." But it's far from the "...

You Know Polar Bears, Grizzly Bears. Now Meet the 'Pizzly'
A New Type of Bear Is
Gaining Traction: the 'Pizzly'
in case you missed it

A New Type of Bear Is Gaining Traction: the 'Pizzly'

Hybrid of polar and grizzly bears are becoming more common as habitats overlap

(Newser) - Polar bears and grizzly bears diverged about 500,000 years ago. Now, a changing planet appears to be bringing them back together. Live Science reports that the two species have been running into each other—and mating—with greater frequency in recent years, resulting in a hybrid bear known as...

Polar Bear Mating Turns Tragic at Detroit Zoo

'This was completely unexpected'

(Newser) - Workers at the Detroit Zoo say they're in shock after the death of Anana, a female polar bear killed by a male during an attempt to breed on Monday. The zoo says Anana, a 20-year-old bear who came to the zoo last year, lived with 16-year-old male Nuka for...

They Were Camping in the Arctic. Then, a 4am Visitor

Polar bear kills one in Norway's Svalbard Islands

(Newser) - A polar bear attacked a camping site and killed a foreign national in the remote Svalbard Islands on Friday, authorities said, adding that the animal itself was killed as well. The man was rushed to the hospital in Longyearbyen, where he was declared dead by doctors, Deputy Governor Soelvi Elvedah...

New Study Has Grim News on Polar Bears

They could be almost completely extinct by 2100

(Newser) - Polar bears are likely to be almost completely extinct by the end of this century if climate change continues at its current pace, a new study warns. Scientists already knew polar bears were in deep trouble—they depend on sea ice to survive, and sea ice is disappearing—but researchers...

Caught on Video, a Polar Bear With a Message

'T-34' graffiti on bear in Russia could blow its camouflage, make it hard for it to hunt

(Newser) - A video showing a graffitied polar bear is making the rounds, and the outrage is about more than aesthetics. The clip of the bear, recorded somewhere in Russia, was first uploaded to Facebook Monday by Sergey Kavry, a World Wildlife Fund worker. The bear is seen trudging over the tundra...

Thanksgiving Was Extra-Special at This Zoo

Polar bear born Thursday morning at Ohio's Columbus Zoo and Aquarium

(Newser) - An Ohio zoo is celebrating the birth of a polar bear cub. The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium says the cub, shown in a Columbus Dispatch video , was born early Thursday morning to 13-year-old Aurora, per the AP . "The #ColumbusZoo is #thankful to welcome a new polar bear cub born...

In This City, a Visitor Not Seen for More Than 40 Years

Tired, hungry-looking polar bear turned up in Norilsk, Russia

(Newser) - For more than 40 years, there's been no sign of polar bears in Siberia's Norilsk. That changed this week, with Russia's northernmost city putting out a warning notice Tuesday to residents that one had been spotted wandering around in the suburbs, way south of its natural habitat,...

Zoo Turns Heads With Unusual Bear-Saving Strategy

Ohio zoo is amassing poop to create a pregnancy test

(Newser) - An Ohio zoo has become the repository for the world's largest collection of polar bear poop as researchers work to create a pregnancy test to aid the survival of this threatened species, the AP reports. WLWT-TV reports the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens is storing 30,000 samples of...

Emergency Declared Over Polar Bears— Lots of Polar Bears

They've invaded the Novaya Zemlya archipelago

(Newser) - An emergency has been declared in the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, due to ... polar bears? Yes, dozens of the animals have invaded the Russian islands, prompting environmental authorities to bring in a team of specialists to sedate and remove them, the Guardian reports. The bears "have literally been chasing people,...

Polar Bear Killed in Attack on Cruise Ship Guard

It's high season in Arctic tourism

(Newser) - Norwegian authorities said a polar bear on Saturday attacked and injured a polar bear guard who was leading tourists off a cruise ship on an Arctic archipelago. The polar bear was shot dead by another employee. The Joint Rescue Coordination for Northern Norway tweeted that the attack occurred when the...

World's First 'Tropical Polar Bear' Euthanized

Singapore Zoo said 27-year-old Inuka had too many age-related ailments to live comfortably

(Newser) - Inuka, the world's first polar bear born in the tropics, was euthanized Wednesday by the Singapore Zoo, officials say. The 27-year-old bear suffered from age-related ailments including arthritis, and his limbs became too weak to support his 1,100-pound-plus frame, per the AP . The zoo said this resulted in...

Study Reveals More Bad News for Polar Bears

They appear to require more food than previously believed

(Newser) - An already bleak future for polar bears may have just gotten worse. A study published this week in Science found the endangered species may need much more energy to survive than previously believed. Scientific American reports researchers used radio collars and blood samples to track the energy needs and movements...

'We Stood There Crying': Crew Films Starving Polar Bear

Conservation group says it illustrates threat to the bears as ice retreats from Arctic

(Newser) - The video is tough to watch: A crew from the conservation group Sea Legacy came across a starving polar bear in Canada's Baffin Islands that clearly didn't have long to live. "We stood there crying—filming with tears rolling down our cheeks," photographer Paul Nicklen tells...

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