President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

Stories 1581 - 1600 | << Prev   Next >>

Notre Dame Sues Over Obama Birth Control Mandate

Nation's most prominent Roman Catholic school says it violates constitution

(Newser) - More trouble for the Obama administration's mandate requiring most employers to cover birth control: Now the University of Notre Dame is suing, the AP reports, claiming that the mandate violates religious freedom. Observers had been waiting to see what step Notre Dame would take as the US' most prominent...

Cory Booker Learns to Backpedal
Cory Booker Learns to Backpedal

Cory Booker Learns to Backpedal

Newark mayor quickly gets over 'nauseating' Obama ads on Bain

(Newser) - New Democrat darling Cory Booker made headlines yesterday when he hammered President Obama's ads attacking Bain Capital as "nauseating," and it didn't take long for him to make a sudden recovery. Hours after his comments, Booker posted a YouTube video clarifying his position. "Let me...

Report: Obama Snubs Zardari as Relations Unravel

Pakistan refuses to open supply lines to Afghanistan until US apologizes

(Newser) - President Obama has said that Pakistan is the key to the future of Afghanistan and the region—just as US-Pakistan relations appear to be deteriorating. Obama is now refusing to meet with President Asif Ali Zardari at the NATO summit in Chicago, reports the Guardian . For Obama, the most important...

Obama Tells Karzai: 'We're on the Right Track'

At NATO summit, Obama supports 2014 pullout

(Newser) - President Obama met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai today at the NATO summit and urged world leaders to agree on post-2014 Afghanistan, MSNBC reports. "What this NATO summit reflects is that the world is behind strategy we've laid out," Obama said of the plan to pull out...

Rising Dem Calls Obama Campaign Ads 'Nauseating'

Newark Mayor Cory Booker slams GOP ads too

(Newser) - A leading Obama supporter pushed back against the president's attacks on Mitt Romney today, calling them "nauseating to the American public." On Meet the Press, Newark Mayor Cory Booker slammed Obama's campaign ad criticizing Bain Capital, Politico reports: "Enough is enough," Booker said. "...

NAACP Endorses Gay Marriage

Board equates sexual orientation, race protection under constitution

(Newser) - The NAACP's board endorsed same-sex marriage last night, reports the New York Times, with only two of the group's 64 board members voting against the resolution in what's being seen as a resounding statement of principle, and simultaneous endorsement of President Obama's move to support gay...

Barack Obama: The Original 'Birther'

Mark Steyn: Obama let his rep promote the 'Kenyan birth' notion

(Newser) - So the earliest "birther" of all was actually—President Obama! Or at least his literary rep, who promoted the notion of a Kenyan birth up until 2007. To Mark Steyn, it's a clear case of postmodern self-invention: "To 99.99 percent of people, Hawaii is a luxury-vacation...

Angela Merkel Answers Obama With a Shrug

'Well, you have a few things on your mind,' he responds

(Newser) - President Obama is huddling with other G-8 leaders today at Camp David, with Europe's financial crisis expected to be the main topic of conversation. More precisely: Whether Obama can persuade Germany's Angela Merkel to ease up on her austerity strategy and mix in some stimulus, reports AP . If...

Arizona Official Threatens to Take Obama Off Ballot

Secretary of state wants proof of birth from Hawaii

(Newser) - Arizona's secretary of state insists he's not a birther—"I believe that the president was born in Hawaii," says Ken Bennett, "or at least I hope he was." Nevertheless, Bennett says that if he does not get confirmation from Hawaii that Barack Obama was...

Sarah Jessica Parker to Host Obama Fundraiser

She'll follow George Clooney's model

(Newser) - The George Clooney dinner and raffle worked so well that team Obama is trying again—this time with Sarah Jessica Parker. The Sex and the City star will host a fundraising dinner at her Manhattan home on June 14, reports the Hill , and anyone who donates at least $3 to...

Obama Traps Himself With Gay-Marriage &#39;Contradiction&#39;
Obama Traps Himself With Gay-Marriage 'Contradiction'
charles krauthammer

Obama Traps Himself With Gay-Marriage 'Contradiction'

Charles Krauthammer: If it's a civil right, how can he let states deny it?

(Newser) - Charles Krauthammer sees a "howling contradiction" in President Obama's new position on gay marriage. It's one thing to have "empathy" for the cause, he writes in the Washington Post , to feel badly for gay friends and acquaintances who can't legally marry. It's quite another...

Romney Ad Shows 'Day 1' of Presidency

Pipeline, tax cuts, ObamaCare on agenda

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is launching his general-election ad blitz with a spot featuring his hypothetical first day in office—which he'd devote to cleaning up after President Obama, according to the ad. Looks like a busy first day: "President Romney" would start by approving the Keystone Pipeline, "creating...

1991 Obama Author Bio Gets Birthers Excited

Promotional booklet claimed he was born in Kenya

(Newser) - "Birther" conspiracy theorists have received a treat from Breitbart . The website has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by literary agency Acton & Dysel, which describes Barack Obama as "born in Kenya, and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii." Obama, who was one of the agency's...

Rich Donor Rejects Ads on Jeremiah Wright

Conservative Joe Ricketts dismisses them as divisive

(Newser) - Jeremiah Wright may not be making an appearance in the 2012 election after all. A New York Times story today created a buzz because it said billionaire conservative donor Joe Ricketts was considering an ad strategy to go after President Obama's old ties to the volatile minister. Today, Ricketts...

Obama Writes Himself Into Presidents' Bios

White House slips its accomplishments into bios, conservatives guffaw

(Newser) - History is written by the winners, and in this case by the winner of the 2008 presidential election: Take a gander at almost any presidential biography on from Calvin Coolidge on up, and you'll find a "Did You Know?" section that somehow, some way, links their...

Romney Blames Obama for 'Prairie Fire of Debt'

He makes the economy issue No. 1 in Iowa

(Newser) - If the general election has effectively begun, it looks like the economy will indeed be topics a, b, and, c. After the Obama camp went after Mitt Romney for his days as at Bain Capital, Romney struck back today with a forceful attack on the president's handling of the...

Obamas&#39; Assets: Up to $8.3M
 Obamas' Assets: Up to $8.3M 

Obamas' Assets: Up to $8.3M

Presidential books still paying off

(Newser) - Barack and Michelle Obama's personal finances are in sound shape: The first couple today reported total assets of between $2.6 million and $8.3 million last year, reports the Washington Post . (The imprecision is because of the broad ranges on reporting forms.) President Obama is still collecting...

Obama Has an &#39;ESPN Masculinity&#39;

 Obama Has an 
 'ESPN Masculinity' 
David Brooks

Obama Has an 'ESPN Masculinity'

That explains why he's doing so well in spite of everything: David Brooks

(Newser) - Why is the race between President Obama and Mitt Romney so close? In the New York Times , David Brooks cites a number of polls that seem to indicate Obama shouldn’t even be in the game: Americans have little faith in the economy, the country is shifting to the right,...

Obama 2012 Makes Donors Ditch Phones at Fundraisers

Cell phones confiscated in strange practice

(Newser) - President Obama’s re-election campaign is asking donors to not only open their wallets, but fork over their cell phones before entering small fundraisers, a practice that veterans of other campaigns find very odd. The practice of turning over cell phones is common in secure spaces where state secrets would...

Obama Isn&#39;t Our 1st Gay President

 Obama Isn't Our 
 1st Gay President 

Obama Isn't Our 1st Gay President

That honor goes to James Buchanan: Jim Loewen

(Newser) - Tina Brown would like you to think that our 44th commander in chief is the "First Gay President." Jim Loewen would like you to know that title actually belongs to our country's 15th leader, James Buchanan. After taking a moment to smack Newsweek for the "cheap...

Stories 1581 - 1600 | << Prev   Next >>