President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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GOP Women Help Mitt Close Ratings Gap

Obama remains far ahead on enthusiasm, but independents split

(Newser) - Now that Mitt Romney has finally clinched the Republican nomination, the party appears to be rallying around him, boosting his favorable numbers, according to a new Washington Post / ABC poll. Romney's favorable rating still trails President Obama's, but the 52%-41% gap is much closer than last month'...

The Gloves Come Off Now That Romney's Clinched

Planned Parenthood goes after Mitt, Mitt goes after Solyndra

(Newser) - Now that Mitt Romney has officially clinched the Republican presidential nomination, the fight is on. An update on the lines of attack being launched now that we know for sure it's Obama vs. Romney:
  • The Planned Parenthood Action Fund is targeting Romney with one of its biggest political ad

Top Astrologers: Obama Will Win

 Top Astrologers: 
 Obama Will Win 

Top Astrologers: Obama Will Win

United Astrology Conference panel is unanimous in prediction

(Newser) - A panel of renowned astrologers unanimously predicts that President Obama will be re-elected this fall—and before you scoff, the same panel also predicted his win in 2008. The presidential election prediction is the final event—and the highlight—of the United Astrology Conference, the world's largest astrology gathering...

Michelle Tells Stewart About 'Post-Dope' Obama

Obama 'realized he could do more with his life,' she says

(Newser) - Michelle Obama capped a media blitz that included visits to Good Morning America and the View with an appearance on the Daily Show last night. The first lady, ostensibly promoting her new cookbook, didn't take the bait when Jon Stewart asked about her husband's pot-smoking high school years,...

Obama Death-Camp Gaffe Angers Poles

He referred to a WWII 'Polish death camp'

(Newser) - President Obama paid tribute to a Polish war hero yesterday, but managed to infuriate Poland in the process. At a White House ceremony honoring resistance fighter Jan Karski, who tried to alert the world to the Holocaust, Obama used the phrase "Polish death camp," which is terminology that...

Blitzer to Trump: You Look 'Ridiculous' on This Birther Stuff

Trump's response: No, you do

(Newser) - Mitt Romney must be thrilled: On the night he is to clinch the GOP nomination, Donald Trump is stealing some of the thunder with his birther conspiracies, notes the Los Angeles Times . Just hours before Trump was to host a fundraiser in Vegas with the candidate himself, Trump went on...

Obama: The Man Holding the &#39;Kill List&#39;

 Obama: The Man 
 Holding the 
 'Kill List' 
'NYT' Report

Obama: The Man Holding the 'Kill List'

'New York Times' dives into president's counterterrorism approach

(Newser) - The New York Times is running what is undoubtedly today's biggest talker—in terms of both length and heft. The paper interviewed three dozen current and past Obama advisers in an attempt to define the president's counterterrorism approach—a topic it describes using words such as baffling, confounding,...

Obama Critic: I'll Pay $20K for His College Transcripts

Donald Trump accuses Obama of being 'a terrible student'

(Newser) - Critics of President Obama, rejoice: While "birthers" didn't give birth to much, "transcripters" have come to save the day. The Los Angeles Times coined the phrase for conservatives who want to see Obama's transcripts from Harvard Law School, Columbia University, and Occidental College. A website called...

Obama Honors Fallen Troops at Arlington

Lays wreath at Tomb of the Unknowns

(Newser) - President Barack Obama paid tribute today to the men and women who have died defending America, saying the country must strive "to be a nation worthy of your sacrifice." He said the war in Iraq has ended after nine years and is "winding down" in Afghanistan. But...

Top Dems to Obama: Keep Attacking Bain

But a few worry strategy could hurt among independents

(Newser) - Some Democratic leaders may have their doubts about President Obama's attacks on Bain Capital —but most give the message the thumbs up and want him to keep at it. Mitt Romney "wanted to have this conversation," Pennsylvania's Democratic chair tells the Washington Post , which has...

The G-Word: Why Romney Never Says 'Governor'

Romney emphasizes Bain, Olympics over time as governor

(Newser) - Four of the past six US presidents were also former governors, and the qualification is generally considered one of the best for the White House. Nevertheless, you won't hear Mitt Romney boasting of his term as governor of Massachusetts very often, preferring instead to talk about the Salt Lake...

Obama: Republicans Are the Real Big Spenders

Federal spending is rising at slowest rate since '50s, report finds

(Newser) - Republicans are trying to fool the country into believing that they are the party of fiscal responsibility, President Obama told a fundraiser yesterday. "I’m running to pay down our debt in a way that’s balanced and responsible. After inheriting a $1 trillion deficit, I signed $2 trillion...

Is Racism Driving Obama's Crappy Primary Showings?

But columnists think that's a little too simplistic

(Newser) - President Obama continued his lousy run last night in what Politico calls his "region of doom," a swath it defines as the "Upper South" that includes Appalachia. Obama's weak performances in Arkansas and Kentucky , of course, follow his close race against a felon in West Virginia....

Ousted Gay Spokesman: I'm Still Voting for Romney

Richard Grenell says gay marriage doesn't make up for Obama's flaws

(Newser) - The gay spokesman who resigned from Mitt Romney's campaign at least in part over pressure from anti-gay conservatives isn't about to jump ship to team Obama. Richard Grenell applauds President Obama's embrace of same-sex marriage, but he still takes "exception to his dismal national-security and economic...

Obama Barely Ekes Out Wins in Arkansas, Kentucky

Nabs 60% of the vote or less in latest primaries

(Newser) - He's already clinched the Democratic nomination, but President Obama's performance in last night's primaries wasn't exactly definitive: In Arkansas, he was opposed by a Tennessee lawyer who claimed 40% of the vote to Obama's 60%; in Kentucky, Obama won almost 58% of the vote but...

Bloomberg: Feds Should Make Cities Take Immigrants

He blasts Obama for failing to lead on immigration

(Newser) - America's immigration system is turning away the very workers it needs for economic growth, Michael Bloomberg warned at a panel discussion yesterday. The New York City mayor, pointing to a report showing that other countries are snapping up skilled migrants, argued that states should be allowed to set immigration...

Obama Salutes Joplin&#39;s Grads, &#39;Inspiration&#39;
 Obama Salutes 
 Joplin's Grads, 


Obama Salutes Joplin's Grads, 'Inspiration'

President delivers commencement speech a year after deadly tornado

(Newser) - A year after a screaming tornado ripped out the heart of Joplin, Mo. , as its new graduates headed home from commencement , President Obama last night saluted the town's resilience as Joplin High School feted a new crop of graduates. "The story of Joplin isn't just what happened...

President: Romney's Bain Record Is Fair Game

Mitt's job creation claims should be examined, says prez

(Newser) - President Obama isn't backing down from his attacks on Mitt Romney's record at Bain Capital. The focus on the private equity firm "is not a distraction. This is what this campaign is going to be about," he said at a press conference in Chicago yesterday. Romney'...

NATO Confirms 2014 Afghan Pullout

President Obama: Afghanistan will never be 'perfect'

(Newser) - President Obama and leaders around the globe locked in place an Afghanistan exit path today that will still keep their troops fighting and dying there for two more years, acknowledging there never will be point at which they can say, "This is all done." Obama, presiding over a...

Romney's Super PAC Walloped Obama's in April

Pro-Romney group hauls in millions more

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's super PAC pretty much lapped President Obama's last month, pulling in $4.6 million in April, to Priorities USA Action's $1.6 million. The kicker? That was the smallest haul of the year for the pro-Romney Restore Our Future, Politico reports. April was a particularly...

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