President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Here Is President Obama's Cocktail of Choice

When planning his post-presidency, Obama likes a Grey Goose martini, extra dry

(Newser) - President Obama seems to be preparing for his post-presidential life unlike any president that came before him. The New York Times today uses a private February dinner at the White House to illustrate a key part of the process: At the dinner, Obama schmoozed into the wee hours with a...

Obama Has Two Summer Song Playlists

He provides 2 for Spotify

(Newser) - We know what President Obama is reading this summer , but what is he listening to? It depends what time of day it is. The White House joined Spotify, and it says Obama came up with two separate summer playlists, one for the day and one for the night. Billboard is...

Obama Has a Hefty Summer Reading List

Reading list is a mix of fiction and nonfiction

(Newser) - President Obama is in the midst of a 16-day vacation on Martha's Vineyard, and ABC News has gotten a look at his summer reading list. As Time notes, it includes this year's Pulitzer winner for fiction from Anthony Doerr along with Ta-Nehisi Coates' exploration of race relations in...

Obama to Congress: Expect a Mideast War If You Reject Iran Deal

Same people who backed Iraq war oppose deal, he says

(Newser) - President Obama today began his campaign to convince Congress to back his Iran nuclear deal with a major speech in which he characterized the upcoming vote as one about war or peace. If the deal falls through, opponents can expect a likely outcome, he said at American University: “Another...

Obama to Unveil New Climate Change Plan: Officials

Power plants to face steeper cuts, have more time to comply

(Newser) - President Obama will impose even steeper cuts on greenhouse gas emissions from US power plants than previously expected, senior administration officials said today, in what the president called the most significant step the US has ever taken to fight global warming. A year after proposing unprecedented carbon dioxide limits, Obama...

Obama Orders Supercomputer 30 Times Faster Than All Others

President signs executive order calling for astonishingly fast exascale machine

(Newser) - If something called the National Strategic Computing Initiative sounds like a big deal, that's because it is. The White House yesterday announced an executive order from President Obama describing the NSCI plan, a joint effort of the Department of Energy, Defense Department, and the National Science Foundation, Motherboard reports....

Jon Stewart: Those 'Secret' Obama Meetings Weren't Secret

'I went through the normal White House entrance like everybody else'

(Newser) - Jon Stewart only has a few more days until his final signoff on Aug. 6 as host of The Daily Show, but he's not going quietly. The most recent noise revolves around what Politico has labeled Stewart's "secret" meetings with President Obama , a "sinister" description that...

Obama: 'I Think if I Ran, I Could Win'

But presidents aren't above the law, he tells African leaders

(Newser) - The quote about the 2016 election getting the most attention today comes from a guy who can't even run: "I actually think I'm a pretty good president—I think if I ran, I could win—but I can't." President Obama made the joke while addressing...

Huckabee: Obama Marching Israelis to 'Door of Oven'

POTUS candidate under fire for attack on Iran nuclear deal

(Newser) - It's no surprise that presidential candidate Mike Huckabee isn't happy with the recent Iran nuclear deal , but the rhetoric he used to make his point has prompted a call from the Democratic National Committee for an apology, the BBC reports. In an interview with Breitbart on Saturday, the...

Obama Makes History With Ethiopia Visit

But critics say he's 'rewarding' repressive regime

(Newser) - President Obama became the first sitting US president to visit Ethiopia when he arrived there last night after a stop in Kenya , his father's homeland. He huddled with the country's leaders today for talks on counterterrorism, human rights, and regional security issues, including the crisis in neighboring South...

Obama to Dad's Homeland: You Have No Limit

President closes out visit to Kenya with appeal to youth

(Newser) - President Barack Obama told Kenyans today that their country is at a crossroads and urged them to "choose the path to progress" by continuing to root out corruption, eliminate income inequality, and be more inclusive of women and girls. Closing out a historic visit to the land of his...

Obama Chides Kenya President on Gay Rights

But doesn't have much luck

(Newser) - President Obama pushed African nations today to treat gays and lesbians equally under the law, a position that remains unpopular through much of the continent. Obama's Kenyan counterpart responded by calling the matter a "non-issue" for his country. Obama tackled the sensitive matter on his first full day...

Obama: Gun Control Is My Biggest Frustration

He is 'distressed' by failure to deal with issue

(Newser) - Just hours before yet another mass shooting , President Obama told the BBC that the biggest frustration of his presidency has been his failure to bring in stricter gun control laws, "even in the face of repeated mass killings." He said he had been "stymied" in his efforts...

Obama Says Goodbye to Stewart's Daily Show

'I can't believe you're leaving before me,' he says on 7th appearance

(Newser) - Jon Stewart only has a couple of weeks left as host of the Daily Show, but in an appearance last night, it was President Obama who was doing most of the looking back, with Stewart taking his last opportunity to press Obama on his record in office and on issues...

White House Lowers Flag for Victims in Chattanooga

Republicans say it took too long

(Newser) - Flags are flying at half-staff in front of the White House and the Capitol today in honor of the victims of last week's Chattanooga shootings. President Obama ordered the move at the White House “as a mark of respect for the victims of the senseless acts of violence...

New Obama Gun-Control Plan Surprises NRA

Policy could put 4.7M more Americans in background-check system

(Newser) - A new plan to issue background checks on millions of potential gun-buyers has caught the NRA off guard, the Los Angeles Times reports. Responding to an executive order from President Obama, the Social Security Administration is devising a policy that could add millions of its beneficiaries to the National Instant...

Obama Visits Prison, Says He Could Have Wound Up There

Inmates' stories remind him of his own mistakes

(Newser) - President Obama became the first sitting president to visit a prison today, and Politico notes that the milestone had him reflecting on his own past. After all, he was a black youth who smoked pot and tried cocaine. “That’s what strikes me—there but for the grace of...

Obama: No Way to Yank Cosby's Medal of Freedom

There's no process because it's never been done, says president

(Newser) - President Obama doesn't sound like he's willing to try to revoke Bill Cosby's Medal of Freedom. When asked about it today at a news conference, Obama explained that there's no precedent for such a thing, reports NBC News . But while declining to address the specifics of...

5 Takes on the Iran Nuclear Deal

 5 Takes 
 on the Iran 
 Nuclear Deal 

5 Takes on the Iran Nuclear Deal

We won't be able to really assess until after President Obama leaves office

(Newser) - Assuming it clears Congress, it won't be possible to truly assess whether the Iran nuclear deal was a smart move by President Obama until after he's out of office, observes David Sanger in the New York Times . "The best guess today, even among the most passionate supporters...

Obama Gives 46 Non-Violent Offenders a Break

President commutes sentences, mostly for drug offenders

(Newser) - President Obama is cutting the prison sentences of 46 convicts as part of a broader effort to make the criminal justice system fairer and ease the punishment of those serving more time than their crimes warranted. The president has now issued nearly 90 commutations, most of them to non-violent offenders...

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