President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

Stories 2501 - 2520 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Proposes Boosting Unemployment Tax

Companies would pay more to insure workers

(Newser) - President Obama’s proposed budget is expected to call for the first increase in unemployment taxes since 1983. Employers would, as of 2014, have to pay taxes on $15,000-worth of wages, up from the current $7,000, the Wall Street Journal reports. The move would give states a way...

Obama to Business: Time to Give Back

President makes nice in Chamber address, but urges them to hire

(Newser) - Barack Obama extended the olive branch to the US Chamber of Commerce today, pledging to work to expand trade opportunities and cut away burdensome regulations. But he also took a page out of JFK’s book, telling executives to “ask yourselves what you can do for America,” according...

O'Reilly's Obama Interview Surprisingly Pleasant

And it's not over: More will air tomorrow

(Newser) - So what did Bill O’Reilly and President Obama talk about during their much-anticipated sit-down today? Egypt, health care reform, Obama’s presidential experience, and, of course, football (Obama wouldn't predict a Super Bowl winner, but said the teams are pretty evenly matched). Mediaite has the full interview, and notes...

Pre-Game Interview Could Help Obama and O'Reilly

O'Reilly gets huge audience, Obama gets to look good

(Newser) - Despite the often bitter rivalry between the White House and Fox News, Bill O’Reilly’s pre-Super Bowl interview today with President Obama could be a win for both. It will be Obama’s first sit-down with O’Reilly—Fox News’ highest-rated host—as president. But the two have met...

Palin: 3am Call 'Went Right to Answering Machine'

She's 'not real enthused' by Obama's handling of Egypt

(Newser) - Just after pronouncing America "on the road to ruin," Sarah Palin weighed in on the White House's handling of the chaos in Egypt and neighboring countries in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network . "I'm not real enthused about what it is that that’s being done...

Fox Nation: Obama Misquotes Bible
Fox Nation: Obama Misquotes Bible

Fox Nation: Obama Misquotes Bible

Media Matters: Um, there's more than one version

(Newser) - Fox Nation is bashing President Obama for misquoting a Bible verse at yesterday's National Prayer Breakfast—and the lefty Media Matters is in turn accusing the site of biblical ignorance. "Somewhat ironically, while Fox Nation appears to be positioning themselves as the arbiters of authentic Christianity, they seem...

Obama Keeps Up Pressure on 'Patriot' Mubarak

Mass protests remain largely peaceful

(Newser) - Tahrir Square remained largely peaceful today as throngs of demonstrators—estimates ranged up to the hundreds of thousands—continued their call for Hosni Mubarak to step down and President Obama reiterated his demand for a quick transition of power. The New York Times pegged the mood among demonstrators as "...

Obama Prays for Egypt, Giffords, Malia's First Dance

 Obama Prays for 
 Egypt, Giffords, 
 Malia's First Dance  
national prayer breakfast

Obama Prays for Egypt, Giffords, Malia's First Dance

Mark Kelly, Chilean miner in attendance at National Prayer Breakfast

(Newser) - Barack Obama said his faith has deepened during his two years in the White House, and directly addressed questions about his religion, saying his Christianity has been a "sustaining force" during times when he and his family's faith has been questioned. More highlights from today's National Prayer Breakfast in...

Righties Tie Obama to Muslim Brotherhood

'Stealth jihadists' in with Homeland Security bosses: pundit

(Newser) - As protests rage in Egypt, some fringe right-wingers are at the ready with an Obama link: they’re saying the president has secret ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, TPM reports. Among the assertions:
  • Pundit Frank Gaffney told Sean Hannity last night that “the Obama administration's policies are being viewed

Shame on You, Simon &amp; Schuster
 Shame on You, 
 Simon & Schuster  

Shame on You, Simon & Schuster

Tim Rutten: Marketing of 'O' is outright 'deception'

(Newser) - Now that we know McCain adviser Mark Salter is the author of O: A Presidential Novel, Simon & Schuster has some 'splaining to do, writes Tim Rutten in the Los Angeles Times . Marketing campaigns don't have to win prizes for honesty, "but they are supposed to stop somewhere just...

Obama's China Envoy Quitting—to Run in 2012

Gibbs: Ambassador Huntsman's future wide open

(Newser) - The White House confirmed today that it's looking for a new envoy to China, as Ambassador Jon Huntsman leaves to prepare a 2012 bid against his current boss, Politico reports. Huntsman has the support of several prominent GOP operatives, who've formed a PAC in order to begin the financial and...

Pakistan Has More Than 100 Nukes: Experts

Doubled arsenal surpasses India's

(Newser) - Pakistan likely has more than 100 deployed nuclear weapons, or twice what it had just a few years ago, analysts tell the Washington Post . The country has sped up its uranium and plutonium production, and devised new delivery systems for it, pushing its nuclear capabilities ahead of India’s. That's...

AOL Co-Founder to Head 'Startup America'

Steve Case to lead White House's pro-entrepreneurship campaign

(Newser) - President Obama's entrepreneurship campaign is getting a helping hand from the tech industry. AOL co-founder Steve Case will lead the "Startup America Partnership," a drive to increase investments in startups and small businesses, Bloomberg reports. The initiative already has the backing of a number of tech giants: Intel...

Obama Tells Mubarak: 'There Must Be Reform'

President speaks to Egyptian leader

(Newser) - President Obama spoke to Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak today for the first time since the protests broke out, warning him that his promises of reform must be more than mere words. “He has a responsibility to give meaning" to them, Obama said. "There must be reform." The...

Obama Failed His Sputnik Moment

 Obama Failed His 
 Sputnik Moment 
noonan and krauthammer

Obama Failed His Sputnik Moment

Krauthammer, Noonan: His State of the Union was a 'mushy' unserious mess

(Newser) - With the rhetorical dust settled from President Obama's State of the Union speech, two pundits on the right—Charles Krauthammer and Peggy Noonan—declare that the president blew it. Among other things, both seize on the fact that he took more than a half-hour to get to the biggest issue...

Cables Show Complex Bond Between US, Egypt

Public relations have improved under Obama

(Newser) - Newly released WikiLeaks cables illustrate the complex relationship between Washington and longtime ally President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, the New York Times reports. The diplomatic cables reveal that the US has privately pressured Egypt on imprisoned dissidents and other issues, though the two governments’ public relationship has improved under President...

Hawaii May Sell Obama's Birth Records for $100

There's gold in them thar birthers, state lawmakers say

(Newser) - Enterprising Hawaii lawmakers say they've found a way to silence "birthers" while filling state coffers. Democratic state lawmakers have introduced a bill that would allow anybody to obtain President Obama's birth records for a fee of $100, AP reports. The bill would require changing a privacy law that bars...

Palin: Obama's Theme Is Winning the Future&mdash;or WTF
Palin: Obama's Theme Is Winning the Future—or WTF
state of the union

Palin: Obama's Theme Is Winning the Future—or WTF

Get it? Get it? Also, we need to cut 'fluffery' spending on NPR

(Newser) - Sarah Palin, not surprisingly, wasn’t a fan of President Obama’s State of the Union address . She joked with Greta Van Susteren last night that his theme “was the WTF, you know, winning the future ,” which was appropriate because “there were a lot of WTF moments...

Obama Brings Call for Innovation to 'Sputnik' Town

President reinforces message in Wisconsin

(Newser) - The day after calling for Americans to double down on innovation and seize what he has dubbed the new "Sputnik moment," President Obama reinforced his message in the small town of Manitowoc, Wisconsin. The choice of town in the pivotal electoral state is doubly significant, as Obama delivered...

Dow Hits 12K
 Dow Hits 12K 

Dow Hits 12K

For the first time in 2 1/2 years

(Newser) - The Dow Jones industrial average is surpassing 12,000 as investors shrug off weak earnings results and focus on President Obama's call to overhaul corporate taxes. The average climbed to 12,006 early today. The last time it closed above 12,000 was June 19, 2008.

Stories 2501 - 2520 | << Prev   Next >>