President Obama

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Why Obama Should Thank Reagan, Clinton
 Why Obama Should 
 Thank Reagan, Clinton 

Why Obama Should Thank Reagan, Clinton

Their comebacks make his easier: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - At this point, the smart money is on Barack Obama getting re-elected, writes Steve Kornacki at Salon . Even Republicans tend to agree, as this Politico story pointed out. While it's not surprising that Obama has rebounded from those one-termer predictions of a few months ago, it is surprising at how...

Obama Backs Letting States Out of Parts of Health Reform

Sticks up for unions in governors' meeting

(Newser) - President Obama intends to back legislation enabling states to duck some of the more onerous mandates of the new health care law—provided they can demonstrate that they could cover just as many people in some other way. “I think that’s a reasonable proposal; I support it,”...

Oops: Huckabee Defends Gay Marriage

By complaining about troubles of out-of-wedlock kids: Ruth Marcus

(Newser) - In attacking gay marriage, Mike Huckabee inadvertently offered an excellent defense of it, writes Ruth Marcus. He went from criticizing President Obama’s decision not to defend the gay-marriage ban to pointing out the difficult “economic reality of out-of-wedlock children.” The fact is, “gays and lesbians are...

Asked at Town Hall: 'Who's Going to Shoot Obama?'

Georgia Rep. Paul Broun responds by citing frustration with president

(Newser) - At a town hall meeting hosted by a Georgia Rep. Paul Broun on Tuesday, the first question asked was, "Who is going to shoot Obama?" The question "got a big laugh," writes Blake Aued in the Athens Banner-Herald . But Rep. Paul Broun is catching some flak for...

Motown Legends Play White House

Obamas host celebration of Detroit sound

(Newser) - The White House grooved to the Motown sound at a star-studded celebration Thursday night. Before artists including John Legend, Seal and Jamie Foxx took the stage, President Obama called Motown music "the soundtrack of the civil rights era" and credited the Detroit sound with helping "blur the line...

Obama's Got GOP Trapped on Gay Marriage

Court battle is different from cable TV: Linda Hirshman

(Newser) - The Obama administration's decision not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act may seem politically risky—after all, “a majority of Americans have never polled in favor of same sex marriage,” writes Linda Hirshman for Salon . But, in fact, Obama has put Republicans in a bind: The GOP-led...

Obama: Libya's 'Outrageous' Violence Must Stop

Italy's foreign minister puts death toll at 1,000

(Newser) - President Obama made his first public statement on Libya's unrest this afternoon, calling the violence "outrageous and unacceptable" and warning Moammar Gadhafi that the US was considering a "full range of options," reports AP . He said Hillary Clinton would head to Geneva to consult other nations. Gadhafi,...

Bachmann: Tax Code Is a WMD

Also, Obama makes Carter 'look like Rambo'

(Newser) - Michelle Bachmann labeled the US tax code as a “weapon of mass destruction," calling for “a radically different system” in a speech to GOP activists in South Carolina. The congresswoman slammed President Obama’s handling of protests in Egypt and Iran, saying he’s “making Jimmy...

Get to Know Valerie Jarrett, Obama's Right-Hand Woman

She's admired, feared in political and business circles

(Newser) - Valerie Jarrett was once the least visible of President Obama’s top advisors—but with the exits of Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, and Robert Gibbs, Jarrett has gained duties while coming increasingly into the spotlight as Obama’s right-hand woman. In a lengthy profile, the Chicago Tribune traces her often...

Eric Cantor: Hey, Obama, the GOP Can't Enact Deficit Reform Alone

 Hey, Obama, 
 GOP 'Can't 
 Do It Alone' 

Hey, Obama, GOP 'Can't Do It Alone'

This is the president's 'leadership moment'

(Newser) - President Obama's deficit commission co-chairs may think real fiscal responsibility is still possible, but Eric Cantor thinks the president's budget "shattered our best hopes" with its "conspicuous lack of candor." "This is a leadership moment," he writes in an opinion on Politico. "House Republicans...

Deficit Gurus: Glass Still 'Half-Full'

Bowles and Simpson see time to improve Obama budget

(Newser) - Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson think that President Obama's proposed budget "goes nowhere close" enough in reducing the US deficit, but the deficit-reduction panel's co-chairs say they "see the cup as half-full." "[We] think there is the real possibility that a bipartisan deficit reduction plan can...

Obama Enters Wisconsin Fray, Backs Unions

Calls bargaining limits an 'assault' on unions

(Newser) - President Obama has entered the fray in Wisconsin, slamming what he calls Gov. Scott Walker's “assault” on unions—and that's not all. Obama’s political operation, Organizing for America, has teamed up with union organizers to help build the thousands-strong protest in Madison and assemble demonstrations at other state...

Obama to GOP: Don't Make Me Veto Spending Bill

Says GOP proposal goes too far

(Newser) - President Obama issued a formal statement yesterday threatening to veto any spending bill the House GOP devises that doesn’t meet his specifications. “If the president is presented with a bill that undermines critical priorities or national security … the president will veto the bill,” the statement read,...

Obama to Budget Critics: Wow, You're Impatient

President also blasts Iran leaders as hypocrites in news conference

(Newser) - Two main themes are emerging from President Obama's news conference this afternoon—he called out Iran over its violent crackdown on protesters and said critics of his budget plan were way too "impatient":
  • On Iran: "I find it ironic that you've got the Iranian regime pretending to celebrate

Romney Beats Obama in NH Poll

Of course, 78% of potential GOP voters haven't entirely made up their mind

(Newser) - The 2012 presidential race is already heating up: A new poll shows that Mitt Romney is the frontrunner in New Hampshire, beating President Obama in a hypothetical race by 49% to 41%. Romney, not surprisingly, is also the leading Republican, coming out well ahead of other potential candidates. While a...

Obama Budget Throws Ambition to the Wind

President dials it down with eye on 2012

(Newser) - If President Obama’s new budget proposal is any indication, he’s vastly dialed back his first-term ambitions in the hopes of winning a second one, observe Peter Wallsten and Perry Bacon Jr of the Washington Post . Whereas two years ago Obama laid out a sweeping New Deal-esque plan with...

Winners, Losers in Obama's Budget

Kent Conrad, this is not going to be fun

(Newser) - President Obama released his budget today, giving pretty much everyone an ax to grind. But Meredith Shiner over at Politico runs down a list of the winners—as well as the losers—in the president's 208-page financial blueprint. Winners
  • Arne Duncan: Betting big on bipartisan support for education reform, the

Obama: 'Egypt Will Never Be the Same'

He promises that the US will provide whatever help is needed

(Newser) - President Obama praised the news of Hosni Mubarak's resignation and promised to provide Egypt whatever help it needs toward a peaceful transition. The Washington Post has the full transcript , and Mediate has video. Some highlights:
  • "The people of Egypt have spoken. Their voices have been heard. And Egypt will

CPAC Chuckles at Birther Quip

Puerto Rico-born Rep. Raul Labrador: 'I have a birth certificate'

(Newser) - Next stop on the comedy circuit, CPAC? Rep. Raul Labrador, who was born in Puerto Rico, drew guffaws and applause after whipping out a birther joke during his address yesterday, saying he was "an American citizen by birth, and I have the birth certificate to prove it." But...

First Lady: President Quit Smoking a Year Ago

'I am very proud of him,' says Michelle

(Newser) - President Obama's quest to kick the smoking habit is going well, says the first lady. Asked by reporters at a luncheon to clarify whether he'd quit, she answered: "Yes he has, yes he has," reports the Chicago Sun-Times . "Totally." She didn't know exactly when he'd last...

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