Election 2012

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Dobbs 2012: A Nightmare for Republicans
Dobbs 2012: A Nightmare
for Republicans

Dobbs 2012: A Nightmare for Republicans

Ex-anchor could split the tea-bagger vote as an independent

(Newser) - Lou Dobbs has dropped big hints that he plans a career in politics, and the GOP should be worried, warns Joe Conason. A presidential run by Dobbs seems like a strong possibility, but he won't be running as a Republican, Conason writes for Salon . Instead, the newly departed CNN anchor...

How Palin Can Make a Comeback
 How Palin Can 
 Make a Comeback 

How Palin Can Make a Comeback

Get ready for moose burgers in the White House

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is despised by Democrats and distrusted by independents, but that doesn't mean they won't be "serving up moose burgers in the White House" by 2013, writes Matthew Continetti . Palin won the Alaska governorship in 2006 on a center-right, bipartisan platform. Using that playbook again and learning from...

Lieberman: I'll Back Republicans in 2010
 Lieberman: I'll Back 
 in 2010 

Lieberman: I'll Back Republicans in 2010

Sort-of Democrat says he'll 'call them as I see them'

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman says he “probably will support some Republicans in 2010” and may not seek the Democratic nomination in his own 2012 reelection campaign. “I’m going to call them as I see them,” he tells ABC News , saying he’s weary of “partisan, passionate, hardcore”...

Fox News CEO Rules Out Presidential Bid in 2012

'I can't take the pay cut,' Roger Ailes jokes

(Newser) - Roger Ailes won’t run for president in 2012, despite appeals from friends and associates. The Fox News CEO says he thinks he’ll serve the nation better in his current role: “This country needs fair and balanced news more now than ever before, so I’m going to...

You Betcha: Palin Won't Run
 You Betcha: Palin Won't Run 

You Betcha: Palin Won't Run

She has nothing to gain, and no hope of victory

(Newser) - Tom Schaller is so sure that Sarah Palin won’t run in 2012, and wouldn’t be nominated if she did, that he’s made a bet on it with fellow FiveThirtyEight.com writer Nate Silver. Schaller’s argument, in a nutshell, is that short of winning the presidency or...

In 2012, GOP Goes With Heart (Palin) Over Head (Romney)

Who knows, maybe her star power will make her the next Reagan

(Newser) - No matter what kind of gains Republicans make in the midterm elections next year, it’s going to be tough to unseat President Obama—and that’s why the GOP is going to choose Sarah Palin, its heart’s preferred candidate, over Mitt Romney, its head’s favorite. Or as...

Unemployment Hasn't Helped Sarah Palin
 Hasn't Helped 
 Sarah Palin 
Poll Numbers

Unemployment Hasn't Helped Sarah Palin

Poll numbers fall with her low profile

(Newser) - Political professionals largely applauded Sarah Palin’s flight from office, saying it would give her time to lie low, hone her message, and build her brand. But so far the disappearing act hasn’t helped with voters. A new Gallup poll found Palin’s favorable rating at 40%, its lowest...

Limbaugh: Obama Nobel a Bid to 'Emasculate' US

Rush, fellow conservatives jump all over award

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh doesn’t think the Nobel committee members were trying to honor President Obama—he thinks they’re trying to “emasculate" the United States. “With this ‘award’ the elites of the world are urging Obama, THE MAN OF PEACE, to not do the surge in Afghanistan,...

McCain Warms to Romney 2012
 McCain Warms to Romney 2012 

McCain Warms to Romney 2012

Former rival lends his name to big fundraiser

(Newser) - Mitt Romney let bygones be bygones when he campaigned for John McCain last year, forgetting an acrimonious relationship with his erstwhile rival for the GOP presidential nomination. Now, McCain appears to be repaying the favor and ginning up support for the former Massachusetts governor’s 2012 bid, reports the Boston ...

Outside DC, Palin's Still a Star

VP candidate popular, but she may have goofed with resignation

(Newser) - Call her a quitter or a laughingstock, but Sarah Palin is still one of the most popular figures in the Republican Party—as admired by local leaders as she is doubted in Washington. A Politico survey of grassroots GOP members nationwide found particular support for her among Westerners, many of...

Pawlenty Launches PAC

Pawlenty Launches PAC

Committee seen as another sign of upcoming presidential run

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty is taking yet another step toward a presidential run by launching a political action committee, the Washington Post reports. The PAC, dubbed “Freedom First,” will allow Pawlenty to travel the country, build a national network, and donate funds to state and federal candidates. Its first event...

Pawlenty Rips Obama's Pre-9/11-Style 'Appeasement'

Blasts talks with Iran, N. Korea, says similar moves didn't stop Nazis, Soviets, terrorists

(Newser) - Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, a possible Republican presidential contender in 2012, tonight compared President Obama’s diplomatic moves on Iran, North Korea and the missile shield to pre-World War II and pre-9/11 “appeasement,” Politico reports. “The lessons of history are clear,” he told Christian conservatives. “...

Petraeus 2012? GOP Mulls New Candidates

Republicans take hope in Obama's lowered poll numbers

(Newser) - With President Obama’s poll numbers sinking, Republicans are feeling more confident about 2012—and eying a new crop of potential candidates, Politico reports. Among them: MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, a former GOP congressman who’s slammed Obama but is also ready to criticize his own party, and Gen. David...

Baldwin on Opposing Lieberman: Never Mind

(Newser) - Alec Baldwin has no plans to challenge Joe Lieberman for his Senate seat in 2012, USA Today reports. The actor’s spokesman says he wants the Connecticut independent to retain his position because of the paucity of moderate Republicans in the Senate. In a recent Playboy interview, Baldwin floated many...

Policy-Wonk Pawlenty Steers Clear of Wackos
Policy-Wonk Pawlenty Steers Clear of Wackos

Policy-Wonk Pawlenty Steers Clear of Wackos

(Newser) - Voters are “ticked off and scared,” by Barack Obama’s health care plans, says Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, because those plans are “out of step with common sense, out of step with the notion that the government isn’t going to run everything.” Pawlenty, an oft-mentioned...

Why Gingrich Became Catholic

 Why Gingrich 
 Became Catholic 

Why Gingrich Became Catholic

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich shrugged off religious issues while in office, and was recently seen reading a novel before Mass—so why his sudden conversion to Catholicism? Some analysts say he converted this spring to position himself for the Republican nomination in 2012. Joining other high-profile conservatives on the road to Rome,...

Pawlenty: Defeating Health Reform Will Lift GOP

Would-be presidential contender talks tough

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty, a top prospect for the GOP’s 2012 nomination, practiced his act yesterday, dispensing pointed jabs at Barack Obama’s health care plans. Obama, an “extreme left liberal,” promised “change we can believe in, but now we’re seeing it’s about changing what we...

Calif. Gay Rights Group Delays Push for Marriage

(Newser) - One of California's biggest and most influential gay rights groups says it will delay a ballot push to overcome the state's ban on same-sex marriage until 2012, the Los Angeles Times reports. Equality California, which led the failed effort to defeat Prop 8 in November, says there is too little...

Romney Writing Book, Sounds Like a Candidate

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is writing a new book, and it sounds mighty presidential, the New York Times reports. Romney signed a deal with St. Martin's Press for No Apology: The Case for American Greatness, in which he will lay out his plans for the economy, health care, education, and everything else...

Gingrich Group Raises $8.1M
 Gingrich Group Raises $8.1M 

Gingrich Group Raises $8.1M

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich’s political organization brought in a hefty $8.1 million in the first 6 months of the year, Politico reports. American Solutions for Winning the Future advances conservative issues by paying for Gingrich’s air travel, promoting his books, and distributing mail and advertising—but if anybody asks,...

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