Election 2012

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Sarah Palin Must Heed Yogi Berra
 Sarah Palin 
 Must Heed 
 Yogi Berra 

Sarah Palin Must Heed Yogi Berra

She has to somehow lead the leader-shunning Tea Party

(Newser) - So far, so good for Sarah Palin and her popularity with Tea Partiers, writes Donald Kettl, but in “leading a group that doesn’t want a leader” the presumptive 2012 presidential candidate must avoid “separating herself from the rest of the country.” It's a near impossible balancing...

Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin Lead GOP Fundraising

He's got about $3M, and she's got $2.1M

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin lead the pack of possible 2012 GOP presidential challengers when it comes to fundraising, with $2.9 million and $2.1 million coming in over the last year, respectively. Romney still had $1.1 million in the bank at the beginning of the year after...

Obama: 1 Really Good Term Beats 2 Mediocre Ones

Solving problems, not getting re-elected, is my job: president

(Newser) - Asked in an interview today whether, given the rough waters he’s currently battling, one term might be enough, President Obama chuckled, then told ABC ’s Diane Sawyer: “I’d rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president.” He added, “You know,...

Poll: Majority Oppose Palin Run for Prez

71%, including 56% of Republicans, think she should sit out 2012

(Newser) - A majority of both Democrats and Republicans don't want to see Sarah Palin seeking the presidency in 2012, according to a CBS poll. Overall, 71% said they didn't want her to run, with 21% saying they did and 8% undecided. Among Republicans, 56% were against a Palin presidential bid. That...

Great News for Palin: GOP Poll Snubs Her
 Great News for 
 Palin: GOP Poll 
 Snubs Her 
nate silver

Great News for Palin: GOP Poll Snubs Her

Not one party leader sees her as the 2012 candidate

(Newser) - In a new survey of 109 Republican movers and shakers, not one named Sarah Palin as the likely presidential nominee in 2012. This is fabulous news for her, writes Nate Silver. After all, "2010/12 is "shaping up to be an anti-establishment cycle," he writes, and if the...

Obamacare's Real Architect? GOP's Romney

Too bad it's political suicide for him to say so now

(Newser) - Though no Republicans voted for the health-reform bill that just passed the Senate, one GOP star could claim a large chunk of credit for it. The plan has many of the same features as the successful plan Mitt Romney brought to Massachusetts as governor, Timothy Egan writes—but, though Romney...

David Petraeus: GOP's 2012 Dark Horse
 GOP's 2012 
 Dark Horse 

David Petraeus: GOP's 2012 Dark Horse

General considered rising star by key righty pundits

(Newser) - Looking for a “true dark horse” to win the Republican presidential nomination in 2012? Put your money on Gen. David Petraeus, the architect of the Iraq and Afghanistan war strategies, who’s soon to receive a big award from the conservative American Enterprise Institute, Paul Bedard writes for US ...

He's Baaack: Dean Leads Lefty Charge Against Obama

Almost looks like he's running for something...

(Newser) - Howard Dean’s return to the national stage with stinging criticism of the compromises Democratic leaders accepted on health care reform has thrilled disaffected progressives—and even sparked talk of another run for president. One liberal blogger says his dusted-off bona fides make Dean “perfectly positioned” to challenge Obama...

Huckabee's Fox Gig Perfect for a Presidential Run
Huckabee's Fox Gig Perfect for a Presidential Run
Howard Kurtz

Huckabee's Fox Gig Perfect for a Presidential Run

...If he were running, which he's totally not. Really. Maybe.

(Newser) - Listen to Mike Huckabee unload on Obama ("he's never run even a Sno-Cone stand") on his Fox News show and you'd probably conclude he's running for president in 2012, writes Howard Kurtz. Huckabee insists that he’s unconcerned with his political career, that he’s really not sure...

Former Gov. Gary Johnson Eyes Ron Paul's Shoes
Former Gov. Gary Johnson Eyes Ron Paul's Shoes 


Former Gov. Gary Johnson Eyes Ron Paul's Shoes

Republican with libertarian leanings could harness Tea Partiers

(Newser) - Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, hoping to catch the rising tide of Tea Party-style populist anger, has been polishing up his quirky libertarian bona fides for what looks like a run at the presidency in 2012. Though Johnson is cagey, he has made it clear he’s sticking with...

Huckabee Tied With Obama in 2012 Poll

Fox host polls stronger than any other Republican hopeful

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee would give Barack Obama a run for his money if an election were held today; he’s just 1% behind the commander in chief in a new Public Policy Polling survey. Among the 1,253 surveyed, 46% said they’d back Obama, 45% Huckabee. Despite the heat he...

Palin Won't Rule Out Third-Party Run

No need if GOP 'gets back' to conservative base, but she'll see

(Newser) - Sarah Palin might just consider running for president in 2012 on a third-party ticket if the GOP doesn’t get its conservative bona fides back in order. Of course, “if the Republican party gets back to that base, I think our party is going to be stronger and there's...

GOP Base United Vs. Obama, Little Else

For most, leadership is ineffective, or nonexistent

(Newser) - A lot of strong opinions are swirling around the Republican base, but none of them appear to point a way forward for the fractured party. GOP voters and GOP-leaning independents polled are united in their distrust of—even anger at—the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress. But second in...

Beck Jokes He Won't Run With 'Yapping' Palin

Alaskan belongs 'in the kitchen,' Beck tells listeners

(Newser) - Glenn Beck says a Palin-Beck ticket won't fly in 2012, but he'd certainly consider a Beck-Palin run. No way he'd play second fiddle to the "yapping" Alaskan because she belongs in the "kitchen," he joked on his radio show. "I was just thinking, what, I'm going...

Dobbs to Latino Voters: Let's Be Amigos!
Dobbs to Latino Voters:
Let's Be Amigos!

Dobbs to Latino Voters: Let's Be Amigos!

Once rabidly anti-illegal anchor now warms to 'amnesty'

(Newser) - If Lou Dobbs does indeed run against the only Hispanic in the Senate, New Jersey’s Robert Menendez, he may have to mend some fences with Latino voters—and here he goes. The former CNN anchor, notorious for his views against illegal immigration, gave an interview to Telemundo last week...

Why Palin Can Win GOP Nomination
 Why Palin Can Win 
 GOP Nomination 
Nate Silver

Why Palin Can Win GOP Nomination

Her "brand" is mighty, and she'll get a lift in 2010 elections

(Newser) - Nate Silver thinks Sarah Palin will run for president in 2012 and warns that it's foolish to dismiss her chances of getting the GOP nomination "given the makeup and mood of the Republican primary electorate. " He lays out specifics at FiveThirtyEight.com :
  • Enthusiasm: Her "brand" will motivate

Palin to Walters: 2012 'Not on My Radar,' But...

'If people will have me, I will' do something in 2012

(Newser) - Sarah Palin says that a 2012 presidential bid is "not on my radar," but wouldn't rule out playing some role in the next presidential election. "My ambition, if you will, my desire is to help our country in whatever role that may be, and I cannot predict...

Palin Not Fit for Presidency: Poll
 Palin Not Fit for Presidency: Poll
survey says

Palin Not Fit for Presidency: Poll

Voters think Hillary Clinton would be swell, though

(Newser) - With a blockbuster memoir and national tour, Sarah Palin is again grabbing headlines. But does she have what it takes for a 2012 presidential bid? The answer is a resounding “no,” according a CNN and Opinion Research poll. Only 28% believe she’s qualified for the nation’s...

'Sarah's Not Retreating, She's Reloading'
'Sarah's Not Retreating, She's Reloading'

'Sarah's Not Retreating, She's Reloading'

Going Rogue shows Palin as smart feminist with eye on presidency

(Newser) - The Sarah Palin who emerges on the pages of Going Rogue is a far cry from the "prejudiced, dim-witted ideologue of the popular liberal imagination," Melanie Kirkpatrick writes in the Wall Street Journal . Kirkpatrick finds a "nuanced" politician "capable of mastering complicated issues," and a...

Unassuming Thune Could Be GOP's Future
Unassuming Thune Could Be GOP's Future

Unassuming Thune Could Be GOP's Future

Nice-guy populist eyed as 2012 contender

(Newser) - The junior senator from South Dakota is starting to get a lot of attention from the less hysterical sections of the GOP as the party seeks to build on recent successes, writes David Brooks . John Thune never sounds like he's auditioning for a spot on talk radio, but instead puts...

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