Election 2012

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Clinton Squashes VP Rumors

Says she has 'absolutely no interest'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton forcefully dismissed the bubbling rumors that she would replace Joe Biden as Barack Obama’s running mate in 2012. Time magazine’s CEO asked Clinton about the rumors at a professional women’s conference today, according to Andrea Mitchell of NBC . Clinton replied that Biden was doing “...

Woodward: Clinton May Move to VP

It's 'on the table' he tells John King

(Newser) - Rumors have been swirling around the Beltway that Hillary Clinton might replace Joe Biden on the 2012 ticket, and Bob Woodward gave them a little stir last night on CNN . Asked by John King if he thought Clinton would step in, Woodward readily replied, “It’s on the table....

Trump Eyeing Presidential Bid

'I've got the finesse to run on GOP Ticket,' says The Donald

(Newser) - President Trump? Real estate mogul Donald Trump says he's "seriously considering" a run for the White House in 2012. "I can't stand what's happening to the country," Trump tells Fox News . "First time I am being serious about it. I've been asked for years to do...

Mitt Romney 2012, Meet Clinton 2008
Mitt Romney 2012, Meet Clinton 2008

Mitt Romney 2012, Meet Clinton 2008

Tea Party could wreak havoc on the perfect conservative's chances

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has done everything right in his quest for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. His speech at the Values Voters summit this weekend was a perfect expression of his socially and fiscally conservative views; but he garnered a measly 13% in a straw poll, finishing behind Mikes Pence and...

Dems Have No Idea Who'd Replace Pelosi

If they lose the House, expect big leadership shakeup

(Newser) - If the Democrats lose control of the House—as it is widely expected they will—Nancy Pelosi will probably step down, sparking a clean sweep of Democratic leadership. The only problem? Democrats have no idea who their new leaders would be. “This is a subject that everybody in town...

Hmmm, Sarah Palin Is Going to Iowa
 Hmmm, Sarah Palin 
 Is Going to Iowa 
opinion roundup

Hmmm, Sarah Palin Is Going to Iowa

Her aides say it's just a speech, but not everyone agrees

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has confirmed that she's going to Iowa later this month to headline a major GOP fundraiser. Her aides say it's a mistake to read anything more into it, though the move has set off the expected chatter. Highlights:
  • Matt Drudge: As of this afternoon, he was leading his

Tea Partiers Prefer Romney, Gingrich to Palin

Ex-governors, ex-speaker in statistical dead heat

(Newser) - Believe it or not, Sarah Palin is not the preferred 2012 presidential nominee of most Tea Partiers. Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich actually rated higher than the former Alaska governor among members of the fiscally conservative group in a recent CNN poll . Support for the three would-be candidates clustered within...

The Real 2010 Battle: Governors' Races

Parties jockey for positioning ahead of 2012

(Newser) - Most of the hyperventilating surrounding the 2010 election has focused on who will control Congress, but Washington seems a lot more interested in who will win the governor races—all 37 of them. Both parties are spending like mad on these races, the New York Times reports, because who wins...

Jeb Bush on 2012: 'I Am Not Running'
 Jeb Bush on 2012: 
 'I Am Not Running' 
HE'S NO 45

Jeb Bush on 2012: 'I Am Not Running'

Gives Obama some rare praise on education reform

(Newser) - Jeb Bush was asked about his 2012 ambitions yesterday, and he replied in the starkest possible terms. “I am not running for president,” he told a reporter for WHAS11 in Kentucky. The remark seems pretty offhand, but it’s getting national attention, because of recent chatter about a...

Senate GOP Quizzes Base About 2012
Senate GOP Quizzes Base About 2012

Senate GOP Quizzes Base About 2012

Potential nominee: John McCain (yes, that John McCain)

(Newser) - Republicans, are you ready to repeat the McCain-Obama showdown? No? Well, the National Republican Senatorial Committee figured it ought to check, just to be sure. The NRSC, which you would think would be busy working on 2010 Senate campaigns, sent a questionnaire to its supporters asking which presidential candidate they’...

Romney Blasts 'Numbskull' Advisers for Palin Slams

GOP frontrunner defends rival on Twitter

(Newser) - Time quoted anonymous advisers to Mitt Romney dissing Sarah Palin in this article yesterday, and today Romney himself came to her defense. On Twitter , no less: "TIME says unnamed advisors disparaged @SarahPalinUSA. Anonymous numbskulls. She's proven her smarts; they've disproven theirs."

Sarah Palin Quietly Building 2012 Machine
Sarah Palin Quietly Building 2012 Machine

Sarah Palin Quietly Building 2012 Machine

SarahPAC steps up fundraising, spends dough on infrastructure

(Newser) - SarahPAC, the esteemed hockey mom’s Political Action Committee, is shaping itself into the kind of sophisticated operation a presidential candidate might use, according to Politico . The PAC just had its best fundraising quarter ever, raking in $866,000. It turned around and spent $742,000 of that investing in...

Look Out, GOP Candidates: Haley Barbour Looks Strong

Mississippi governor's fundraising is on fire

(Newser) - Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour dismisses talk of a 2012 presidential run, but he's quietly building a well-funded political operation staffed with some of the most talented conservative operatives, Politico reports. Barbour has taken in at least $580,500 from his three PACs, and he's expected to get as much as...

Chris Christie for VP in 2012

 for VP 
 in 2012 

Chris Christie for VP in 2012

He's making a name for himself among conservatives

(Newser) - Chris Christie is waging such an aggressive war against "entrenched liberalism" as governor of New Jersey that he's making a name for himself in national conservative circles, writes David Weigel. So much so that Weigel has him down as the "clear frontrunner" to be the GOP's vice-presidential candidate...

Mike Huckabee, Evangelical Insurgent

 Mike Huckabee, 
and new florida resident

Mike Huckabee, Evangelical Insurgent

Is he the GOP's best answer to Obama—and Palin?

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee is putting on weight, literally as well as politically, and the former Arkansas governor is now registered to vote in Florida, which offers some advantages to the man who may be the GOP's best shot at grabbing the White House in 2010. In a New Yorker profile, Ariel...

Palin Running 'Brilliant' Campaign for President

Her endorsements prove she's a real player

(Newser) - Pat Buchanan takes a look at Sarah Palin's winning endorsements and political calculations and doesn't mince words: "Though the media have painted Palin as a ditz, no politician in memory has conducted a more brilliant pre-presidential campaign," he writes at RealClearPolitics . He adds the qualifier "if that...

Gingrich: 2012 Bid Looking More Likely
 Gingrich: 2012 
 Bid Looking 
 More Likely 

Gingrich: 2012 Bid Looking More Likely

Newt thinks Barack Obama's sure to lose

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich says there's “more of a possibility now” that he'll run for president in 2012 than there was in 2008, but that he'll only do it if he can “raise the resources to be a serious, major candidate.” He tells Politico he'll make a decision in...

Obama Shows Congress Who's Boss
Obama Shows Congress
Who's Boss 

Obama Shows Congress Who's Boss

President takes more hands-on approach to legislation

(Newser) - President Obama is growing more assertive on Capitol Hill. Since he took office, the president's supporters have criticized him for not exerting enough control over the details of legislation, instead letting Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi hammer out specifics—even on major administration goals, like the health care bill. On...

Petraeus for President?
 Petraeus for President? 

Petraeus for President?

General's speech makes him sound ike candidate

(Newser) - Gen. David Petraeus ramped up speculation that he has his eye on the White House last week when he spoke at the annual dinner of a conservative DC think tank. In handing Petraeus an award, Bill Kristol joked that the general might be the one to correct the "curious...

Tampa Snags 2012 Republican Convention

They're hoping for boost in key state

(Newser) - The Republican National Committee will announce Tampa as the site of its 2012 convention, in the hopes of getting a bump in Florida, sources tell Politico . Tampa was one of three finalist cities, along with Phoenix and Salt Lake City. But the immigration controversy surrounding Arizona—and its sweltering August...

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