Election 2012

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Why Obama Should Not Run Again
 Why Obama 
 Should Not 
 Run Again 

Why Obama Should Not Run Again

Op-ed: It's the only way he can get done what needs to be done

(Newser) - Two former advisers to Democratic presidents have what is surely unwelcome advice for the current White House resident: "We believe Obama should announce immediately that he will not be a candidate for reelection in 2012." In their Washington Post op-ed, Douglas Schoen and Patrick Caddell say it's his...

Pelosi: Obama Must Be 'Perfect' to Win Again

Speaker also reportedly says Dems could grab back 25 seats

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi told top Democrats that President Obama needs to be “perfect” if he wants a second term, several Democratic aides tell Roll Call . She predicted that Obama will face a struggle in 2012 due to the Democrats' loss of governorships in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and other key states, the...

Defeated House Democrats Urge Pelosi to Step Aside

Letter says Dems can't win with 'demonized' Pelosi at the helm

(Newser) - Some defeated Democratic candidates are now picking up the cause of their GOP rivals: firing Nancy Pelosi. An open letter to Pelosi from the Dems, many of whom are likely to run again in 2012, has been doing the rounds on Capitol Hill. "With you as the leader of...

Who's on Top in the GOP 2012 Race?

Hint, it's the guy in the picture

(Newser) - It’s been almost an entire week since the 2010 election, which means it’s time to start speculating about 2012! Here’s the buzz on all the GOP’s presidential hopefuls, courtesy of The Week :
  • Mike Huckabee: The governor-turned-Fox host’s “aw shucks” style has made him the

John Boehner, GOP Will Fail
 John Boehner, 
 GOP Will Fail 

John Boehner, GOP Will Fail

This was no endorsement of the Republican agenda

(Newser) - Republicans crowing from the rooftops about the mandate they got on Election Day can cork it and come back down to Earth to face the music, writes Markos Moulitsas Zuniga in the Christian Science Monitor —because John Boehner and Co. are doomed. Tuesday wasn't an embrace of a GOP...

Clinton Kinda Rules Out Future Presidential Runs

Secretary of state defuses talk in New Zealand's media

(Newser) - A day after being accidentally introduced as "President Clinton," Hillary seems to be taking pains to kill talk of a future run in New Zealand's media, reports Reuters . Asked whether she'd "ruled out" running through 2016, she replied, "Oh yes, yes. I'm very pleased to be...

2010's Best, Worst Pollsters: Nate Silver
 Come 2012, 
 Follow These Polls 
nate silver

Come 2012, Follow These Polls

Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA tops for accuracy, finds Nate Silver

(Newser) - Now that the dust has settled, whose polls were the best predictors of the actual midterm results? Nate Silver ranks them by accuracy and party bias over the last 21 days of the election cycle. The most accurate, according to his calculations: Quinnipiac, which “showed little bias,” he...

Potential Obama Challenger in 2012 Is ... Howard Dean?

Roger Simon think it's possible, but a Dean spokesman denies

(Newser) - The jockeying is well under way among Republicans to see who will emerge as the GOP challenger to President Obama in 2012. But at Politico , Roger Simon says the White House is keeping a wary eye on a Democrat: Howard Dean. "While today it looks impossible" that Obama would...

Palin Laid Groundwork for 2012 Run

 Palin Laid 
 for 2012 Run 
Election 2010

Palin Laid Groundwork for 2012 Run

There are some successful candidates who owe her one

(Newser) - Not all Sarah Palin’s “Mama Grizzlies” won, but enough did to give her a significant leg up going into a possible 2012 race, the New York Times reports. When the primary season kicks off in New Hampshire, for example, she’ll be able to call in a favor...

Palin: 'Sleazy' GOP Establishment Is Out to Get Me

She slams 'establishment' Republicans who don't like her

(Newser) - Sarah Palin was not pleased with Politico ’s recent revelation that the GOP is determined to stop her from running for president in 2012. “Some within the establishment don’t like the fact that I won’t back down to a good-old-boys club,” she said in an...

GOP Leaders: We've Got to Stop Palin

'Barack Obama would crush her,' says insider

(Newser) - After tomorrow, Republican establishment leaders will shift their focus to another hurdle: making sure Sarah Palin doesn’t get the 2012 presidential nomination. In interviews with advisers to other presidential contenders, Politico found wide-ranging agreement that the former Alaska governor must be stopped. “There is a determined, focused establishment...

Why This Vote Really Matters
 Why This 
 Vote Really 
Charles Krauthammer

Why This Vote Really Matters

This election (and the next) is about the role of government: Krauthammer

(Newser) - Tuesday's vote will be a blast for Republicans, but "the direction of the country” won't truly be determined until the 2012 election, writes Charles Krauthammer. Until then, with Obama’s veto power and Democrats’ shrunken numbers, nothing much will get done. Still, the “beauty” of these next two...

Will Newt Be the Next Nixon?
 Will Newt Be 
 the Next Nixon? 

Will Newt Be the Next Nixon?

After late-'90s stumble, Gingrich poised for a similar comeback

(Newser) - A decade ago, it looked like Newt Gingrich was a political goner; now, he looks poised to run for president in 2012. The question is “whether or not it is practical, which I increasingly think it is,” he said. Gingrich is certainly playing the part of the candidate—...

How Obama Can Win Again
 How Obama Can Win Again 

How Obama Can Win Again

David Brooks offers a four-step plan to win over the center

(Newser) - The president is set for a bruising on Tuesday, but he can come back, writes David Brooks in the New York Times . Here’s how: first, “win back independents,” who have swung Republican lately. Second, he must “redefine himself” as “a traditionalist on social matters and...

Palin: I'll Run in 2012, If No One Else Does

Palin takes another cautious step toward announcing run

(Newser) - Sarah Palin says she’ll run for president in 2012—if she has to. Asked in an interview with Entertainment Tonight if she was running, Palin said she’d have to take “a real close look at the lay of the land to consider whether there are those with...

McCain: It's Too Soon to Endorse Palin

Senator scolds GOP for premature 'victory lap'

(Newser) - John McCain thinks a lot of people are getting ahead of themselves. Asked on CBS’ Early Show if he’d endorse Sarah Palin for president in 2012, he said she’d make an “outstanding candidate,” but that it was too early to say he’d endorse her. “...

Koch Bros, GOP Fatcats to Plot 2012 at Secret Huddle

Billionaires urging rich movers and shakers to join libertarian network

(Newser) - Billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch and their secretive network of wealthy Republican donors are planning a meeting first thing next year to forge their strategy for the 2012 elections. The bros—who finance libertarian causes and are accused of secretly funding the Tea Party movement , though David denies it...

Sarah Palin: 'We Can See 2012 From Our House'

She campaigns for Angle in Nevada, drops presidential hint

(Newser) - If there was any doubt that Sarah Palin was planning a presidential run, it pretty much evaporated in Reno yesterday, when she told a Tea Party rally, “We can see 2012 from our house.” (And yes, that’s a reference to the widely-quoted SNL skit making fun of...

Biden: Obama Asked Me to Run Again

He will be on 2012 ticket, he assures us

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton already squashed rumors that she’ll replace Joe Biden as vice president on the 2012 ticket, and now Biden himself is doing the same. “I tell you what, there’s real trust, that’s why he’s asked me to run again,” he tells the New ...

Naked Cowboy to Run for President

Robert Burck plans to run on Tea Party platform

(Newser) - Times Square's Naked Cowboy, Robert Burck, announced today that he plans to run for the US presidency. His platform includes closing borders, requiring drug tests for welfare recipients, abolishing unions for government workers, cutting capital gains and income taxes and reversing Obamacare health legislation. No word on whether the Naked...

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