Election 2012

Stories 1321 - 1340 | << Prev   Next >>

Nancy Pelosi: Herman Cain 'Clueless' for 'Princess Nancy' Comment
 Pelosi: Cain 
 Is 'Clueless' 

Pelosi: Cain Is 'Clueless'

Ridicules candidate's 'Princess Nancy' label

(Newser) - Herman Cain called her "Princess Nancy" last week, and the former House speaker is finally firing back: "Really, it’s another one of those clueless statements—clueless in that you don’t say something like that," she tells the Washington Post . "I don’t know that...

Health-Care Firms Paid Gingrich's Think Tank $37M

...and some of its policy advice echoed ObamaCare

(Newser) - More consulting trouble for Newt. Since 2003, a Gingrich-founded think tank has pulled in at least $37 million from the health-care industry—and has called for an insurance mandate reminiscent of President Obama’s. Wellpoint, Blue Cross Blue Shield, AstraZeneca, and other members of the Center for Health Transformation paid...

Romney Staff Wiped Records Before '08 Bid

Dems demand Massachusetts emails

(Newser) - Just before Mitt Romney left the Massachusetts governor's office and launched his previous bid for the presidency, 11 of his top aides took the unusual step of buying their state-issued hard drives, and the administration's emails were wiped from a server, the Boston Globe finds. The Democratic National...

Herman Cain Gets Secret Service Protection

He is the first GOP candidate to receive it

(Newser) - The Secret Service will start protecting Herman Cain on the campaign trail, reports CNN . He is the first GOP candidate to get the protection this election cycle, though neither the Cain camp nor Secret Service officials would specify whether any threats were made to the candidate. Under government guidelines, the...

Newt Gingrich's Freddie Mac Deal Epitomizes Washington Slime | Timothy Egan
Newt's Freddie Deal:
the Epitome of DC Slime

Newt's Freddie Deal: the Epitome of DC Slime

This was classic influence peddling, writes Timothy Egan

(Newser) - You can laugh off Newt Gingrich’s giant Tiffany’s account , or even his marital merry-go-round . But his cozy relationship with Freddie Mac “encapsulates why Washington is broken and how the powerful protect and enrich themselves, unanchored to basic principles,” writes Timothy Egan in the New York Times...

Perry Challenges Pelosi to Debate

As his fundraising and support dries up

(Newser) - You might think extra debates would be the last thing Rick Perry would want, but you’d be wrong. The Texas governor has challenged Nancy Pelosi to a mano-a-mano debate on his new part-time Congress proposal , which would halve Congress’ pay, the Hill reports. “I am in Washington Monday...

GOP Pounces on Obama's 'Lazy' Remark

He was talking about foreign investment, but it doesn't matter

(Newser) - Prepare to hear the word "lazy" a lot in future political ads. As Politico notes, Republicans are jumping all over comments President Obama made last weekend in response to a question about the US luring foreign investors. "We’ve been a little bit lazy, I think, over the...

At Perry Event, No Illegals Allowed

He hosted a town hall in New Hampshire

(Newser) - Rick Perry hosted a town hall at Granite State Manufacturing today. That happens to be in New Hampshire, which happens to be in America, so it follows that attendees should have to prove they're actually American citizens, right? AP reporter Steve Peoples tweeted , "At press check in for...

Freddie Mac Paid Gingrich $1.6M

But only for his 'strategic advice'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich raked in somewhere between $1.6 million and $1.8 million over the course of an eight-year span consulting for Freddie Mac, sources tell Bloomberg —a far cry from the $300,000 he was asked about in last week’s CNBC debate. His main contact was the...

Perry: Cut Congress Salaries in Half

He also wants Supreme Court term limits as part of overhaul plan

(Newser) - Rick Perry unveiled his plan to "uproot and overhaul" DC today during a speech in Iowa in which he played up the "Washington outsider" theme. Highlights from AP , Politico , and USA Today :
  • Create a "citizen" Congress by cutting the $174,000 salary in half and allowing representatives

Cain's Poll Numbers Head South

Meanwhile, Gingrich surging, Ron Paul suddenly strong

(Newser) - For the most part, people who liked Herman Cain before his sexual harassment scandal still like him—but they’re pretty much the only ones. According to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, Cain’s unfavorability rating has shot up 17 points, with 44% of the public viewing him negatively...

Cain: If Bachmann Were an Ice Cream Flavor, She'd Be...

'Tutti-frutti,' of course

(Newser) - GQ had to know what answer was coming when it asked Herman Cain what ice cream flavor best describes Michele Bachmann. “I’m not going to say it. I’m not going to say it …" said Cain. Then of course he said it: "Tutti-frutti. I know...

Obama 2012? Some Dems in Congress Won't Say

Some moderates, liberals reluctant to voice support for reelection bid

(Newser) - It may not come as a surprise that Joe Lieberman isn’t sure where he stands on President Obama’s reelection bid—but a number of Obama’s fellow Democrats aren’t rushing to support him, either. Instead, they’re refusing to comment or choosing their words carefully, Politico finds....

Mike Tyson Plays Herman Cain in Parody Ad
 Mike Tyson Plays 
 Herman Cain in Parody Ad 

Mike Tyson Plays Herman Cain in Parody Ad

As part of 'Live Funny or Die' a campaign series

(Newser) - Is Mike Tyson actually turning into a comedian? First there was his roast appearance and now this: He’s been cast as Herman Cain in Funny or Die’s new election season parody series “ Live Funny or Die. " The series launched last week with a video featuring most...

Michele Bachmann: I Would Beat Jerry Sandusky 'to a Pulp'
 I Would Beat 
 'to a Pulp' 


Bachmann: I Would Beat Sandusky 'to a Pulp'

Pa. governor explains Paterno's firing, McQuery's 'moral' failing

(Newser) - Count Michele Bachmann among those who want a little extra-judicial punishment for Penn State's Jerry Sandusky: “This is so horrific. On the level of a parent, I think of my children, if that was my child, and my automatic reaction would be, even if I’m a small...

One More Time: Republicans Debate Again
 Romney: Obama Win 
 Means Nukes for Iran 

Romney: Obama Win Means Nukes for Iran

Perry doesn't stumble, pokes fun at his previous gaffe

(Newser) - Unsparing in their criticism of President Obama, Republican presidential hopefuls also disagreed among themselves tonight on Afghanistan, waterboarding, and Iran. Some debate highlights:
  • Mitt Romney: "If we re-elect Barack Obama, Iran will have a nuclear weapon. And if you elect Mitt Romney, Iran will not have a nuclear weapon.

Things to Watch in Tonight's GOP Debate

Focus is on foreign policy

(Newser) - The Republican candidates are back at it tonight in a debate expected to focus on foreign policy. David A. Graham at the Daily Beast has five things to watch, including:
  • Artful dodges: Yeah, the theme is foreign policy, but given weak voter interest, expect the candidates to pivot toward national

Super Committee May Punt on Toughest Tax Decisions

Temporary deal would defer details until after the 2012 elections

(Newser) - With Congress's debt committee apparently deadlocked and its Nov. 23 deadline looming, both parties are talking about putting off the toughest decisions until after the 2012 elections, reports the LA Times . Worried that a final deal would only inflame both bases and that outright failure would result in brutal...

Romney Might Actually Win South Carolina
Romney Might Actually Win South Carolina

Romney Might Actually Win South Carolina

He wasn't expected to, but nobody seems to be challenging

(Newser) - Mitt Romney isn’t supposed to win South Carolina. That’s been the conventional wisdom all election cycle, given his fourth-place finish here in 2008. And yet, CNN can’t help but notice that with the clock ticking, Romney’s still at or near the top of the polls in...

Election 2012: New Poll Shows Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney Tied for Second Behind a Damaged Herman Cain
 Gingrich, Romney 
 Tied for Second 
new poll

Gingrich, Romney Tied for Second

Behind a damaged Herman Cain, according to new poll

(Newser) - Don’t look now, but Newt Gingrich appears to have crawled his way into the top tier of the GOP presidential field. A new CBS News poll has Gingrich tied with Mitt Romney for second place, at 15% each. Ahead of both is Herman Cain with 18%, but the poll...

Stories 1321 - 1340 | << Prev   Next >>