Election 2012

Stories 1301 - 1320 | << Prev   Next >>

GOP Field Packed With Friends—and Frenemies

Gingrich 'everyone's buddy'; Romney, Perry not so tight

(Newser) - We’ve seen them battle on camera—but how do the Republican candidates relate to each other behind the scenes? The candidates’ complex network of relationships is the stuff of TV drama, a New York Times piece suggests: They range from buddy-buddy to all-out “frenemies.” Having worked together...

Bill Clinton on Newt Gingrich: He Thinks
 Clinton on Gingrich: He Thinks 

Clinton on Gingrich: He Thinks

Ex-president predicted his old foe would surge

(Newser) - Disagreements between Newt Gingrich and Bill Clinton ground the federal government to a halt more than once, so it's a little unusual to hear the former president giving his old foe props. Clinton tells Newsmax that the former House speaker is surging in the polls because "he’s...

Union Leader: Romney Isn&#39;t &#39;Inevitable&#39;
 Union Leader: 
Romney Isn't 

Union Leader: Romney Isn't 'Inevitable'

Editor backs up surprise today's endorsement of Gingrich

(Newser) - Republicans probably aren't going to get their ideal candidate in this election cycle, but that doesn't mean that Mitt Romney's steady-but-less-than-inspiring candidacy is destined to win the nomination. So argues Andrew Cline, the New Hampshire Union Leader editorial page editor behind today's surprise endorsement of Newt...

New Hampshire Newspaper Union Leader Endorses Newt Gingrich

 Key NH Paper 

Key NH Paper Endorses Gingrich

'Union Leader' helped McCain start path to 2008 nomination

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's turn as the GOP's latest presidential pet gathered some big momentum today: The former House speaker has picked up the endorsement of New Hampshire's main newspaper, the Union Leader , which announced its pick with a banner headline in today's edition. While Gingrich "is...

Is This Ron Paul&#39;s Moment?
 Is This Ron Paul's 

Is This Ron Paul's Moment?

Gail Collins admires Paul's consistency, but still concludes he has no chance

(Newser) - Most experts have written off Ron Paul's chances of getting the Republican nomination, but the steady libertarian candidate is "definitely having a moment," writes Gail Collins in the New York Times . Frank and up-front about his beliefs, Paul rarely dodges questions, even about hot-button subjects. "Paul...

Gingrich Clarifies Immigration Policy: No Amnesty

He says most illegal immigrants should reapply for citizenship

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich said he was “prepared to take the heat” when he offered his opinion that the US should be “humane” in enforcing immigration law, and now he finds himself fighting back against criticism from his fellow presidential contenders, MSNBC reports. “I am not for amnesty for...

Peggy Noonan on GOP Debate: Hawkish Candidates Should Tone It Down
 GOP Hawks 
 Should Tone 
 It Down 
peggy noonan

GOP Hawks Should Tone It Down

Candidates might just scare off the electorate: Peggy Noonan

(Newser) - In the latest Republican debate, we saw the candidates showcase their hawkishness, each trying to play it tougher than the next. (Except for Ron Paul, of course.) That may work in “Republo-world,” where theoretical discussions on, say, bombing Iran, are commonplace, but it won’t play well...

Romney Defends Use of Out-of-Context Obama Quote

Ad's message is 'guess what, it's your turn,' he says

(Newser) - Signalling a no-holds-barred fight ahead, Mitt Romney is standing by the use of an out-of-context quote from President Obama in his first TV ad . The ad—slammed by Democrats and called "ridiculously misleading" by non-partisan campaign watchdog Politifact—features Obama saying, "If we keep talking about the economy,...

Gingrich Won't Be On Missouri Ballot

Omission not a Team Gingrich fumble, spokesman says

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is riding high in the polls but you won't find his name on the ballot for Missouri's Republican primary in February. Gingrich, unlike the other seven leading GOP candidates and three lesser-known ones, didn't file the necessary paperwork by this week's deadline. Convention delegates...

Candidates Pick Fights on Patriot Act, Immigration

Republicans debate national security

(Newser) - The Republican candidates were back at it tonight, this time in Washington and this time with a focus on national security. (Click to read about Mitt Romney's first-name moment .) Some highlights:
  • Newt Gingrich: Strongly backed the Patriot Act. "All of us will be in danger for the

6 Endorsements Could Sway Race

DeMint, Huckabee, the Bush clan are among the key ones

(Newser) - With voting just weeks away in the Republican race, the Fix blog of the Washington Post looks at six endorsements that could play a role in determining a winner.
  • Jim DeMint: The conservative South Carolina senator carries serious clout with the Tea Party, though he probably won't weigh in

Gingrich in Hot Seat at Tonight's Debate

Will new frontrunner keep his position?

(Newser) - Tonight’s GOP debate in Washington will focus on foreign policy—though, as Politico notes, “foreign policy isn’t going to decide the 2012 presidential race.” The topic just “isn’t where the interest has been for voters or the media,” a strategist tells the Economic ...

Romney Unveils First TV Ad
 Romney Unveils First TV Ad 

Romney Unveils First TV Ad

Obama campaign blasts 'deceitful' attack ad

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has rolled out the first TV ad of his 2012 campaign—and he has John McCain to thank for its most effective line. The ad begins with images of President Obama on the stump in 2008, saying: "I am confident that we can steer ourselves out of...

Herman Cain Scared of 'Foreign'-Sounding Doctor

But feels much better when assistant assures him doc is a Christian

(Newser) - Herman Cain campaigned at Florida’s Holy Land Experience (yes, really … it’s a Christian amusement park) Friday, and on Yahoo! News , Chris Moody relates one particularly interesting tidbit from his speech. While talking about his recent cancer struggle, Cain said he worried when he learned the name of...

Obama Must Step Aside, Let Hillary Run

Election, good governance require new Democratic candidate: pollsters

(Newser) - If the Democrats want to win in 2012—and be able to get anything done in the following four years—it’s time for President Obama to hand the baton to Hillary Clinton, write two Democratic pollsters in the Wall Street Journal . “Never before has there been such an...

How to Win Iowa: Stay Away

Best poll numbers go to candidates who meet voters least often

(Newser) - The candidates leading the pack in Iowa and New Hampshire have an unusual strategy: they’re hardly visiting either state. Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain are topping early state polls, yet they’ve been more focused on their book tours than dropping in. Mitt Romney has spent a miniscule amount...

Gingrich: Super Committee Failure 'Good for America'

Liberal bloggers pretty happy about it, too

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich certainly isn’t mourning the super committee’s super failure , calling it “good for America” this morning, Politico reports. Gingrich, a longtime critic of the panel, said the “gridlock” in Washington is “partly the president's fault, it's partly the Congress' fault, but it'...

Gingrich on Top in New Poll
 Gingrich on Top in New Poll 

Gingrich on Top in New Poll

He's in a dead heat with Romney, according to a USA Today/Gallup poll

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is getting his turn on the merry-go-round that has been the top spot in Republican primary polling. A new USA Today / Gallup poll has Gingrich on top among registered Republican voters with 22%, though that’s just a hair ahead of Mitt Romney’s 21% and within...

Kerry Blasts Romney as a Flip-Flopper

Few politicians 'have changed on as many issues as he has'

(Newser) - Maybe John Kerry was for Mitt Romney before he was against him, but count the Massachusetts senator as definitely not a Romney fan now. Kerry took a moment out of an appearance on Meet the Press to specially blast the former governor of his state, reports Politico, saying, "There...

Pro-Mormon Ads Specifically Skirt Primary States

'I'm a Mormon' ads not running in Iowa, NH, SC

(Newser) - The Mormon Church has stepped up an advertising campaign aimed at overcoming their poor image among many Americans . The ads, which stress that Mormons are regular people, are airing in 21 media markets—but not in the key primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. Church officials say...

Stories 1301 - 1320 | << Prev   Next >>