
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Hits 51% Disapproval as Speech Looms

Just 44% approve of his job in office

(Newser) - With a major speech approaching , President Obama's disapproval ratings have once again climbed above 50%, a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds. While 44% of Americans approve of Obama's work in office, the new poll finds that 51% disapprove. Some 44% say they're likely to vote Republican...

Americans Down on Economy, Blame Bush

86% cite 'poor' economy; 51% say it's Dubya's fault

(Newser) - Americans' views on the economy have dimmed this summer. But so far, the growing pessimism doesn't seem to be taking a toll on President Obama's re-election prospects. More people now believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, a new AP-GfK poll shows, and confidence in Obama'...

Gallup Poll: President Obama's Economic Approval Sinks to New Low of 26%
Obama's Economic Approval Sinks to New Low of 26%
gallup poll

Obama's Economic Approval Sinks to New Low of 26%

Numbers are lower in nearly every area since 2010

(Newser) - More data from the latest Gallup poll is trickling out, and—surprise, surprise!—it's not good news for President Obama. When it comes to handling the economy, his approval rating has sunk to a new low of 26%. That's down 11 percentage points since mid-May; his previous...

Perry Jumps Ahead in New GOP Poll

Nabs 29%; Romney follows with 18%, Bachmann 13%

(Newser) - Rick Perry has soared ahead of his top rivals in the latest Rasmussen poll of likely GOP primary voters. With 29% support, he leads both Mitt Romney (18%) and Michele Bachmann (13%) by double digits. Ron Paul scored 9% support, with Herman Cain rounding out the top five at 6%....

Feds Can&#39;t Fix Economy: Poll
 Feds Can't Fix Economy: Poll 

Feds Can't Fix Economy: Poll

New survey shows many of us agree with S&P

(Newser) - Another day, another poll about how much we hate Congress . This latest poll shows, in particular, that just one in four of us believes the federal government can fix the economy. That's down 21 points from October, notes the Washington Post . And a whopping 71% of respondents believe S&...

Bachmann Surges to Second in National Poll

Followed by Rick Perry

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann's ascent continues: The Minnesota congresswoman surged into second place behind longtime GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney in a new national poll. Romney is the first choice for 30% of Republican primary voters, while Bachmann snagged 16%. Behind her is Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who still hasn't decided...

Poll: 71% Disapprove of GOP's Debt Efforts
 71% Disapprove of 
 GOP's Debt Efforts 
poll numbers

71% Disapprove of GOP's Debt Efforts

Democrats' approval numbers slightly better at 31% to GOP's 21%

(Newser) - Some 71% of Americans disapprove of Congressional Republicans’ handling of the debt crisis, while just 21% support the GOP’s efforts, a CBS News poll finds. Congressional Democrats fare better, but only slightly so: 58% disapprove of their work on the issue; 31% approve. President Obama gets the best poll...

59% Will at Least &#39;Consider&#39; Reelecting Obama
59% Will at Least  
'Consider' Reelecting Obama
poll says

59% Will at Least 'Consider' Reelecting Obama

...even though 57% of voters disapprove of his handling of the economy

(Newser) - More than half of voters approve of President Obama’s job performance and would at least consider reelecting him—even though 57% of them disapprove of they way he is handling the economy, a Politico-George Washington University poll finds. Some 52% approve of the president’s work so far, and...

Birthers' Ranks Plunge: Poll

Percentage who believe Obama is foreign-born falls by half

(Newser) - A year ago, 20% of Americans thought the president was foreign-born; now, it’s half that, a Washington Post poll finds. Surveyed after President Obama released his “long-form” birth certificate , just 10% of Americans now believe he was likely born outside the US. What's more, 70% say he’...

Gas Prices Drain Obama Approval Rating: Poll

Just 39% of hard-hit drivers approve of president's job performance

(Newser) - Gas prices are hurting Americans—and they’re hurting President Obama’s poll numbers, too, a Washington Post/ABC News survey finds. Some 60% of respondents said they are reducing their driving thanks to the prices, while 70% said the prices were causing money woes, the Post reports. Of those who...

We Want to Cut Foreign Aid— and Expand It

Americans think it's 25% of the budget. In fact, it's 1%, and it works: Ken Hackett

(Newser) - Americans think foreign aid should be the first casualty of budget-trimming, a poll shows—but we also want it to be 10 times what it is now. That’s because most Americans think foreign aid makes up a quarter of the federal budget, and want to cut it to 10%....

Obama Would Beat Palin, Romney in 2012
Obama Would Beat
Palin, Romney in 2012

Obama Would Beat Palin, Romney in 2012

Survey finds little change in president's numbers

(Newser) - Things may be tough for President Obama at the moment, but don’t rule him out: he’s poised to win in 2012, an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds. Though his approval rating is at its lowest, he would still beat Sarah Palin or Mitt Romney—and three-quarters of...

Women Don't Trust Palin on Abortion: Poll

54% of all voters think Planned Parenthood trustworthy; 24% think same of Palin

(Newser) - Most American voters—particularly women—don’t trust Sarah Palin on women’s health issues like abortion, sex ed, and birth control, a Planned Parenthood poll finds. While 54% of voters consider Planned Parenthood trustworthy on women’s health, only 24% find Palin trustworthy on the matter. The numbers inch...

Couple Holds Web Vote: Get Abortion or Have Baby?

Pro-life stunt, or people unfit to be parents?

(Newser) - Minnesota couple Pete and Alisha Arnold say they're letting the Internet decide whether or not they get an abortion. The couple—who have been posting ultrasound pictures at birthornot.com —say the move is an exercise in democracy. They plan to keep the poll open for as long as...

Most Troops OK With Gays in Uniform
Most Troops
OK With Gays
in Uniform

Most Troops OK With Gays in Uniform

Pentagon review finds that most think it's no big deal

(Newser) - A Pentagon report on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell shows that a majority of troops aren’t opposed to gays serving in the military, reports the Wonk Room blog at Think Progress. "The number one answer was. ‘I don’t care,'” NBC's Richard Engel, who got...

1 in 3 Voters Still Undecided
 1 in 3 Voters Still Undecided 

1 in 3 Voters Still Undecided

Good news for Dems? Not likely, poll finds

(Newser) - A third of voters still haven’t settled on their choices for Election Day, an AP-GfK poll finds. Sounds like good news for the Dems—but in fact, 45% of “persuadable” undecideds are leaning Republican, while only 38% are leaning Democrat, giving the GOP the same 7-point margin it...

Democrats Harry Reid, Joe Manchin, Chris Coons Pick Up Steam in Senate Races
 Pick Up Steam 
 in Senate Races 
Nate Silver

Democrats Pick Up Steam in Senate Races

Reid and Angle a tossup, Manchin and Murray now favored

(Newser) - After a several straight losing weeks, the Democrats gained ground in the battle for the Senate this week, according to New York Times polling guru Nate Silver. Based on 100,000 simulations, Silver’s FiveThirtyEight prediction model now gives the GOP just an 18% chance to take the Senate, down...

Voters Prefer Boxer's Hair: Poll
 Voters Prefer Boxer's Hair: Poll 
so there, fiorina

Voters Prefer Boxer's Hair: Poll

Yes, an actual polling firm actually asked

(Newser) - Incumbent Barbara Boxer is leading former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina in the Senate polls—but infinitely more importantly, so is Boxer’s hair. Public Policy Polling included a question about the rivals’ hairstyles, following Fiorina’s remark that Boxer’s hair is “so yesterday,” and found that...

Americans Flunk History
 Americans Flunk History 
happy independence day

Americans Flunk History

One-quarter of Americans don't know who got the short end of Revolution

(Newser) - On July 4th, Americans from all walks of life will gather to celebrate their independence from … someone or other. According to a new poll, more than 1 in 4 Americans can’t name England as the country the colonists fought in the Revolutionary War, CNN reports. That figure includes...

Democrats Gain Favor on Handling of Economy
 Democrats Gain Favor on Handling of Economy
poll offers Dem hope

Democrats Gain Favor on Handling of Economy

Slim margin prefers them to GOP, and wants them to keep control of Congress

(Newser) - There's encouraging news for Democrats battling to retain control of Congress in this fall's elections, with the party holding a slender edge in public trust for shepherding the economy and small gains in those saying their finances are healthy, according to a new poll. The reeling economy remains people's top...

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