
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Two-Thirds Want to Dump ObamaCare

 Want to Dump 

Two-Thirds Want to Dump ObamaCare

Just 24% want justices to keep ObamaCare intact

(Newser) - With a Supreme Court ruling due by the end of June, two-thirds of Americans want at least a piece of ObamaCare overturned, a New York Times/CBS News poll finds. The results mark little change since before Supreme Court arguments in March. About 41% say the whole law should be dropped;...

Pollster Saves Woman's Life With Well-Timed Call

Bobby Berlin went into diabetic shock on the phone

(Newser) - Who says pollsters aren't good for anything? Not Bobby Berlin. The New York City woman had just gotten a call asking how she felt about Michael Bloomberg when she went into diabetic shock, NBC New York reports. "Something just sounded off," says the pollster, a Marist College...

Obama Leads Romney, Santorum by Double Digits
Obama Leads Romney, Santorum by Double Digits 
new poll

Obama Leads Romney, Santorum by Double Digits

President's approval rating shoots to 53%

(Newser) - President Obama's approval rating has jumped 9 percentage points over four months to 53%, and he's posting double-digit leads over his top Republican opponents, a poll finds. Obama leads Mitt Romney by 10 points, 53% to 43%, and Rick Santorum by 11 points, 53% to 42%. Competing against...

Romney, Santorum Tied in Arizona: Poll

Mitt's lead disappears

(Newser) - A week ahead of the Arizona primary, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are virtually tied, a CNN/Time/ORC poll finds. Romney has 36% support among likely voters, while Santorum has 32%—but the gap between them is within the poll's margin of error. Some 18% are set to vote for...

Economy Hikes Obama Poll Numbers

Prez now ahead of all four GOP contenders

(Newser) - The rising economy may be enough to carry President Obama to a second term, according to the latest New York Times / CBS poll. The percentage of people feeling optimistic about the economy has surged over the last few months, the poll found, and Obama's approval rating is back...

Obama Understands People Best: Poll

More than half say he relates to average Americans

(Newser) - No-Drama Obama may be lying low these days, but most Americans say he relates to their problems best. A new Pew Research/Washington Post poll of 1,006 adults gives President Obama good marks on the empathy scale, Politico reports:
  • 55% say he relates to the needs of average people fairly

Now All the Polls Love Mitt
 Now All the Polls Love Mitt 
nate silver

Now All the Polls Love Mitt

Tally of polling data gives Romney 9% lead in Florida: Nate Silver

(Newser) - Not only does a recent Quinnipiac Poll give Mitt Romney the lead in the Florida primary. There are also automated polls, check-box polls, house-call polls, mouse-click polls, partisan polls, academic polls... Nate Silver has added them up in the New York Times and tallied a 9-point overall lead for Romney...

Third-Party Colbert Would Get 13%: Poll

... if he pushed the joke that far

(Newser) - If Stephen Colbert decided to run for president as a third-party candidate, his performance might not be too shabby: He'd pull in 13% of the vote, Public Policy Polling finds. In that hypothetical scenario, President Obama would get 41% and Mitt Romney 38%. If the Comedy Central host were...

Iowa Caucuses Nearly Three-Way Tie: Paul, Romney, Santorum Top Latest Poll
 Latest Poll: 
 Iowa Nearly a
 3-Way Tie 
and more from iowa

Latest Poll: Iowa Nearly a 3-Way Tie

Candidates make last-minute preparations

(Newser) - A day ahead of Iowa voting, three candidates are within two points of each other in the latest poll: Ron Paul is leading the field at 20%, while Mitt Romney follows at 19% and Rick Santorum boasts 18%, having jumped eight points since earlier this week, notes Public Policy Polling...

Romney, Paul, Santorum 1-2-3 in Another Iowa Poll

And Santorum is surging

(Newser) - Yet another poll puts Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and Rick Santorum 1-2-3 in Iowa two days before the state's caucuses. The poll, conducted by the Des Moines Register over four days last week, puts Romney at 24%, Paul at 22%, and Santorum at 15%. However, the pollster says, "...

In US, 77% Believe in Angels
 In US, 77% Believe in Angels 

In US, 77% Believe in Angels

Poll reveals even majority of non-Christians believe

(Newser) - Hark! A sizable majority of Americans believe the herald angels really might be practicing their chorus. A new AP-GfK poll shows that 77% of adults think angels are real. That’s significantly lower than the 92% who professed belief in God in a May poll, but a lot higher than...

Sexual Harassment Plagues American Schools: Survey

 Plagues Our 
 Schools: Poll 
'normal part of the day'

Sexual Harassment Plagues Our Schools: Poll

More than half of girls report unwanted advances

(Newser) - Nearly half of middle and high school students suffer from sexual harassment, and almost 90% of victims admit to negative effects like stomach aches, poor sleep, and absenteeism, a new survey says. But girls take the brunt of it, with 56% reporting harassment as compared to 40% of boys. In...

President Obama Will Win Election But Can't Fix Economy: Poll

 Obama Will 
 Win, Can't Fix 
nbc/wsj poll

Obama Will Win, Can't Fix Economy

Americans like Obama but fear for country: poll

(Newser) - If a national poll can combine devastating news and a bright ray of sunshine for President Obama, this is it. A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey shows that about 75% of respondents don't like Obama's economic policies and fear the country is headed in the wrong direction....

Herman Cain's Poll Numbers Climb Amid Sex-Harassment Scandal

 Cain's Numbers 
 Climb Amid 
wapo-abc poll

Cain's Numbers Climb Amid Scandal

Republicans shrug off sex-harassment allegations

(Newser) - Herman Cain’s sex-harassment allegations don’t seem to have taken much of a toll on his poll numbers. Some 23% of Republicans support Cain’s nomination, putting him in a virtual tie with Mitt Romney, who is at 24%, a Washington Post -ABC News poll finds. That's the...

New Yorkers Support Occupy Wall Street Movement: Poll
 New Yorkers 
 Support 'Occupy' 
poll says

New Yorkers Support 'Occupy'

More than two-thirds say they back the movement

(Newser) - New Yorkers clearly like seeing a few nerves rattled on Wall Street. In fact, 67% of those asked in a new survey say they support the Occupy Wall Street movement, and 87% back protesters' right to camp out as long as they observe the law. Support fell along party lines,...

Record 81% Unhappy With Way US Is Governed
Record 81% Unhappy With
Way US Is Governed
gallup poll

Record 81% Unhappy With Way US Is Governed

And the record numbers don't stop there

(Newser) - We are not a very content bunch. Majorities of Democrats and Republicans alike are unhappy with the US government, leading to a record high of 81% who are dissatisfied with the way America is bring governed, the latest Gallup poll shows. A whopping 92% of Republicans are dissatisfied, as are...

Poll: World Backs Palestinian State

Survey of people in 19 countries shows 49% support Palestine, 21% oppose

(Newser) - More people support than oppose UN recognition of Palestine as a state, with 49% of those surveyed in 19 countries supporting the proposal and 21% opposed, according to a poll of 20,466 people conducted in July and August by the BBC (and GlobeScan). About 11% think their country should...

Support Slipping for President Obama in New York Times/CBS Poll

 Obama Support 
 Slipping; GOP 
 in Discord 

Obama Support Slipping; GOP in Discord

59% of independent voters disapprove of prez

(Newser) - President Obama is in hot political water but Republican contenders aren't faring much better, a new poll says. Obama's disapproval rating hit 50% for the first time in the New York Times/CBS poll, and reached 59% among the all-important independent voters. His overall approval rating, 43%, isn't...

Obama, Jay-Z, Steve Jobs: America Is World's Coolest Country, Poll Says

 It's Official: 
 US Is World's 
 Coolest Country 
15-country poll

It's Official: US Is World's Coolest Country

Obama, Jay-Z, Steve Jobs help win crown

(Newser) - When it comes to foreign policy, perhaps Americans aren’t the world’s favorite nationality. But the US has clearly cornered the market on coolness. Just ask the 30,000 people from 15 different countries polled by social networking site Badoo.com. When asked to choose the coolest country, America...

Hey, Palin: Mock Polls at Your Own Risk

When you've got a 59% disapproval rating, best not to mention them at all

(Newser) - Sarah Palin took a moment to ridicule polls during her Iowa speech : “They’re for strippers and cross-country skiers,” she said. But “Palin (R-Snarklaska)” is in for a rude awakening, writes Jonathan Capehart in the Washington Post . “If the half-term Alaska governor gets into the race...

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>