Michael Bloomberg

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Coming Soon to NYC: Major Coffee Headache

Ban on big sugary drinks will hit some coffee drinkers

(Newser) - Mayor Bloomberg's ban on hulking sugary drinks kicks in on Tuesday, and some of the effects are pretty obvious: sayonara, big Big Gulp. But the New York Times today takes a look at an effect that sounds like a seriously annoying headache. The ban may make ordering coffee a...

Pro-Gun Control Dem Wins Ill. Race on Bloomberg Dime

$2M ad blitz fires Kelly to primary victory in 'message' to NRA

(Newser) - A pro-gun control candidate has won the first congressional contest since the Sandy Hook school shooting, reports CNN . Robin Kelly defeated National Rifle Association-approved rival Debbie Halvorson to win the Democratic primary for the Chicago-area House seat vacated by Jesse Jackson Jr . New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg bankrolled a...

Bloomberg Turns Chicago Race Into Test Case on Guns

Politico: $2M ad blitz goes after NRA ally

(Newser) - To gauge how well the Newtown massacre translates into political reality, keep an eye on the special election to fill the congressional seat vacated by Jesse Jackson Jr. in Chicago, reports Politico . Its story says New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is pouring up to $2 million into the race...

Target of Bloomberg's Next Crusade: Styrofoam

NYC mayor's office considering banning containers made of it

(Newser) - The healthification of New Yorkers continues, whether they want it or not. Mayor Michael Bloomberg has forced restaurants to post calorie counts, increased smoking bans , and taken away jumbo sodas . Now he's aiming to eliminate Styrofoam containers. Yes, the Bloomberg administration is thinking about a ban on all Styrofoam...

Bloomberg Blasts NRA in Super Bowl Ad

Ad shows footage of LaPierre voicing NRA's support for background checks

(Newser) - More bad news for Wayne LaPierre: Michael Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns is going primetime with a gun control ad slated for tonight's Super Bowl, and LaPierre is the unintentional star. The ad features 1999 footage of LaPierre saying the NRA fully supports universal background checks, reports the...

Bloomberg's Thanks to Johns Hopkins Hits $1.1B

He's now the most generous living donor to any school in history

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg is tossing the old alma mater a $350 million gift today, and Johns Hopkins University is marking the occasion by disclosing the grand total of all Bloomberg's gifts: Starting with $5 the year after graduating in 1964, the billionaire has given $1.1 billion to the college...

Bloomberg's Dream Choices for Next Mayor: Schumer, Hillary?

Ed Rendell, Hillary Clinton among floated names

(Newser) - With New York City's mayoral election coming this year, eyes are on City Council speaker Christine Quinn as Michael Bloomberg's preferred successor. But the New York Times runs through a few less-likely names being tossed about with various levels of seriousness by Bloomberg's advisers. Among them: Hillary...

Gabby Giffords Heads to Newtown

Will meet privately with shooting victims' families

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords is planning a trip a Newtown home today, where she'll meet privately with families of the Sandy Hook massacre victims, the AP reports. Connecticut's lieutenant governor has also been invited to the meeting, which is "planned but not confirmed," officials say. It's possible...

Feinstein: I'm Bringing Assault Weapon Ban to Senate

Gun control dominates the day in wake of Newtown shootings

(Newser) - Gun control has roared back into the national debate, and the issue took over today's political talk shows in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre, though David Gregory noted that all 31 pro-gun rights members of the incoming Senate declined his invitation to appear on Meet the Press....

Bloomberg Considers Buying Financial Times

Speculation rampant that venerated paper will soon be available

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg is doing some serious soul searching about the possibility of buying the Financial Times, sources close to the mayor tell the New York Times . "It's the only paper I'd buy," he allegedly told one associate, and others say that lately he's taken to...

Bloomberg Asked Clinton to Run for Mayor

But she's not interested, so we still don't know her plans

(Newser) - Hillary for mayor? Finally, some speculation on Clinton's future that doesn't focus on the 2016 presidential race. Michael Bloomberg called the secretary of state a few months ago urging her to enter next year's New York City mayoral race and potentially take his place after he leaves...

Chris Christie: Treat Us Like Katrina Victims

Governor makes pitch for more federal aid

(Newser) - New York and New Jersey are looking for federal aid in their ongoing Hurricane Sandy relief efforts, and they're not being modest in their requests. "We expect to be treated in exactly the same way that the victims of Katrina were treated," Chris Christie said—a statement...

What Election? Sandy Recovery Continues

Marines head to Staten Island, Queens

(Newser) - Sure, it's Election Day tomorrow—but to plenty of families still reeling from Sandy's effects, civic duty is a secondary concern, the Washington Post reports. "Everyone’s trying to live. They got kids. How’s anybody gonna go out and vote?" says a Manhattan school lunch helper....

Cuomo: Cold Will Make 'Tens of Thousands' Homeless

Could put 30K to 40K out on the street in NYC

(Newser) - Plummeting mercury will put "tens of thousands" of people out on the street, by way of making their unheated and storm-damaged homes uninhabitable, says New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. "It's going to become increasingly clear" that cold temperatures are going to force out residents who have thus...

New Yorkers Rail Against Marathon Plans

They're outraged it will still happen this Sunday

(Newser) - As New Yorkers pick up the pieces in Sandy's wake, they're tearing something else to pieces: the city's plan to hold Sunday's New York City Marathon as scheduled. Outrage has been growing since Mayor Bloomberg's green-light announcement on Wednesday. Here's why:
  • The starting point:

Presidential Campaigns Set to Resume

Mitt back on trail today, Obama following suit tomorrow

(Newser) - With Election Day less than a week away, President Obama and Mitt Romney are preparing to get back on the campaign trail—or at least those parts of it not flooded by superstorm Sandy.
  • Romney resumes his campaign schedule today with three rallies in Florida, while Obama will start campaigning

Sandy Death Toll Hits 26; State-By-State Updates

With a lion's share of casualties in New York

(Newser) - The East Coast is picking up the pieces and searching for bodies in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, even as states further inland brace for impact. The total US death toll is up to at least 26, according to CNN , including at least 10 in New York City alone, and...

Staten Island to Get World's Tallest Ferris Wheel

It's supposed to be open in 2015

(Newser) - If all goes as planned, Staten Island will be the site of the world's tallest Ferris wheel in 2015, reports the New York Post . Mayor Bloomberg and state and city bigwigs unveiled plans for the 625-foot-high ride yesterday. It will beat the current No. 1 Singapore Flyer by 84...

Empire State Gunman Faced Eviction

Bloomberg supports officers' quick action

(Newser) - The case of Empire State Building shooter Jeffrey Johnson continues to unfold. Police have now visited his Upper East Side apartment three times, taking a computer and documents from the home, the Wall Street Journal reports. Emerging details:
  • The one-bedroom apartment may not have belonged to Johnson much longer: He

NYC to Pleasure-Seekers: No Free Vibrators for You!

Insists it's due to permit, crowd issues

(Newser) - Sorry, seekers of free vibrators, but New York City has put the kibosh on Trojan's sex toy giveaway . The company started doling out its Tri-Phoria and Pulse products yesterday as planned, but after just a few hundred pleasure-seekers were made very happy with their free swag, a City Hall...

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