Michael Bloomberg

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De Blasio Sworn in as NYC's 109th Mayor

Bloomberg replaced after 12 years

(Newser) - Bill de Blasio was sworn in as the 109th mayor of New York City moments after midnight, becoming the first Democrat to occupy City Hall in more than two decades while vowing to pursue a sweeping liberal agenda for the nation's largest city. The 52-year-old took the oath of...

Stars Clog SNL's Christmas Episode

Fallon, Timberlake joined by Bloomberg, McCartney

(Newser) - Saturday Night Live had itself a merry little star-studded Christmas episode last night, with SNL alum Jimmy Fallon guest hosting, while Justin Timberlake played musical guest ... though as Kevin Rutherford at Billboard notes, "for all intents and purposes, think of him as a backup host of sorts." The...

NYC's Cigarette Ban Now Includes E-Cigs

Will go into effect in 4 months

(Newser) - You won't be able to light up an electronic cigarette in bars, restaurants, or parks in New York City anymore. The city council yesterday approved a move to include e-cigarettes in the city's strict smoking ban; outgoing Mayor Michael Bloomberg pushed for the expansion, NPR reports. Once Bloomberg...

De Blasio Wins NYC Primary; Runoff Unclear

Recount looms as Thompson refuses to concede

(Newser) - As expected, Bill de Blasio will easily finish first in New York City's Democratic primary for mayor, reports the AP . What's unclear is whether he will get the necessary 40% to avoid a runoff with the second-place finisher. With 97% of returns in, de Blasio had 40.02%,...

Bloomberg Slams Mayoral Frontrunner's Campaign as 'Racist'

Says Bill de Blasio is using his interracial family to score votes

(Newser) - One answer in a lengthy New York magazine Q and A with Michael Bloomberg is making headlines all on its own. In the interview, New York's outgoing mayor accuses Democratic frontrunner Bill de Blasio of running a "racist" campaign in his bid for for the top job. Asked...

New Yorkers Still Free to Guzzle Giant Sodas: Court

Bloomberg's soda ban appeal fails

(Newser) - New York, your justice has been served—now would you like fries with that? A state appeals court has upheld the New York Supreme Court's ruling to strike down Mayor Michael Bloomberg's soda ban, finding that the prohibition on vendors selling 16-ounce-plus sugary drinks "violated the state...

Bloomberg: Take the Stairs, Fatty

Executive order requires the stairs get highlighted in new construction

(Newser) - Bloomberg's latest health crusade won't force New Yorkers to take the stairs, but it will encourage the climb. Even as the race is on to succeed him , New York City's mayor has unveiled an executive order requiring new city buildings (and those undergoing substantial renovations) to use...

Actress Indicted in Ricin Letters Frame-up

Feds: Shannon Richardson sent letters to Obama, Bloomberg

(Newser) - A Texas actress was indicted today on charges that she sent ricin-laced letters to President Obama and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg in an attempt to frame her estranged husband. Shannon Richardson, 35, is charged with two counts of mailing a threatening communication and one count of making a threat...

Bloomberg: Keep Sparkler Ban— Because of Terrorists

Urges Cuomo to veto law allowing sale of sparklers ahead of July 4

(Newser) - New York Mayor Bloomberg is urging Gov. Andrew Cuomo to veto a newly passed bill that would allow the sale of sparklers and similar small novelty fireworks like toy caps outside of New York City, in case ... terrorists use them to make bombs. Even though sales of sparklers remains illegal...

Bloomberg's Latest: Mandatory Food Composting

Pilot programs have been successful

(Newser) - New York City has been experimenting with pilot food-composting programs—and it's worked surprisingly well, officials say. Now, Michael Bloomberg is pushing to make composting mandatory, as it is in Seattle, San Francisco, and many other cities, the New York Times reports. The program, in which residents drop food...

Husband, Wife Pin Ricin Letters on Each Other

Investigators say wife had specific knowledge of letters

(Newser) - The ricin letters sent last week to President Obama and Michael Bloomberg have resulted in a unique round of he-said-she-said: As CBS News reports, a Texas woman told cops that her husband may have been behind the letters, but he in turn pointed the finger at her, saying that he...

Threatening Letters Contained Identical Lines

"What's in this letter is nothing compared to what I've got planned"

(Newser) - Officials are questioning a Texas Army veteran over ricin-laced letters sent to President Obama , Michael Bloomberg , and Bloomberg's gun-control organization, law enforcement sources tell NBC New York . The man, who works as a Pentagon contractor, isn't a suspect in the case at this point, they say. He does,...

Ricin Letter Sent to Mayor Bloomberg

He never received it; NYPD says writer angry about gun laws

(Newser) - Someone angry about the push for stricter gun laws sent a letter believed to be tainted with ricin to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, says the NYPD. Police think the same person also sent a ricin letter to the DC headquarters of a group that Bloomberg helps run called...

Smoking is Dumb; 18-Year-Olds Have Right to Be Dumb

LA Times: Raising smoking age to 21 is wrong and impractical

(Newser) - Smoking may be stupid and bad for your health, but New York Mayor Bloomberg's proposal to outlaw smoking for 18- to 20-year-olds infringes upon grown adults' rights to do stupid and unhealthy things to their own bodies, says the LA Times editorial board. "True, the legal drinking age...

Scandal Didn&#39;t Break Weiner; It Made Him
Scandal Didn't Break
Weiner; It Made Him 


Scandal Didn't Break Weiner; It Made Him

Michael Wolff doesn't think anyone else has the savvy to replace Bloomberg

(Newser) - Believe it or not, a guy who showed off his bulging manhood on Twitter is destined to become mayor of New York City. Or at least, that's the bet Michael Wolff is making. The rest of the field vying to replace the "irreplaceable" Michael Bloomberg is made up...

McConnell: I'll Filibuster Gun Control Bill

Plus, Senate Dems are scrambling to decide on which bill to push

(Newser) - A gun control bill—though it's not clear which one—is expected to hit the Senate floor this week , and the latest Republican to threaten it is Mitch McConnell. The minority leader joins a group of GOP colleagues, now numbering 13, who intend to filibuster any gun bill that...

Bloomberg: Assault Weapons Ban Not DOA
 Assault Weapons 
 Ban Not DOA 

Bloomberg: Assault Weapons Ban Not DOA

As Wayne LaPierre calls mayor 'reckless,' 'insane'

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg was today busily putting his mouth where his money will be tomorrow, Politico reports, when he kicks off a $12 million ad blitz targeting 13 senators considered vulnerable on gun control. Appearing on Meet the Press, the New York City mayor said "we are going to win"...

Mississippi to Cities: No Banning Sodas

'Anti-Bloomberg bill' will stop counties passing their own NYC-style food laws

(Newser) - You're going to have to pry 22-ounce sodas from Mississippians' chubby, dead hands, because the most obese state in the union has passed a bill to ban its towns and counties from regulating portion sizes, requiring posted calorie counts, or yanking toys from kids' meals, reports NPR . In a...

Bloomberg to Appeal Ruling on Soda Ban

Judge called regulations arbitrary and capricious'

(Newser) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's office said today it will appeal a judge's 11th-hour ruling against a ban on big sugary drinks in New York City, the New York Times reports. "We plan to appeal the decision as soon as possible, and we are confident the Board...

Coming Soon to NYC: Major Coffee Headache

Ban on big sugary drinks will hit some coffee drinkers

(Newser) - Mayor Bloomberg's ban on hulking sugary drinks kicks in on Tuesday, and some of the effects are pretty obvious: sayonara, big Big Gulp. But the New York Times today takes a look at an effect that sounds like a seriously annoying headache. The ban may make ordering coffee a...

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