vice presidential candidate

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Palin Survives, But the Ticket Still Struggles
Palin Survives,
But the Ticket
Still Struggles

Palin Survives, But the Ticket Still Struggles

Proving herself hampered her ability to attack Obama

(Newser) - Sarah Palin acquitted herself at last night's debate with her charm and a show of basic coherency, writes Adam Nagourney in the New York Times. Her face-off with Joe Biden didn't prove to be a point of no return for the faltering McCain campaign, but neither was it the decisive...

Sarah Palin, Accidental Poet
 Sarah Palin, Accidental Poet 

Sarah Palin, Accidental Poet

(Newser) - The past month has seen Sarah Palin become a vice presidential candidate, anti-feminist or feminist icon (depending on whom you ask) and ... a poet? Hart Seely, in Slate, transforms excerpts from the Alaska governor's interview transcripts into verse. Check out "Good and Evil": It is obvious to me / ...

Biden's No Average Joe
 Biden's No Average Joe 

Biden's No Average Joe

Poor by Senate standards, VP candidate lives large

(Newser) - On the campaign trail, Joe Biden gives the impression that he’s a normal, middle-class guy taking the train to and from work each day. But the home he’s commuting to happens to be a four-acre estate worth almost $3 million, the New York Times reports. Biden isn’t...

Confidence in Palin Plunges
 Confidence in Palin Plunges 

Confidence in Palin Plunges

Poll finds doubts about Palin's ability to lead dragging down GOP ticket

(Newser) - Voter confidence in Sarah Palin's ability to lead has taken a dive, according to the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll. Some 60% of voters now believe she lacks the experience to be president and a third are less inclined to vote for John McCain because she's on the GOP ticket....

Debater Biden Doesn't Always Know When to Zip It
Debater Biden Doesn't Always Know When to Zip It

Debater Biden Doesn't Always Know When to Zip It

Exuberant speaking style, experience could turn into liabilities at debate

(Newser) - Joe Biden is a skilled and captivating speaker but his inability to stop speaking at the right time could turn debate victory into defeat, Katherine Q. Seelye warns in the New York Times. Biden's "gusto and exuberance" could make him seem to be bullying Sarah Palin if he's not...

Dems Cringe as Gaffe Express Rolls Onward

VP candidate Biden largely drowned out by Palin, economy

(Newser) - Joe Biden’s freewheeling style makes him a big hit on campaign stops, and he usually draws front-page headlines in the towns he visits. But often, those stories carry word of the VP hopeful’s latest slip-up. Biden has lived up to his reputation as a gaffe machine, contradicting his...

McCain Accuses Couric of 'Gotcha!' Journalism
McCain Accuses Couric
of 'Gotcha!' Journalism

McCain Accuses Couric of 'Gotcha!' Journalism

Maybe shielding Palin from the media was a bad idea

(Newser) - John McCain and Sarah Palin sat down for a joint interview with Katie Couric last night, and it was hard to avoid the impression that McCain was chaperoning his running mate “to keep her out of trouble” writes Time TV critic James Poniewozik. McCain accused Couric of “gotcha...

Don't Pity This Woman
 Don't Pity 
 This Woman 

Don't Pity This Woman

Palin deserves our scorn, and that's it

(Newser) - The media seems to be lining up to feel sorry for poor Sarah Palin, forced to endure these deer-in-headlights interviews. “I guess I’m one cold dame,” Rebecca Traister writes in Salon, because “when you stage a train wreck of this magnitude…I don’t feel bad...

Veep Debate Bound to Be a Hit

Experience mismatch promises intriguing dynamic

(Newser) - With the presidential candidates in a tight battle after a closely matched debate, the upcoming vice presidential showdown is bound to be “must-see TV,” said one GOP strategist. Both Sarah Palin and Joe Biden are busy preparing for this week's St. Louis spar, in which Biden will need...

As Mayor, Palin Helped Herself to Perks

(Newser) - Sarah Palin vows to battle political boys' clubs, but her mayoral record shows that girls' clubs can be useful too, the AP reports. While mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, Palin accepted gifts from merchants—even thanking one for an "awesome" facial—and argued for rulings that favored her family. Other...

Enquirer Names Alleged Palin Lover, Bolsters Claim

Former in-law goes on the record for the Enquirer

(Newser) - The National Enquirer returns this week to its claim that Sarah Palin had an affair, this time naming the alleged lover as Brad Hanson, a city council member in Palmer (near Wasilla) and former partner of Todd Palin in a snowmobile business. To bolster the claim, the tab now says...

Fox Plays Softball in Palin Interviews
Fox Plays Softball
in Palin Interviews 

Fox Plays Softball in Palin Interviews

LA Times media watchdog laments network's uncritical presentation

(Newser) - Fox News had a chance to score some credibility this week with its interviews of the Palins. Instead, writes LA Times media critic James Rainey, it served up embarrassing softball interviews that had more to do with polishing the Fox brand than journalism. The result was "three nights of...

Out of the Spotlight, Biden Battles On

The other No. 2 has been pulverizing McCain with gusto in swing states

(Newser) - He may be getting less press attention than Sarah Palin's pets but there's another vice-presidential candidate in this race and he's been blasting John McCain all across the Rust Belt, the New York Times reports. Joe Biden barely mentions Palin in his fiery speeches to crowds of varying size, but...

Rove Says Palin Excitement Will Pass; Polls Agree

VP candidate's negatives up over last week

(Newser) - Excitement over Sarah Palin won’t last, Karl Rove told the AP last night. The Republican strategist said Palin was picked for “political” reasons, and acknowledged she was not the most qualified VP candidate available, although he feels she is ready for the job. Opinion polls support Rove on...

Palin Used State Politics to Settle Personal Scores

Career reveals history of favoritism, vendettas, secrecy

(Newser) - Throughout Sarah Palin’s political career the Republican vice presidential nominee has played favorites, kept secrets and waged personal vendettas, according to the New York Times. A lengthy examination of the Alaska governor’s record reveals that she appointed at least five former schoolmates to state positions, threatened and fired...

Forget VP, Mac: Put Palin on the High Court

She could enact her social platform more easily from bench

(Newser) - John McCain is wasting Sarah Palin’s talents, Dahlia Lithwick writes in Slate. After all, Palin is too much the outsider to navigate Washington's political backroads as vice president. So why not put her on the Supreme Court? Palin’s main issues are social, and she would have more success...

Palin's Posture Reveals Her Self-Doubt: Expert

Posture, clenched hands reveal lack of confidence

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s performance in her first television interview pales when compared to her commanding convention speech, an expert told CBS News. The Alaska governor’s poor posture and hand-wringing in the ABC interview reveal insecurity, according to body language pro Jo-Ellan Dimitrius, who gave the Republican veep pick an...

Ooops: Biden Says Hillary Might Have Been a Better Pick

VP candidate praises Clinton, GOP pounces

(Newser) - Joe Biden, rushing to the defense of Hillary Clinton yesterday, delighted the opposition (not to mention Hillary diehards) by saying she might have been a better VP pick for Obama than he was. It started when a man at a New Hampshire rally said he was glad Biden had been...

Super Sarah? Action Figures Go on Sale

Company attempts to cash in on guv's soaring popularity

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has become a household face, and as of today you can have a plastic representation of her face in your household. is cashing in on Palinmania with three action figure versions of the would-be veep, the Daily Telegraph reports. Palin is available in a conservative blue...

'Trojan Moose' Palin Shifts Focus Off Bush Legacy

VP pick has turned the debate away from actual issues; Obama must steer it back

(Newser) - Of Troopergate, the “Bridge to Nowhere,” and the other so-called scandals the left has been hoping will sully Sarah Palin’s reputation, Arianna Huffington scoffs: “who cares?” McCain-Palin will gladly take up time discussing various small lies to distract from the “big truth”: that George Bush’...

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