9/11 attacks

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>

Condi: I Yelled at Bush on 9/11

She didn't want him to return to Washington

(Newser) - When he heard that the second plane had hit the World Trade Center on 9/11, George W. Bush was determined to fly to the White House immediately—or at least, immediately after he finished reading The Pet Goat. That determination got him into a shouting match with Condoleezza Rice, who...

We 'Overreacted' to 9/11
 We 'Overreacted' to 9/11 
fareed zakaria

We 'Overreacted' to 9/11

America wildly exaggerated al-Qaeda's strength, writes Fareed Zakaria

(Newser) - As we approach the 9th anniversary of 9/11, Fareed Zakaria just, well, says it: al-Qaeda isn't that big a threat, and our reaction to it has been a gross overreaction. Unable to launch a major follow-up attack, al-Qaeda's best hope these days "is to find a troubled young man...

Fighting the Sept. 11th Birthday Blues

Born on 9/11? Hard to party with '800-pound gorilla in corner'

(Newser) - What's a 9/11 birthday girl (or boy) to do: celebrate, mourn, or both? For those born on the anniversary of the worst terror attacks in American history, birthdays are an awkward balancing act, notes the New York Times . "It’s hard to celebrate when you know thousands of people...

Geraldo Wishes a Hurricane Had Come on 9/11

It might have stopped the terrorists, he reasons

(Newser) - Geraldo Rivera loves hurricanes. Reflecting on his career on Fox and Friends this morning, Rivera waxed romantic about the danger and excitement of covering a hurricane—"It's like war, only no one is shooting at you"—and then let the hosts in on his particularly weird meteorological daydream....

Laura, Michelle to Attend 9/11 Event Together
Laura, Michelle to Attend
9/11 Event Together
First Lady Team-Up

Laura, Michelle to Attend 9/11 Event Together

First ladies to honor United Flight 93 Victims

(Newser) - Michelle Obama will join former first lady Laura Bush in ceremonies marking the ninth anniversary of the United Flight 93 crash in Pennsylvania during the Sept. 11 attacks. Bush had previously confirmed her participation, saying we "must never forget the brave sacrifice of these extraordinary men and women."

To Some, WTC Museum Just as Controversial as Mosque

It's too soon for some families to think about memorial

(Newser) - The Ground Zero mosque is getting all the attention, but it’s far from the only controversial building with a planned location near the World Trade Center site. Victims’ families are being asked to donate photos and mementos to the 9/11 museum being built underground in the Trade Center's foundation...

Muslims Fear Backlash Over Ramadan Feast on 9/11

They worry some will believe they're celebrating the attacks

(Newser) - Ramadan’s final celebratory feast just happens to fall on or around September 11 this year, and American Muslims are a bit worried people will get the wrong idea. It’s entirely a coincidence—thanks to Islam’s lunar calendar, the holiday, called Eid al-Fitr, occurs about 10 days earlier...

Hamburg Mosque Used by 9/11 Attackers Shut Down

Authorities say it was attracting jihadists, jihad tourists

(Newser) - A small Hamburg mosque once frequented by the 9/11 attackers was shut down and searched today because German authorities believed the prayer house was again being used as a meeting point for Islamic radicals. The Taiba mosque was closed and the cultural association that runs it was banned. "We...

Ahmadinejad Doubts 9/11 Death Toll
Ahmadinejad Doubts
9/11 Death Toll

Ahmadinejad Doubts 9/11 Death Toll

He keeps spreading his conspiracy theories about attacks

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad carried his 9/11-was-a-hoax crusade a step further today by declaring that the US inflated the death toll, reports Reuters . "They announced that 3,000 people were killed in this incident, but there were no reports that reveal their names," he told Iranian media. "Maybe you...

Ground Zero Mosque Clears Hurdle

Panel rules old store not a historic landmark

(Newser) - New York’s Landmarks Preservation Commission paved the way for the “Ground Zero mosque” today, voting 9-0 that the building not be landmarked, and clearing the way for the structure to be torn down to make way for the mosque. The 152-year-old building, which once housed a Burlington Coat...

Miami Heat Star Compares Losing Streaks to 9/11

Dwyane Wade backtracks, apologizes

(Newser) - Dwyane Wade of the Miami Heat is scrambling to apologize after he said a losing streak by the newly LeBron James-enhanced team would "be like the World Trade is coming down again." The original source no longer includes quite that wording, New York notes, and Fanhouse is blaming...

Supreme Court Upholds Anti-Terror Law
Supreme Court Upholds Anti-Terror Law

Supreme Court Upholds Anti-Terror Law

Humanitarian groups can't give 'material support' to terrorists

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today upheld a US law that bars "material support" to foreign terrorist organizations, rejecting a free speech challenge from humanitarian aid groups. The court ruled, 6-3, that the government may prohibit all forms of aid to designated terrorist groups, even training and advice for entirely peaceful...

9/11 Health Victims Will Get More Money

Judge likes new $712M settlement that cuts lawyer fees

(Newser) - The judge overseeing a lawsuit by thousands of ground zero workers exposed to World Trade Center dust has called a proposed new settlement that gives them more money "a very good deal." US District Judge Alvin Hellerstein signed an order giving preliminary approval to the settlement, clearing the...

9/11 Linked to Male Fetus Deaths
9/11 Linked to Male Fetus Deaths 

9/11 Linked to Male Fetus Deaths

'Communal bereavement' tied to miscarriages

(Newser) - Miscarriages of male fetuses increased significantly in the US after 9/11 likely due to stress, scientists believe. Researchers discovered that 12% more male fetuses were lost in the 20th week of pregnancy than in a "normal" September. Fewer boys were born in all states up to 4 months after...

Police Take Gun From Despondent Pilot
 Police Take Gun From 
 Despondent Pilot 

Police Take Gun From Despondent Pilot

Pilot likely was allowed to carry handgun as part of post-9/11 program

(Newser) - Police relieved a JetBlue pilot of a gun he carried with him after he told an ex-girlfriend that he would crash a plane unless they got back together. The pilot, who was officially relieved of his duties for "health-related reasons," was not charged with firearm possession, which means...

Holder: Terror Trials Still Possible in NYC

He also says he hopes the US captures Osama alive

(Newser) - Turns out the debate on holding terror trials in New York City isn't settled after all. Attorney General Eric Holder told a Senate panel today that "New York isn't off the table"—even though the Obama administration said as much earlier this year when Mayor Bloomberg and others...

Snopes Founders: People Are Suckers
Snopes Founders: People
Are Suckers

Snopes Founders: People Are Suckers

Please, stop falling for that Nigerian scam

(Newser) - The founders of Snopes.com started out investigating the origins of urban legends like the serial killer with a hook for a hand; 14 years later, their site is a major source of information for people seeking the real story behind political rumors. “When you’re looking at truth...

Woods, Spin Doc Fleischer Part Ways

Former Bush flak won't spill on reasons

(Newser) - Tiger Woods is getting ready to get back on the golf course, but he won’t have Ari Fleischer to help spin off-the-course happenings any more. The former Bush press secretary confirmed last night’s Golf Channel report that he and Woods have parted company, but wouldn’t elaborate in...

Judge Nixes $657M Ground Zero Deal, Wants More Talks

Fears sum won't be enough, and lawyers get too much

(Newser) - A federal judge put the kibosh today on New York City’s deal to set aside as much as $657 million for 10,000 workers sickened by toxic debris at the World Trade Center site. Alvin Hellerstein thinks it’s not enough money, would leave out other first responders to...

'Gay Terrorist' Debacle May Explain 9/11 Intel Failure

Agency 'kept info from FBI to protect recruitment effort'

(Newser) - The CIA's eagerness to recruit a gay al-Qaeda insider could explain one of the biggest intelligence failures in the run-up to 9/11, according to investigative journalist Aram Roston. Ahmad Hikmat Shakir—an Iraqi Arab working for Malaysian Airlines—was closely associated with 9/11 hijacker Khalid al-Mihdhar, whose name the CIA...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>