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ISIS Rolls Out Own Currency, Music Video

Propaganda recording intros new coins to replace 'satanic conception of banks'

(Newser) - Fed up with what it describes as the "satanic conception of banks," ISIS says it's releasing its own new currency, and it's put out a nearly one-hour-long video to explain it, the Jerusalem Post reports. The video released by the group's media arm explains its...

Oil Soars, Dow Tumbles 115
 Oil Soars, Dow Tumbles 115 

Oil Soars, Dow Tumbles 115

Stocks fall broadly except in energy shares

(Newser) - The stock market is closing out its worst month in more than three years on a down note. Stocks fell broadly in today's trading, with the exception of energy shares, which reversed an early slump after the price of crude oil surged. The Standard & Poor's 500 index...

Guy Swipes $150K That ATM Workers Left on Curb


(Newser) - The cash might have been sitting right there for the taking, but cops are now looking for the man who yesterday swiped a bag filled with $150,000 from a curb in Mahwah, NJ, the AP reports. Police don't know who took the money yet, but they do know...

Death of Eccentric Brother Sparks $1M Scavenger Hunt

Louis Passerini died alone in New York City 21 years ago

(Newser) - A New York City eccentric left behind nearly $1 million scattered around the country when he died—triggering a scavenger hunt and in-fighting among his surviving family members, DNA Info reports. "He was very private," says Joseph Passerini of his brother, Louis, who lived alone and died 21...

How $220K Turned Up in a Tree

Money is linked to rumored bad marriage and a home fire

(Newser) - Money doesn’t fall from the sky, but a tree in Germany made it rain on passersby last week. A bag of money containing €200,000, or roughly $220,000, was hung in a tree in a campsite near the northern town of Mirow, the Local reports. Police say...

5 States Where Your $100 Goes Furthest

And 5 where it goes fastest

(Newser) - The Tax Foundation has crunched the numbers on what $100 is really worth in different parts of the country, and those who want the most bang for their buck should head to Mississippi and avoid DC, notes Forbes . Here are the five states where $100 is worth the most:
  1. Mississippi,

30% of Americans Have Zero Savings

Household income hasn't kept pace with home prices and stocks bouncing back

(Newser) - The good news: American financial security jumped 3% this month. The not-so-good news: Three out of 10 of us have nothing saved for a rainy day. This according to Bankrate's June survey , which found that 29% of 1,000 US adults don't have readily available funds in checking,...

Kid Swiped Grandpa's $25K, Began Giving Out $100 Bills

Cops have recovered about $7K so far

(Newser) - Police in Ohio say a middle school student took $25,000 from his grandfather and later started handing out $100 bills to his classmates. Authorities say the 13-year-old gave out thousands of dollars this week before school officials discovered what was happening. Investigators in the northeastern Ohio city of Medina...

The 4 Women Who Could Grace the $20 Bill

Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roosevelt, Wilma Mankiller

(Newser) - And then there were four: Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Wilma Mankiller have been named as the finalists for the Women on 20s campaign to replace Andrew Jackson with a female on the $20 bill . Over five weeks, more than 250,000 people voted in an online poll...

Group's Goal: Put Woman on the $20 Bill

Roosevelt one of 15 candidates a women's group hopes will replace Andrew Jackson

(Newser) - Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Clara Barton—they were all activists who changed the American landscape, and they all deserve to be on the $20 bill way more than the guy who's currently there. That's the stance of Women On 20s , a campaign vying to tear Andrew Jackson's...

Jeb Bush's Wife: Very Low-Key, Lavish Taste

Columba Bush loves charity work, needlepoint, and expensive jewelry: reports

(Newser) - In 1989, the wife of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush told the Miami Herald, "I'm not a political person. At home, we're a common, ordinary couple," per the New York Times . By most accounts, Columba Bush is deeply private, painting and doing needlepoint, eating plain fare...

Blind Boy's Campaign Changing Australia's Cash

Nation will add tactile features so bills can be told apart

(Newser) - Australia is redesigning its cash and adding a tactile feature so blind people can tell the bills apart. And as the nation's ABC News reports, the pending change is largely thanks to a 13-year-old kid named Connor McLeod. He launched a campaign and online petition that gained steam and...

80 Monopoly Sets Made With Real Money Inside

They're among 30K new sets printed in France

(Newser) - It's been 80 years since Monopoly first made its way to France, and to celebrate, manufacturers are hiding 80 games with real money in a new printing of 30,000 sets. While 69 of the 80 will have five 10-euro notes and five 20-euro notes, and another 10 will...

By Next Year, Richest 1% to Own More Than Other 99%
By Next Year, Richest 1% to Own More Than Other 99%
new report

By Next Year, Richest 1% to Own More Than Other 99%

Oxfam calls for 7-point plan to address inequality

(Newser) - The rich really are getting richer—and by 2016, they'll own more than the rest of the world, says a research paper published by anti-poverty charity Oxfam. The paper shows that global wealth owned by the richest 1% jumped from 44% in 2009 to 48% in 2014, putting this...

Lottery Luck Strikes Twice for Maryland Truck Driver

39-year-old dad won $250K in 2005

(Newser) - A Maryland truck driver has won his second lottery in a decade. The 39-year-old—who has remained anonymous—claimed his $2.85 million Multi-Match winnings on Saturday, the Baltimore Sun reports. "It's great to be back," he said. The man apparently pops into stores along his route...

This New Year, Figure Out What You&#39;re Worth
This New Year, Figure Out What You're Worth

This New Year, Figure Out What You're Worth

Michelle Singletary: Your net worth might not be as great as you think it is

(Newser) - The economy is chugging right along , interest is cheap, jobs are there for the taking, and Americans ... have apparently learned nothing from 2008, because with a new year looming, a pair of surveys shows that only about one in three of us are setting financial objectives. And while losing 10...

Hong Kong Money Van Spills $4.5M

Police implore people who stopped to scoop up cash to return it

(Newser) - "They looked like schoolkids who knew they were being naughty" is how one witness described the scene on a Hong Kong roadway to the South China Morning Post . What those dozens of people were doing: scooping up cash scattered in the street after a security van transporting what may...

$100K Found at California Burger King

In a blue backpack, along with a few other items

(Newser) - It may be Thanksgiving week, but for a moment, Altaf Chaus also thought it might be his birthday. An employee at the Burger King he owns called him after finding a blue backpack left in a booth for hours. What happened next: "I open the zipper, I see lots...

Most Alaskans to Get $1.9K Just for Living There

This year's Alaska Permanent Fund dividend check is a good one

(Newser) - It's good to be an Alaskan: Gov. Sean Parnell yesterday announced residents will pocket $1,884 by way of this year's Alaska Permanent Fund dividend, the Alaska Dispatch reports. That's a nice bump from last year's $900 payout and the third largest since the payments from...

FEMA Wants Homeowners to Repay $5.8M in Sandy Aid

Overpayments likely a result of bureaucratic mistakes, not fraud

(Newser) - After Superstorm Sandy hit the East Coast nearly two years ago, the federal government quickly sent out $1.4 billion in emergency disaster aid to the hurricane's victims. Now, thousands of people might have to pay back their share. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is scrutinizing about 4,500...

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