
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Aussies Want 'All-Time Greatest Bloke' on Currency

That would be the late Steve Irwin

(Newser) - More than 25,000 people have signed a petition that aims to put the "all time greatest Australian bloke" on the country's currency, the BBC reports. That bloke is the late conservationist Steve Irwin, who died 10 years ago this month. "With a list a...

Trump: OK, I Didn't See Video of Iran Money Plane

Walks back claim he saw 'military tape' of 'money pouring off a plane'

(Newser) - As the White House continued to deflect accusations from conservatives that a $400 million payment to Iran was ransom for four American detainees released earlier this year, Donald Trump twice this week claimed he had seen video of a "top secret" transaction in which the huge supposed payout was...

Cabbie Returns $187K, Gets Meager Reward

Fare left inheritance in Boston taxi

(Newser) - A man who left about $187,000 cash in a Boston taxi has been reunited with his money thanks to an honest cabbie, police say. Raymond "Buzzy" MacCausland, a driver for the Independent Taxi Operators Association, picked up a fare with a cast on one leg on Saturday. "...

Defiant Sanders Picks Fight With Clinton Foundation

He slams it for taking millions from dictatorships

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's win in Puerto Rico's primary on Sunday did nothing to discourage Bernie Sanders, who opened a new line of attack ahead of Tuesday's California primary. Sanders, speaking on CNN's State of the Union, targeted the Clinton Foundation—and its willingness to accept cash from...

UK Begins Phasing Out Paper Money

New plastic note features Winston Churchill

(Newser) - The Bank of England introduced a five-pound note Thursday that marks the beginning of the end of a three-century run for paper money in the UK, reports the Guardian . This particular note is made of a thin plastic and designed to last more than twice as long as its paper...

$1K Emergency? Most of Us Would Struggle to Cover It

38% of those making at least $100K would have a tough time

(Newser) - Two-thirds of Americans would have difficulty coming up with the money to cover a $1,000 emergency, according to a poll released Thursday. These financial difficulties span all income levels, according to the poll conducted by the AP -NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. In households making less than $50,...

Clinton: 2.5 Years, 94 Appearances, $21.6M

Hillary files financial disclosure forms with FEC

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton on Tuesday released an 11-page candidate financial disclosure form she filed with the FEC earlier this week, the AP reports. The release came just hours after Donald Trump put out a statement describing his personal wealth at $10 billion, and Clinton took the opportunity to sting Trump for...

Strikes Wiped Out Up to $800M in ISIS Cash: US

Islamic State members are also presenting doctors' notes to get out of fighting

(Newser) - The US-led coalition against the Islamic State is apparently hitting 'em where it hurts, destroying between $500 million and $800 million in cash via airstrikes overseas, a US military official tells the BBC . In a press briefing , Maj. Gen. Peter Gersten said that recently acquired internal ISIS documents indicate...

Pricey Nuptials Give Rise to Weekday Weddings

Costs can be a third cheaper when held on Thursdays instead of Saturdays

(Newser) - Ah, weddings: The chance to celebrate love, commitment ... and the increasingly staggering amount of cash couples are forking over to tie the knot. One trending nod to frugality, however, is the rise of the less costly Thursday wedding. In fact, the Times reports that in the United Kingdom, nearly 22,...

10 Awful Things We'd Do for Money

Murder, sex, assault, treason, pornography, and so much more

(Newser) - Judging by the skyrocketing Powerball jackpot , Americans are willing to turn a blind eye to statistics in the pursuit of easy money. But it turns out that's not the worst thing we'd do for a payday. "Many Americans admit they would be willing to go to incredible,...

US-Led Airstrike Wipes Out ISIS Cash

Bombing in Mosul destroys 'millions,' says Pentagon

(Newser) - In what CNN frames as an "extremely unusual" move, a US airstrike on Sunday reportedly destroyed a massive amount of money at an ISIS storage facility in Mosul, Iraq. It's "probably" the biggest strike against the militant group's cash sites to date, a Pentagon official tells...

Why Canadians Are Cutting Currency in Half

Local currency aims to keep money in the community

(Newser) - In the Gaspesie region of northern Quebec, locals are cutting money in half. Why? It's all about boosting the local economy, Fast Company explains. Martin Zibeau and his friends heard about the idea of alternative currencies from a French tourist, and the group decided to try putting the idea...

Mom Finds $9K Meant for ISIS in Son's Dirty Shorts: Prosecutor

Aussie youth to testify against 2 men allegedly trying to transfer money to militants

(Newser) - In a case that had even the judge and prosecutor making money-laundering puns, a young Australian has been granted immunity for testifying against two men allegedly trying to send money to ISIS, the Guardian reports. The unnamed youth's role in the suspected crime: At the supposed directive of 23-year-old...

Profits Way Up at Smith & Wesson

'The [number one] driver of firearms sales is fear': analyst

(Newser) - It's been a very good year for one particular gunmaker. Smith & Wesson tripled its profits in the three months leading up to October, with net income of $14.2 million (it was $5.2 million during the same period last year), the BBC reports. Net sales have grown...

Top 6 Highest-Earning Women in Music

So. Much. Moola.

(Newser) - Forbes published its list of the world's highest-paid women in music this week. And once again Sarah McLachlan is nowhere to be found despite what we assume is a lucrative ad deal with Big Tears . No, it appears the real moneymakers are popular world tours and hit singles....

Simpsons Joke Inspires Man's Drive to Rename Aussie Money

'Millions of people around the world' will want some of this funny money: petitioner

(Newser) - Malcolm Turnbull has been Australia's prime minister for just over a month, but he's already got a tall order before him. "If the leaders of this great nation have any common sense at all, they will introduce legislation to parliament to change the name of our currency...

49% of Americans Have Nothing Saved

Only 14% have more than $10K in their savings account

(Newser) - Nearly half of all Americans—49%—have no money in their savings account or no savings account at all, CNBC reports. “It’s worrisome that such a large percentage of Americans have so little set aside,” a financial analyst for the site that conducted the survey tells Market...

Kid Finds $8K in Cash on Slide at Playground

And then turns it in

(Newser) - How many kids would turn in $5 they found in a park, let alone $8,000? Aiden Wright, 7, decided to do the right thing (with some prompting from his uncle) Saturday after he spotted a black checkbook while taking a "last run" down the slide at Memorial Park...

Dow Dips 62 on China News
 Dow Dips 62 on China News 

Dow Dips 62 on China News

Only two days until the Fed decides on interest rates

(Newser) - The US stock market is closing slightly lower as traders hold back ahead of a much-anticipated Federal Reserve meeting later this week. More signs of slowing economic growth in China weighed on prices for copper and other commodities today. That sent prices for materials stocks lower. Energy stocks fell along...

11 American Jobs That Pay Over $100K

IT and marketing managers make the list

(Newser) - Want to pull in $100,000 a year? According to Bureau of Labor Statistics data, just 38 US occupations offer that much, and only 11 of them are common enough to employ over 100,000 people, 24/7 Wall St reports. Among those, here are the top five:
  1. Family and General

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