
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Moderate? Romney Makes Bush Look Liberal

GOP has moved to the right since 2000, and Romney has, too: Ezra Klein

(Newser) - He may get tagged as a "Massachusetts moderate" by his rivals, but Mitt Romney's polices are more conservative than George W. Bush's and other recent GOP nominees, writes Ezra Klein in the Washington Post . He looks at Bush's policy speeches in 2000 on everything from education...

Give Santorum a Chance

 Give Santorum 
 a Chance 
William Kristol

Give Santorum a Chance

He deserves at least that after Iowa: William Kristol

(Newser) - Another prominent voice comes down in favor of Rick Santorum: After Charles Krauthammer did so yesterday, William Kristol takes his turn in the Weekly Standard . The upshot: Republicans—and he's looking at you, Karl Rove —shouldn't be in a rush to anoint the "establishment" candidate Mitt...

Conservative VIPs Plan Meeting to Topple Romney

Group will search for consensus anti-Romney candidate

(Newser) - Apparently, certain conservatives really, really don't want to see Mitt Romney win the nomination. Politico reports that an influential group is holding an emergency meeting next weekend in Texas in order to agree on a "consensus" Republican candidate. Prominent conservatives including Focus on the Family founder James Dobson,...

Right's Mistake: Ignoring Ron Paul

Conservatives sideline candidate amid growing support for his ideas

(Newser) - It's time for mainstream conservatives to stop pretending Ron Paul doesn't exist, writes Conor Friedersdorf in the Atlantic . He embodies the Tea Party's small-government ethos. He raises "legitimate concerns"—about the Iraq war, for example—that no other candidate will espouse; most Republicans now see...

Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney Both 'Significantly Flawed': Charles Krauthammer
 Swallow and Pick One 
Charles Krauthammer

Conservatives: Swallow and Pick One

Gingrich, Romney both 'significantly flawed': Charles Krauthammer

(Newser) - The Republican race now boils down to Gingrich vs. Romney, writes Charles Krauthammer in the National Review , and he doesn't sound very happy about it. They are "two significantly flawed frontrunners": Romney isn't a "core conservative" or really a core anything, while Gingrich has the conservative...

When Did the Right Discover Racism?

They cry racism, but they still don't know what it is: Michelle Goldberg

(Newser) - When did the right discover racism? Apparently, earlier this week, when Herman Cain was attacked for sex harassment accusations against him , notes Michelle Goldberg in the Daily Beast . Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh , and Donald Trump are all singing the same different tune now that, as Coulter calls Cain, one of...

George Will Really Doesn't Like Mitt Romney

Conservatism has sunk to this? he asks

(Newser) - George Will's Sunday column in the Washington Post isn't out yet, but Politico's Playbook has an early snippet that makes clear it won't be welcome reading in the Mitt Romney household. He calls Romney a "recidivist reviser of his principles who is not only becoming...

Liberals Are &#39;Bittersoft&#39;
 Liberals Are 
william kristol

Liberals Are 'Bittersoft'

William Kristol coins a phrase, with help from President Obama

(Newser) - President Obama's recent comment that the nation "had gotten a little soft" reminded William Kristol of the time he said small-town Americans were "bitter" and clinging to guns and religion. "So, according to Obama, Americans are both bitter and soft," writes Kristol in the Weekly ...

Lefties, Righties Split on Food as Well

But everybody likes lasagna

(Newser) - If you like deep-dish pizza, you're a lot likelier than fans of thin crust to have conservative politics, according to Hunch , a taste-tracking website that cross-referenced millions of responses to discover that the differences between left and right don't end at the dinner table. Among its findings:
  • Liberals

Krugman: Conservatism Turns &#39;Deeply Radical&#39;
Krugman: Conservatism
Turns 'Deeply Radical'

Krugman: Conservatism Turns 'Deeply Radical'

Debate cheers over 'freedom to die' prove the point

(Newser) - The cheers in the last GOP debate during a question about health insurance—should society let a sick person who has opted out of coverage just die?—illustrate a point that Paul Krugman thinks has not been "fully absorbed" yet: "At this point, American politics is fundamentally about...

George Bush&#39;s Failure Paved Way for Rick Perry
George Bush's Failure
Paved Way for Rick Perry

George Bush's Failure Paved Way for Rick Perry

GOP wants a pure conservative, not a 'compassionate' one: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Rick Perry is sitting at or near the top of the GOP field mainly because of George W. Bush, writes Steve Kornacki in Salon . But it's not just because of the obvious— that Perry became governor of Texas when Bush defeated Al Gore. "It has to do with...

Tea Partiers Are Terrorists?
 Tea Partiers 
 Are Terrorists? 
left vs. right

Tea Partiers Are Terrorists?

Left vs. right debate includes some charged rhetoric

(Newser) - Today's big left-right debate falls under the Tea-Partiers-are-terrorists meme, and two of the more buzzed-about columns hit the main points:
  • Joe Nocera, New York Times : He blames the debt ceiling mess on the "jihad" waged by Tea Partiers willing to ruin the country. And they're still not

Thomas Friedman: Bring Back 'Sane' GOP of George HW Bush

 Bring Back 
 'Sane' GOP 
 of Bush 41 

Bring Back 'Sane' GOP of Bush 41

Friedman misses the balanced conservatism of yore

(Newser) - With today's Republican Party being led around by Tea Party extremists, Thomas Friedman misses the adult supervision of George HW Bush, he writes in the New York Times . Calling him "one of our most underrated presidents," Friedman contends that Bush père brought foreign policy "deftness"...

Will He or Won't He? Rick Perry Rumors Won't Die

Governor says he'll 'think about it,' but spokesman later backtracks

(Newser) - The Rick-Perry-for-president buzz whipped up again today when the Texas governor said, "I'm going to think about it," reports the Dallas Morning News . It was a marked departure from his previous denials, though he qualified it by adding, "I think about a lot of things."...

Cracks Showing in Conservative Front
Cracks Showing in Conservative Front
dana milbank

Cracks Showing in Conservative Front

Breitbart, others taking shots at each other now: Dana Milbank

(Newser) - Conservatives rallied behind a unified front for a long time, but the strains are beginning to show, writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post . Witness Andrew Breitbart going after Glenn Beck and religious conservatives in the Tea Party; or the dissension in the ranks on the birther movement; or the...

Koch Brothers Fight Back, Still Decry 'Radical' Obama

'Weekly Standard' profile defends brothers 'demonized' by left

(Newser) - The Koch brothers are fighting back against the perception (at least on the left) that they're evil personified. The latest salvo comes via a lengthy profile in the Weekly Standard , which argues that the brothers behind Koch Industries are "demonized" by liberals who see them as "convenient scapegoats....

David Koch: Billionaire Gives Rare Interview at Cancer Center Opening

 David Koch: 
 Maybe I'm 
 Not So Bad 

David Koch: Maybe I'm Not So Bad

Billionaire gives rare interview at cancer center opening

(Newser) - Rather than evilly plotting the takeover of the world , David Koch was busy opening a cancer center yesterday that he gave $100 million to build. It's a cause dearer to his heart than Wisconsin or the Tea Party, the cancer survivor tells the New York Times in a...

Tucker Palin's Sarah Palin MILFistan Tweet Sparks Conservative Women's Ire

 Tucker Carlson: 
 Palin's Winning 
 in 'Milfistan' 

Tucker Carlson: Palin's Winning in 'Milfistan'

Michelle Malkin calls it misogynistic

(Newser) - Tucker Carlson is in deep doodoo with conservative women after an ill-advised tweet referencing Sarah Palin that he posted, then removed, Monday night. "Palin's popularity falling in Iowa, but maintains lead to become supreme commander of Milfistan," he tweeted—and we probably don't need to tell you where...

Ron Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll, Again

He's No. 1 for second straight year

(Newser) - Ron Paul remains the darling of CPAC. The GOP congressman won the annual straw poll at the conservative convention for the second year in a row with 30% of the vote, reports Human Events . Mitt Romney finished second at 23%, and nobody else cracked 6%. Chris Christie and former New...

Pawlenty: Nation Must Move Toward God

 Must Move 
 Toward God
cpac convention

Pawlenty: Nation Must Move Toward God

He also accuses Obama of appeasing the Muslim Brotherhood

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney made their pitches to the CPAC convention, even though a Sarah Palin impersonator stole a bit of their thunder. Some highlights:
  • Pawlenty reminded the audience that the nation's motto is In God We Trust, "and we should stand on that foundation as our founders

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