UN Security Council

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UN OKs Force in Central African Republic

France, African Union will step up military action in unraveling nation

(Newser) - The UN Security Council has authorized increased military action by France and African troops to try to end near-anarchy in the Central African Republic. The council unanimously approved a French-sponsored resolution today aimed at restoring security and protecting civilians in the impoverished country. The authorization is expected to lead to...

Saudis on UN Council Seat: Thanks, but No Thanks

Cites poor response to Syria in turning down its newly won spot

(Newser) - Fresh off winning a rotating seat on the 15-member UN Security Council, Saudi Arabia has made the unexpected move of refusing it, citing the body's poor response to unrest in the Middle East, specifically in Syria. In a statement reported by the New York Times , the Saudi Foreign Ministry...

UN Elects 5 New Security Council Members

But human rights groups aren't happy with some choices

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia and Chad easily won coveted seats on the UN Security Council today, despite criticism from human rights groups that their rights records are abysmal. Nigeria, Lithuania, and Chile also won seats. The five candidates endorsed by regional groups faced no opposition because there were no contested races for...

Syria's Weapons Inspections Start Next Week

Security Council adopts resolution, though it doesn't include penalties

(Newser) - The first international inspectors will be on the ground in Syria Tuesday to start assessing the nation's chemical weapons, reports Reuters . The move is part of a UN resolution adopted unanimously last night by the 15-member Security Council demanding that Bashar al-Assad's illegal arsenal be destroyed. The AP...

US, Iran Hold Highest-Level Meeting Since 1977

Israel not pleased by UN gathering

(Newser) - Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif yesterday sat down with the top diplomats from all the permanent UN Security Council countries, plus Germany—including John Kerry. That made the hour-long meeting the highest-level US-Iranian talks in 36 years, dating back to before the Islamic Revolution, the Wall Street Journal observes. Kerry...

Obama: We Must Talk With Iran

President touches on Syria, Egypt, Israel/Palestine in wide-ranging UN speech

(Newser) - President Obama is directing John Kerry to pursue fresh negotiations with Iran, the commander in chief announced today in a wide-ranging UN speech that also dealt extensively with the US position on Syria and other parts of the Middle East. Obama said that statements from President Rouhani and Ayatollah Khamenei...

US Won't Demand Use of Force in UN Resolution

But White House will keep open possibility of strike on its own

(Newser) - The New York Times reports that the White House is bowing to reality: Because Russia will never agree to any UN resolution that calls for the possibility of military action against Syria, the US won't insist on such a clause. (The Russians already have balked at a draft proposal...

Syria: Sure, We'll Turn Over Our Chemical Weapons

State department backtracks on Kerry statement, says it was rhetorical

(Newser) - Syria is on board with Russia's proposal to put its chemical weapons under international control, Foreign Minister Walid Moallem told reporters in Moscow today. Moallem earlier met with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov today, and says he "welcomes" Lavrov's suggestion, CNN reports. John Kerry appeared to suggest...

Snipers Shoot at UN Team in Syria

Chemical weapons investigation not off to a stellar start

(Newser) - Syria may have given UN inspectors the OK to access the site of last week's alleged chemical weapons attack , but inspections are not off to a great start. A UN rep confirms that one of the team's vehicles was "deliberately shot at multiple times" by unidentified snipers...

North Korea to Panama: Give Back Our Ship

'Aging' weapons due for repair, return: Pyongyang

(Newser) - North Korea is finally weighing in on the seizure of its ship by Panama , and it says the weapons found on board are simply for repair and return to Cuba. "This cargo is nothing but aging weapons which are to be sent back to Cuba after overhauling them according...

Sanctions Slowing N. Korea Down: UN

Nuclear arms program not halted, but delayed, say experts

(Newser) - International financial sanctions and an arms embargo on North Korea haven't stopped the Hermit Kingdom's nuclear arms program—but they have delayed it significantly, says a new UN report. The report, penned by a panel of experts for the UN Security Council, also recommends blacklisting a number of...

UN Authorizes Offensive Force for Congo

Up to 3K peacekeeper troops to get 'intervention' authority to stop rebels

(Newser) - The UN Security Council has voted for the first time to authorize a peacekeeping force to carry out offensive operations, with up to 3,000 troops based in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, reports the AP . The resolution is good for one year, giving the "intervention brigade" the...

UN Approves N. Korea Sanctions

Security Council OKs crackdown unanimously

(Newser) - North Korea's threat of a pre-emptive nuclear strike apparently didn't exactly strike fear in the heart of the UN Security Council, which approved harsh new sanctions on Pyongyang shortly after it convened at 10am EST this morning. The joint US-China resolution passed unanimously, reports the AP , and comes...

Now North Korea Threatens to Nuke US

Threat of pre-emptive strike comes ahead of UN vote on sanctions

(Newser) - North Korea is threatening to hit the US with a pre-emptive nuclear strike, reports the AP , accusing Washington of attempting to provoke war and vowing that it will "destroy the strongholds of the aggressors." If the North actually possesses the technology to carry through on its threat, that'...

N. Korea Threatens to Kill Korean War Ceasefire

As US-China proposal on new sanctions goes to UN today

(Newser) - The US and China have settled on a new round of sanctions against North Korea, and Pyongyang is responding by ratcheting up its usual bluster, threatening to cancel the 1953 ceasefire that ended the Korean War if sanctions go forward and US-South Korean military drills that began March 1 continue....

North Korea to Military: 'Be Ready for a War'

Satellite images indicate nuclear test could come in days

(Newser) - North Korea is stepping up its saber rattling yet again, placing the country under martial law in the run-up to an imminent nuclear weapon test, reports the Korea JoongAng Daily . North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un reportedly gave six orders at an emergency meeting last Saturday, including that "...

North Korea Eyes Nuke Test as Satellite Orbits Normally

Pyongyang unveils photos of launch as world slams the move

(Newser) - Despite initial reports that North Korea's successfully launched rocket was "tumbling out of control," South Korea now says that it's orbiting normally, though what the space vehicle's purpose is or if it's functioning remains unclear, reports Fox News . Meanwhile, the world is lining up...

More Death on Both Sides, as Gaza Assault Rages On

Egypt asks the US to step in before things 'escalate out of control'

(Newser) - Israel continued its barrage of airstrikes on Gaza today, bringing the total death toll up to 11 and wounding more than 100, while a Palestinian rocket crashed into an apartment building in Kiryat Malachi, killing three and injuring several, including a baby, the New York Times reports. It was one...

African Nations Agree: Let's Invade Mali

Leaders aim to wrest northern Mali from Islamist control

(Newser) - West African nations yesterday agreed to send some 3,000 troops to help the country of Mali wrest back control of its northern half, which was seized by al-Qaeda-linked fighters more than six months ago, according to an official and a report on Nigerian state television. The decision came at...

Hillary Spurns Russia's Syria Plan: It Has 'No Teeth'

Clinton: US will join 'like-minded states' if standoff persists

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton heated up the diplomatic standoff over Syria today by saying Russia's plan for the UN Security Council is "without teeth." Russia's proposal, approved in Geneva in June, demands a ceasefire and transition of political power in Syria—but President Bashar al-Assad will dismiss it...

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