UN Security Council

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Russia Accuses US of Bringing 'Nazis' to Power

Accusations fly back and forth at heated UN meeting on Ukraine crisis

(Newser) - Accusations flew back and forth between the US and Russia at a heated United Nations Security Council meeting on the Ukraine crisis Monday, with Russia's ambassador to the UN saying the US had brought "pure Nazis" to power in the country. Vasily Nebenzya accused the US of "...

UN Report: North Korea, Iran Have Teamed Up

Iran denies cooperative missile development

(Newser) - North Korea is funneling millions of dollars stolen by hackers into nuclear weapons, according to a new and confidential UN report, which also points the finger at Iran. The document accuses Kim Jong Un's regime of coordinating "operations against financial institutions and virtual currency exchange houses" to pay...

US Threatened to Veto UN Resolution on Sexual Violence

References to sexual health were removed

(Newser) - A United Nations resolution on ending the use of rape as a weapon in war was watered down Tuesday after the US threatened to veto it. References to sexual and reproductive health were dropped because the US felt it implied support for abortion, the BBC reports. The removed passage urged...

UN Unanimously Demands 30-Day Cease-Fire in Syria

5.6M people are in 'acute need' of humanitarian aid

(Newser) - The UN Security Council unanimously approved a resolution Saturday demanding a 30-day cease-fire across Syria "without delay" to deliver humanitarian aid to millions and evacuate the critically ill and wounded, the AP reports. The vote was delayed for two days to try to get support from Russia, which said...

New UN Sanctions Will Force All North Koreans Home

Any citizens working overseas have to return to country within 24 months

(Newser) - The UN Security Council unanimously approved tough new sanctions against North Korea on Friday in response to its latest launch of a ballistic missile that Pyongyang says is capable of reaching anywhere on the US mainland. The AP reports the resolution adopted by the council includes sharply lower limits on...

Nikki Haley Casts Veto, Decries UN's 'Insult' to US

Security Council called for Trump's Jerusalem move to be rescinded

(Newser) - "What we witnessed here in the Security Council is an insult. It won't be forgotten." Such was US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley's assessment after the US on Monday vetoed a UN Security Council resolution demanding the US reverse its Dec. 6 decision on Jerusalem...

North Korea Threatens to Sink Japan
North Korea
to Sink Japan

North Korea Threatens to Sink Japan

Pyongyang wants US reduced to 'ashes and darkness'

(Newser) - North Korea has made more of the kind of blood-curdling threats that the world found easier to shrug off before Pyongyang stepped up its nuclear program. The "Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee," North Korea's state agency for dealing with the outside world, issued a statement Thursday calling for...

Israel: We've Got Proof Obama Set Up UN Resolution

Says it's ready to hand 'evidence' right over to President-elect Trump

(Newser) - Israel has been voicing its displeasure about the United States' abstention from a UN Security Council vote Friday that called for an end to illegal Israeli settlements. So has Donald Trump, who's vowed "things will be different after Jan. 20th." Now Israel is offering the president-elect what...

North Korea Hit With Toughest Sanctions in 20 Years

UN Security Council votes unanimously

(Newser) - The UN Security Council has unanimously approved the toughest sanctions on North Korea in two decades, reports the AP . Wednesday's move reflects growing anger at Pyongyang's latest nuclear test and rocket launch in defiance of a ban on all nuclear-related activity. The big question, of course, is whether...

UN Starts Down Path Toward Lifting Iran Sanctions

Security council unanimously approves resolution

(Newser) - The UN Security Council today unanimously endorsed the landmark nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers and authorized a series of measures leading to the end of UN sanctions that have hurt Iran's economy. The New York Times points out that this resolution, which was approved 15-0, concerns...

Russia: Sorry, Srebrenica Was Not a Genocide

UN resolution fails in 10-1 vote with Russian veto

(Newser) - Russia has vetoed a UN resolution that would have condemned the 1995 massacre at Srebrenica during the Bosnian war as a "crime of genocide." The Security Council put the resolution to a vote today despite appeals from Russia and China not to vote because of divisions in the...

Afghanistan: ISIS Part of 'Unprecedented Convergence'

Taliban, ISIS, foreign fighters testing Afghan forces

(Newser) - A new offensive against the Afghan government and people is being compounded by "an unprecedented convergence" of Taliban insurgents, more than 7,000 foreign fighters, and violent groups including ISIS, Afghanistan's UN ambassador says. Zahir Tanin today told the UN Security Council that these groups not only target...

Mired Iran Nuke Talks Going to Overtime

Sticking points remain on sanctions, uranium before final June deadline

(Newser) - With a midnight deadline looming, Iran and the six nations it's conferring with in Switzerland have reached a deal—to continue talks for a deal on Tehran's hotly contested nuke program. The nations are expected to release a joint statement today announcing they'll enter a "new...

Why a N. Korea Company Renamed 93% of Its Ships

It's a bid to evade UN sanctions

(Newser) - A North Korean shipping company has renamed 13 of its 14 ships, and there's a devious reason why, according to a new UN report. Ocean Maritime Management was last year blacklisted by the UN Security Council following a 2013 discovery of two fighter jets (among other things) hidden under...

US Ebola Contribution: 3K Military, $750M

'Significant' response will train hundreds of health workers, build hospitals

(Newser) - As part of his promised "scaled-up response" to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, President Obama is expected to announce during a visit to the CDC today that the US will be sending 3,000 military personnel in an effort that could cost up to $750 million over the...

UN Makes Midnight Demand: 'Immediate' Gaza Ceasefire

Prods Israel, Hamas for 'immediate, unconditional' truce

(Newser) - The UN Security Council emerged from a rare midnight emergency meeting demanding that Israel and Hamas implement "an immediate and unconditional humanitarian ceasefire" in Gaza, reports the AP . The UN petition, which accompanied a relative lull at the start of Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr, followed pleas for peace from...

UN Security Council to Meet at Russia's Request

Ukraine's special forces exchange fire with pro-Russian militia

(Newser) - The UN Security Council has called an emergency meeting at Russia's request to discuss the growing crisis in Ukraine. Russia's UN mission sent a text message to reporters saying a closed meeting of the Security Council would begin at 8pm EST today. The Russian mission said it had...

Security Council Unites on Syria: Don't Block Aid

Russia joins in resolution, but strips it of language on sanctions

(Newser) - The UN Security Council united for the first time on a resolution on Syria's humanitarian crisis today, demanding that President Bashar al-Assad's government and the opposition provide immediate access everywhere in the country to deliver aid to millions of people in desperate need. The fate of the Western...

World Paid Terrorists $105M in Ransoms in 3.5 Years

And UN wants the payments to stop

(Newser) - In the past three and a half years, terror groups tied to al-Qaeda have raked in an estimated $105 million via ransom, Britain's ambassador to the UN says—and the UN Security Council wants those payments to end. Though countries are already legally banned from making such payments, it'...

UN Votes to Increase Troops in South Sudan to 12.5K

80% increase as Security Council calls for 'immediate cessation of hostilities'

(Newser) - The UN Security Council has voted to temporarily increase the UN peacekeeping force in conflict-torn South Sudan to 12,500 troops from 7,000, a nearly 80% increase. The resolution adopted unanimously today by the UN's most powerful body will also increase the UN's international police contingent from...

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