
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Denver Parents Find Hooters Girls at Cub Scout Day Camp

And they weren't happy about it

(Newser) - Parents who went to pick up their Cub Scouts from a day camp in Denver were likely excited to hear about their sons' experience, but that excitement was quickly marred when they found out the camp had been sponsored by Hooters, the AP reports. Although pictures accompanying a Facebook post...

Scientists Pinpoint Why US Parents Are Less Happy

In some countries, parents are actually happier than nonparents; not in the US

(Newser) - The "happiness penalty" between parents and nonparents in the US—that is, in which nonparents report being happier than their counterparts—is wider than in any of the other 21 countries researchers have analyzed. Now those researchers say they've managed to pinpoint exactly why, and it all boils...

The Potential Issue With 'Good Cop, Bad Cop' Parenting

'Nicer' parent may not be able to compensate for the 'meaner' one

(Newser) - When a child has an overbearing parent, it's bound to be stressful, and it may even spur a "good cop, bad cop" dynamic between parents. But a new study published in Social Science and Medicine suggests that not only is such severe parenting linked to an increased risk...

Parents' Depression Hurts Kids' Grades

That's especially true for daughters of depressed moms

(Newser) - Having a depressed parent can take a toll on a child in any number of ways, and a comprehensive new study suggests a tangible one: lower school grades. The study led by researchers at Philadelphia's Drexel University found that kids whose mothers were diagnosed with depression had GPAs about...

Cops Called After Parents Brawl During Kindergarten Play

Woman was obstructing the audience's view, says deputy

(Newser) - The show must go on—except when the show is a kindergarten play and parents are brawling in the audience. That was the scene at Hans Christensen Middle School in Menifee, Calif., on Wednesday, reports the Riverside Press-Enterprise . Kindergarten students from Ridgemoor Elementary were performing for more than 300 people...

Parents May Get 'Unsatisfactory' Grade in One State

Gregory Holloway pushes for change in Mississippi

(Newser) - Parents in Mississippi, take note: The state House has passed a bill requiring some teachers to grade parents' involvement in their child's education, KSN-TV reports. Gregory Holloway, a Democrat, says he proposed the Parental Involvement and Accountability Act to improve kids' chances of doing well in school. "What...

Kids With Step-Siblings More Apt to Be Aggressive
Kids With Step-Siblings
More Apt to Be Aggressive

Kids With Step-Siblings More Apt to Be Aggressive

New research establishes a link, but questions remain over why

(Newser) - Kids with step- or half-siblings are more likely to behave aggressively than those who don't have this added complexity in their family structure, researchers at the University of Michigan report in the journal Demography . They studied about 6,500 children and their families from across the country in the...

Women Living With Parents at Highest Rate Since 1940

36.4% of women ages 18 to 34 live with parents or relatives

(Newser) - Is your last child getting ready to leave the nest? Are you getting lonely thinking about your empty house? Never fear: There's apparently a pretty good chance one or more of your adult children will move back in with you at some point. A Pew Research Center analysis of...

Mom, Dad to 20-Year-Old Kid: Happy Birthday, Now Grow Up
Mom, Dad to 20-Year-Old:
Happy Birthday, We're Done
in case you missed it

Mom, Dad to 20-Year-Old: Happy Birthday, We're Done

He's given 'Notice of Expiration of Child-Rearing Services'

(Newser) - When young adults in the US reach the age of majority, they take on full legal responsibility for themselves and can do fun things like vote, sign contracts, and open bank accounts. In Japan, the same milestone means they get hit with rent charges and manifestos from their parents on...

My Untrendy Confession: I Love Being a Parent
My Untrendy Confession:
I Love Being a Parent

My Untrendy Confession: I Love Being a Parent

But it's cooler, these days, to complain: Jennie Yabroff

(Newser) - There was a time mothers bemoaned the fact that people weren't more honest about how hard it is to raise a kid . Not anymore: Nowadays, "bad mommy" bloggers abound, and your Facebook feed is likely "a stream of reposted studies claiming that having a child is more...

Parents End 34-Day Hunger Strike, but They Aren't Done

Chicago protesters plan to keep up fight for 'green tech' school

(Newser) - Protesting parents in Chicago ended their 34-day hunger strike on Saturday—not because they're giving up their battle over a high school in a predominantly African-American neighborhood, but because they want to have the strength to keep fighting. "We decided that we will feed our bodies so that...

Parents Forgive Sons Who Allegedly Tried to Kill Them

'We love them unconditionally'

(Newser) - A Georgia couple say they've forgiven two sons accused of attacking them in an alleged murder plot. Yvonne and Zachery Ervin spoke publicly yesterday for the first time outside Gwinnett County Court. "Those were not our boys that did that to us," said Yvonne Ervin, who still...

Children&#39;s Book Designed to Make Kids &#39;Conk Out&#39;

 'Sinister' Kids' 
 Book Makes 
 'Conk Out' 
in case you missed it

'Sinister' Kids' Book Makes Children 'Conk Out'

'The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep' functions like hypnosis, doctor says

(Newser) - A new children's book isn't just written for kids—it's written to make them fall asleep, and fast. Author Carl-Johan Forssen Ehrlin, a Swedish behavioral psychologist, says he filled The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep with psychological reinforcement techniques to make young listeners doze off in...

Why Parents Should Put a Toy Chicken on Their Heads

Kids can learn the difference between joking and pretending by 16 months

(Newser) - Parents who joke and pretend with their toddlers are doing more than just play, they're teaching them important life skills, researchers from the University of Sheffield report in a new study in Cognitive Science . In fact kids as young as 16 months use cues from their parents to pick...

4 Siblings Orphaned After Parents Die Days Apart

Father is shot after mother dies in hiking accident

(Newser) - When Annalisa Santana was killed in the collapse of an ice cave in Washington state on July 6, she left behind four children. On Sunday night, those children became orphans when their father was shot to death outside a bar, reports the NBC Los Angeles . The kids range in age...

Parents Allege Cover-Up in Son's Death at Clemson

Tucker Hipps died while pledging a fraternity

(Newser) - The parents of a Clemson freshman who died last fall under still-unexplained circumstances while pledging a fraternity say they've waited long enough for answers. Gary and Cindy Hipps have sued Clemson, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and three members of the frat for $50 million, reports CBS News . Their two lawsuits...

Video Begs Chinese Parents to Reunite With LGBT Kids

'Coming Home' film short goes viral in a society that stigmatizes homosexuality

(Newser) - Fang Chao is a young man who's made his parents proud, getting into one of the best schools in China and always "[playing] the role of 'good child.'" That's how the subtitled narrative for the film short Coming Home begins, before diving more into...

To Win Over 60% of Ladies, Charm Mom First

Survey finds 4 in 10 young women might even break up with guy mom doesn't like

(Newser) - Guys, if you want to get the girl, try bringing flowers—to her mother. With Valentine's Day coming up, it's something to think about: Winning over Mom may sound old-fashioned, but it's still a smart strategy in today's fast-changing, app-tapping, hookup-happy world of dating. In a...

Suck It, Barbie: You're Not Most Popular Anymore

More parents want merchandise from 'Frozen'

(Newser) - Bad news, Barbie: Parents these days kinda prefer Queen Elsa and her animated co-stars from the movie Frozen, CNBC reports. A holiday toys survey finds that one in five parents plan to purchase merchandise from the Disney flick for their girls, while Barbie ranks second (for the first time in...

Parents Go to School to Grasp Kids' Math

Students learn math in a new way with Common Core

(Newser) - Think math was hard when you went to school? Then check out new Common Core standards in elementary and high schools, which are so different from "old school" methods that parents are attending school to learn how it works—alongside their children, the Washington Post reports. "The toughest...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>