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ACLU on 'Big Victory' at the Border: 'Tears Will Be Flowing'

Federal judge's orders reunification of separated migrant families must happen within 30 days

(Newser) - The ACLU claimed a "big victory" Tuesday in its fight with the Trump administration to reunite families separated at the border. "These families thought they might never see each other again. Tonight's court ruling will change lives," the ACLU tweeted on a federal judge's preliminary...

Parents Love Teacher's Post About Awful Parents

Texas middle school teacher Julie Marburger parents, kids are behaving badly

(Newser) - Julie Marburger had had it—and then she reached a new level of fed-up. The 45-year-old Texas middle school teacher has decided to give up teaching at the end of the school year, but in a March 28 Facebook post , she writes that she didn't know if she would...

Melania's Parents Under Scrutiny As Trump Blasts 'Chain Migration'

How did Viktor and Amalija Knavs come to gain legal residency in the US?

(Newser) - President Trump has railed against so-called "chain migration"—more commonly called family reunification, the visa process by which green card holders or legal residents in the US can bring family members over from their home countries, per NPR —but now the focus is turning to how the...

Parents Demand Answers on 'Missing' Daughter Found Years Ago

Crissita Cage-Toaster's body was found in March 2010; her parents just found out last month

(Newser) - Almost eight years after their daughter's car was found abandoned in Detroit, a Georgia couple held out hope that the missing woman would be found alive. It was hope that should've been dashed within months. The body of Crissita Cage-Toaster was pulled from the Detroit River in March...

N. Korea's Spies Took Her in '77. Trump Wants to Help Find Answers

President to meet with parents of Japan's Megumi Yokota, snatched at age 13 to serve as tutor

(Newser) - Forty years ago, a Japanese teen was abducted while walking home, one of at least 17 people kidnapped by North Korea in the '70s and '80s to serve as language and cultural tutors to the nation's spies. Now, President Trump has plans to meet with Megumi Yokota'...

Attempted-Bombing Suspect's Family Is 'Flabbergasted' at FBI

Jerry Drake Varnell's parents says he has schizophrenia—and FBI took advantage

(Newser) - The family of the Oklahoma man accused of plotting to blow up a bank says they're "heartbroken" but stand by Jerry Drake Varnell—who got caught up in a situation spurred by his mental illness and only made possible with aid from the FBI. NewsOK posts a statement...

Charlie Gard's Parents Fighting One Last Battle

To bring him home to die

(Newser) - Charlie Gard's death seems inevitable, but what is yet to be decided is how it will occur, with the infant's parents and London's Great Ormond Street Hospital still at odds. A lawyer says Connie Yates and Chris Gard, who on Monday ended their legal battle to move...

Cops: Parents Rubbed Painkiller on Newborn's Gums to Mask Addiction

Three of four kids tested positive for meth

(Newser) - A 3-month-old girl who tested positive for meth, heroin, and morphine was allegedly dosed with a painkiller by her parents hours after her April 9 birth to mask the girl's addiction from hospital staff. The Utah County Sheriff reports that Colby Glen Wilde, 29, and Lacey Dawn Christenson, 26,...

BuzzFeed Out With Damning Report on R. Kelly

Parents accuse him of keeping their daughters in a 'cult'

(Newser) - Singer R. Kelly is no stranger to controversy, and a lengthy new report at BuzzFeed has just served up a huge new portion. The bombshell allegation: Parents say the 50-year-old singer is keeping young women in an abusive "cult" at his various properties and controlling their every move. The...

Seth Rogen's Mom Makes Things Awkward for Him on Twitter

By tweeting about sex. Embarrassing!

(Newser) - Parents are so embarrassing. Seth Rogen's mom, Sandy, tweeted Wednesday that "Falling asleep after sex is like shavasana after yoga.!" and, of course, a bunch of other Twitter users felt the need to make sure Rogen himself was aware of that fact, Mashable reports. That led to...

Good News for Moms Who Opt to Raise Kids Alone
No, Young Kids
Don't Need a Father

No, Young Kids Don't Need a Father

No difference in well-being of kids of single moms by choice, heterosexual couples: study

(Newser) - Ladies considering becoming single mothers may get a confidence boost from a new study out of the Netherlands, which has found no difference in the well-being of young children raised by women who chose to become pregnant without a partner and those from more traditional households. With fertility treatments for...

Ivanka to WSJ: Paid Leave for Parents Not an 'Entitlement'

It's 'an investment in America's working families,' she writes in letter to paper

(Newser) - First daughter Ivanka Trump is defending a White House proposal to mandate paid leave for new parents in a letter to the editor published Wednesday in the Wall Street Journal, the AP reports. In a previous editorial titled "The Ivanka Entitlement," the paper had criticized the Trump administration...

Study of 1.4M People Turns Up Possible Benefit to Having Kids

Those with kids had lower risk of death than those who were childless

(Newser) - Kids may turn their parents' hair gray, but they may also add years to those parents' lives. Researchers in Sweden analyzed data from more than 700,000 men and 725,000 women born between 1911 and 1925, and going back that far was the point: Participants in the study were...

Childless Couples Can Spark &#39;Moral Outrage&#39;
Childless Couples Can
Spark 'Moral Outrage'
study says

Childless Couples Can Spark 'Moral Outrage'

Even total strangers have strong reactions to couples who don't have kids

(Newser) - Be honest: When you see a couple of child-bearing age that doesn't have kids, do you cringe? Get angry? Feel "moral outrage," even? Because apparently some do. Reporting in the journal Sex Roles , researchers at Indiana University say they asked nearly 200 college students to read one...

Firstborn Kids Have Higher IQs by Age 1
Advantage for Firstborn
Kids Shows Up Early
new study

Advantage for Firstborn Kids Shows Up Early

They have higher IQs by age 1, say researchers

(Newser) - Firstborns really do have an advantage, a new UK study suggests. Research out of Edinburgh University finds that there's a measurable IQ difference between firstborns and their siblings, and it shows up as early as age 1, reports the BBC . The reason? Parents tend to spend more time with...

43-Year-Old Who Never Left Mom and Dad's Hospitalized

Police want to know if German man isolated himself or if parents took away his freedom

(Newser) - A 43-year-old man who lived in isolation at his parents' home in Bavaria for three decades has been taken to a psychiatric hospital, and German police are investigating whether his parents did anything wrong, the AP reports. Police went to the home in Freienfels, in southeastern Germany near Bayreuth, on...

Couple With Down Syndrome Fighting to Have Kids

Parents of the engaged pair are against it

(Newser) - Michael Cox and Taylor Anderton just want to tie the knot, have four kids, and enjoy the rest of their lives together, but their families are balking at the second part of the young Australian couple's plan. Not because they're in a Montague-and-Capulet-style feud, but because they worry...

3-Parent Baby Born After 2-Decade Ban

With mom's nuclear DNA, donor's mitochondrial DNA, and dad's sperm

(Newser) - A 5-month-old born using a "revolutionary" genetic technique is said to be the world's first baby created using DNA from three parents since the technique was banned about two decades ago, New Scientist reports. The boy, IDed by the International Business Times as Abrahim Hassan, was born in...

Her Parents Put 500 Photos of Her on Facebook. She's Suing

The Austrian woman says her parents know no shame or limit

(Newser) - It was so funny at the time, posting that photo of your baby's insane diaper blowout. Now, a case out of southern Austria hints at what could happen when those kids grow up. An 18-year-old woman says that her parents since 2009 have posted some 500 photos of her...

NBC Announcer Sorry for Tweet About Biles' Parents

Al Trautwig said the gymnast's parents aren't her parents

(Newser) - NBC announcer Al Trautwig said Monday he regrets tweeting that the adoptive mother and father of American gymnastics star Simone Biles were not her parents, a declaration that angered advocates for adoption. Trautwig had been scolded by a woman on Twitter for not referring to Ron and Nellie Biles as...

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