
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Activists Demand Kraft Stop Dyeing its Mac & Cheese

They say US should get the same version as rest of the world

(Newser) - A pair of food bloggers are taking aim at one of America's most iconic delicacies: Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. Lisa Leake and Vani Hari have as of this writing gathered more than 148,000 signatures on a petition asking Kraft to stop using food dyes in the...

Petition Gets Obama to Back Unlocking Cell Phones

FCC backs legal unlocking, too

(Newser) - It now takes 100,000 signatures to get an official White House response to a We the People petition—and angry cell phone users got more than 114,000 after it became illegal to unlock your cell phone on Jan. 26. That's the day the Librarian of Congress ruled...

Empire: Obama Chicken for Killing Death Star Plan

It's 'obvious cowardice': Star Wars blog

(Newser) - Did the White House just make a grave mistake? After the Obama administration rejected a petition to build a Death Star, the Empire—or its tongue-in-cheek representatives here on Earth—offered a statement, reports: "The overwhelming military superiority of the Galactic Empire has been confirmed once again...

Petition-Weary White House Changes Rules

You now need 100K signatures to get official response

(Newser) - Sorry, but the White House won't be responding to any more Death Star construction requests —at least, not unless they get 100,000 signatures. Yesterday, the White House raised the 25,000-signature threshold previously required to get an official administration response to a petition submitted on the "...

White House to Texas: No, You Can't Secede

Texas, 7 other states told they're staying in the union

(Newser) - White House to Texas: You're staying in America. The Obama administration has officially rejected a petition signed by more than 125,000 people demanding that the Lone Star State be allowed to leave the union, the Houston Chronicle reports. Similar petitions from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, South...

White House: Sorry, No Death Star

Unless anyone has $850 quadrillion lying around

(Newser) - They got the required number of signatures on their White House petition to warrant an official response, but advocates of building a death star won't be happy. No dice, says the White House . Among the reasons: the $850 quadrillion price tag is a wee bit expensive and "the...

White House: Piers Morgan Gets to Stay

Except Jay Carney didn't use words 'Piers' or 'Morgan' in statement

(Newser) - Let's say you're the White House. You're obligated to reply to any petition that gets enough signatures on the "We the People" site—even the one to deport Piers Morgan over his gun-control stance. What do you do? Well, you could issue a statement that never...

Pro-Gun Petition Founder Blows Up at Piers Morgan

'1776 will commence again,' Alex Jones warns host

(Newser) - Things got pretty heated on Piers Morgan Tonight as the host came face-to-face with the man who started a petition to deport him for supporting gun control. Morgan barely got a word in as conspiracy theorist talk show host Alex Jones attacked him as a "hatchet man of the...

Want to Deport Piers? You're Un-American

Tommy Christopher: What's patriotic about having the government silence people?

(Newser) - In theory, the White House's "We the People" petition site is a great way to let Americans interact with their government. In practice, it lets a small number of morons "shame the entire nation before the world," writes Tommy Christopher at Mediaite . The latest example: The...

White House Petition: Call Westboro a Hate Group

Church hit with 5 petitions, others want to yank tax-exempt status

(Newser) - Piers Morgan . Death Stars . And now Westboro Baptist Church. The unusual White House petitions keep adding up, and now not one, but five petitions calling for action against everyone's least favorite funeral protesters have passed the 50,000-signature threshold requiring a response. Indeed, one petition calling for Westboro...

Obama Responds to Gun Petitions on YouTube

Meanwhile, Michelle writes tender letter to Newtown

(Newser) - For some reason, the Death Star petition didn't get this kind of treatment. But President Obama responded personally via YouTube video today to the 32 separate gun control petitions that cropped up on his "We the People" site in the wake of the Newtown school shooting, the Atlantic...

Obama Will Have to Respond to Death Star Petition

It crosses 25K vote threshold

(Newser) - It could be the greatest stimulus project of all time—a Death Star. A petition to start work on the Star Wars vessel by 2016 was one of the stranger petitions submitted to the White House's "We the People" website. But now that the Death Star petition has...

465K Sign 'Dump Trump' Plea to Macy's

Petition hits mogul on sexism, birther conspiracy

(Newser) - This time, Donald Trump's not the one saying, "You're fired." As of this morning, some 465,000 people have signed a petition calling on Macy's to rid itself of Trump as a celebrity spokesman. The petition, at, slams Trump for "sexist behavior"...

Unhappy Voters in 20 States: Let's Secede From Union

They take their request to ... the Obama administration

(Newser) - Forget moving to Canada : Some disappointed American voters would like to stay in the USA ... so long as their state secedes from the Union. The blog Red Alert Politics takes a look at petitions posted to the White House's petitions page by residents demanding just that. Newser's count...

White House: If 25K Sign, We'll Release Beer Recipe

Jay Carney agrees to make home brew public if petition succeeds

(Newser) - Voters have demanded more White House beer transparency, and if enough people get on board, they'll get their way. After home brewers requested a much-ballyhooed White House ale recipe, press secretary Jay Carney agreed to release it on one condition: At least 25,000 people must first sign the...

Shoppers Blast Retailers' Online Anti-Gay Ties

Petitions prompt Microsoft, Apple to cut connection to charity group

(Newser) - Apple, Microsoft, and an array of other online retailers have found themselves at the center of a gay-rights battle, the New York Times reports. The retailers have been tied to an Internet marketer, the Charity Giveback Group, that receives a commission when it sends the retailers an online customer. There'...

Wis. Republican Left District to Live With Mistress: Wife

And she'll sign the petition to get him fired

(Newser) - Protesters who showed up at the home of a prominent GOP Wisconsin state senator got a little scoop from his wife: Not only was Randy Hopper not home, she said, he also doesn't live there anymore, and in fact doesn't live in his district—owing to the fact that he's...

Iran: Carla Bruni Is a Prostitute

Attack follows petition calling for release of woman

(Newser) - An Iranian newspaper controlled by the government has called French First Lady Carla Bruni and actress Isabelle Adjani "prostitutes" in an editorial slamming them for signing a petition calling for the release of a woman who has been sentenced to death by stoning for adultery. Iranian state TV also...

Stars on Ice: Skater Weir 'Not Family Friendly'
 Stars on Ice: 
 Skater Weir 
 'Not Family Friendly' 

Stars on Ice: Skater Weir 'Not Family Friendly'

All-star tour doesn't want US Olympian

(Newser) - The outfit that trots out figure-skating notables for its regular Stars on Ice tour has proclaimed notably flamboyant American Olympic Johnny Weir “not family friendly” and refuse to have him along, sources tell a blogger for GLAAD (the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation). Weir hasn’t publicly stated...

Web Protests Win Surprise Traction in China

Some fear official tolerance is surveillance in disguise

(Newser) - The usually repressive Chinese government has been surprisingly tolerant of—and even responsive to—a wave of Internet petitions protesting local injustices and corruption. Online campaigns have gotten accused killers freed, officials fired, and charges dropped against a motorist who cut off his own finger to protest police entrapment, then...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>